--> AAPG Research Conference, June 18, 2005, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; #90043 (2005)
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AAPG Research Conference

Origin of Previous HitPetroleumNext Hit

June 18, 2005, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Search and Discovery Article #90043 (2005)
Posted July 26, 2005

Note: Items preceded by asterisks(*) designate extended abstracts, most with illustrations.


*Two Models of the Middle Devonian Previous HitPetroleumNext Hit Previous HitSystemNext Hit in the Volgograd Region: the Pros and Cons
by Leonid Anissimov and Stanislav Chizhov

The Complementary Roles of Kinetics and Thermodynamics in the Generation and Preservation of Oil and Gas
by Colin Barker

Origin of High Helium Concentrations in Dry Gas by Water Fractionation
by Alton A. Brown

Abiogenic Previous HitPetroleumNext Hit Generated by Serpentinization of Oceanic Mantellic Rocks
by J. L. Charlou, J. P. Donval, P. Jean-Baptiste, D. Levaché, Y. Fouquet, J. P. Foucher, and P. Cochonat

*The Previous HitPetroleumNext Hit Previous HitSystemNext Hit Paradigm and the Biogenic Origin of Oil and Gas
by Wallace G. Dow

Hydrocarbons in Deep Water: A Brief Review of Some DSDP/ODP/IODP Results
by Martin Hovland, Barry Katz, and George Claypool

*Hydrides and Anhydrides
by C. Warren Hunt

From Source to Reservoir – the Generation and Migration Process
by Barry J. Katz

*Hydrothermal Hydrocarbons
by Stanley B. Keith and Monte M. Swan

*Juvenile Previous HitPetroleumNext Hit Pathway: From Fluid Inclusions via Tectonic Pathways to Oil Fields
by Alexander A. Kitchka

*Previous HitPetroleumTop: To Be Or Not To Be Abiogenic
by M. R. Mello and J. M. Moldowan

*Isotopic and Chemical Composition of Natural Gas from the Potato Hills Field, Southeastern Oklahoma: Evidence for an Abiogenic Origin?
Jeffrey Seewald and Jean Whelan

Trace Element Evidence for Major Contribution to Commercial Oils by Serpentinizing Mantle Peridotites
by Peter Szatmari, Tereza Cristina Oliveira Da Fonseca, and Norbert Fritz Miekeley

*Conceptions and Indicators of the Abiogenic Oil and Gas Origin and Its Significance
by B. M. Valyaev, S. A. Leonov, G. A. Titkov, and M. Yu. Chudetsky

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