--> Detailed Stratigraphic Delineation Using 3D Volume Interpretation: A Case Study from the Uinta Basin, Utah
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Detailed Stratigraphic Delineation Using Previous Hit3DNext Hit Volume Interpretation: A Case Study from the Uinta Basin, Utah

R. William Keach, II, Landmark and Brigham Young University, Houston, TX 77042, phone: 713-839-2455, fax: 713-839-2403, [email protected], Paul Harrison, Fall-Line Exploration, Inc, Dallas, CO, and Denise Harrison, Fall-Line Exploration, Inc, Dillon, CO.

Gas sand delineation in the absence of “bright spots” poses significant challenges to the interpreter. Lacustrine channels and deltas though typically thin can be productive reservoirs. However, such gas charged sands often have a low amplitude seismic response making them difficult to identify and map using traditional seismic methods. New workflows leverage innovative delineation technology within a Previous Hit3DNext Hit volume interpretation environment to reveal reservoir details not seen with traditional methods. Interactive well planning and the calibration of Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic with well and production Previous HitdataTop reduces risk and increases drilling confidence. In this presentation, an active onshore exploration project from the Uinta Basin is used to highlight the streamlined nature of this workflow and how gas-charged sands are being reliably identified and drilled today. Additional examples from other basins will also be used to highlight other recent advances.