Integrated Reservoir Characterization of the Entrada Erg-margin Gas Play,
Recent discovery of high-BTU gas-charged Jurassic reservoirs
in the North Hill Creek/Flat Rock (NHC/FR) Field, southern
Outcrop and log analyses are integrated with seismic attribute
maps of the Entrada section from a 3D seismic survey acquired by Wind
River Resources over the NHC/FR Field. Relative to important reservoir
considerations, our study indicates: 1- eolian-influenced
facies have porosities greater than 23 percent, 2-
water table fluctuations during dune development affect reservoir quality, and
3- erg-margin, reservoir quality sandstone bodies can be offset vertically and
isolated from each other.
Reservoir characterization studies of the outcrop include; photomosaics, identification of facies
and potential baffles and barriers, porosity/permeability analysis
, sedimentary
petrology, grain size
, and measured sections including scintillometer logs. Strike- and dip-oriented, high
resolution 2D seismic reflection profiles were shot in an attempt to understand
the 3D architecture of