--> Using Production History and Field Characteristics to Quantify the Influence of Geologic and Engineering Attributes on Reservo
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Using Production History and Field Characteristics to Quantify the Influence of Geologic and Engineering Attributes on Reservoir Performance in Wyoming Oil Fields

J. Previous HitMichaelTop Boyles1, Klaas van ’t Veld2, Brian F. Towler2, and Charles F. Mason2. (1) Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute, University of Wyoming, Dept. 4068, 1000 E. University Ave, Laramie, WY 82071, phone: 307 766-2554, [email protected], (2) Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute, University of Wyoming

The University of Wyoming's Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute is studying Wyoming oil fields to better understand past performance in order to assist operators with (1) predicting future production and (2) improving the efficiency of their oil production practices. The primary goal of this research is to quantify the impact that various geologic and engineering attributes have on field production. Through an advanced statistical approach to the classic decline-curve analysis of oil field production, the impact of factors such as reservoir type, porosity, permeability, fracture intensity, drive mechanism and oil viscosity is being investigated. Initial work is being done on fields in the Powder River Basin to test and refine the technique. Expected benefits include the ability to estimate how a reservoir should have performed, based upon the production performance of its peers. This should allow operators to identify which of their fields are underperforming and hence are candidates for additional study to discover the nature of deleterious factors. Additionally, the statistical analysis should allow the grouping of fields based upon production characteristics. EOR scoping models based upon these groups should allow operators to determine if their reservoirs are potential EOR candidates and worthy of additional study.