--> An Integrated Approach to Incorporate Intraplate Stress, Lithospheric Memory and Slip Tendency Into Models for Fault Zone Perm
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An Integrated Approach to Incorporate Intraplate Stress, Lithospheric Memory and Slip Tendency Into Models for Previous HitFaultNext Hit Zone Permeability


Worum, G.1, J.D. Van Wees2, A. Gartrell3, F. Mulders2, S.A.P.L. Cloetingh4 (1) Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary (2) TNO, Utrecht, Netherlands (3) CSIRO, Bentley, Australia (4) Free University, Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit), Amsterdam, Netherlands


In the past decade, a variety of methodologies have been developed for the characteri­zation of Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone permeability. Analysis techniques estimate Previous HitfaultNext Hit permeability parameters from Shale Gauge Ratio (SGR) and Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone thickness. However, as recently shown for the Timor Sea, SGR based Previous HitfaultNext Hit transmissibility fails to explain leakage. Here, a new fill-spill model has been produced for the Skua Oil Field that challenges the importance of Mio-Pliocene Previous HitfaultNext Hit reactivation as the principal control on trap integrity. Integration of contempo­rary and palaeo-fluid-flow indicators within a 3D structural framework, guided by 3D struc­tural restoration, highlighted the important role of pre-existing Previous HitfaultNext Hit intersections. The Timor Sea case demonstrated that Previous HitfaultNext Hit reactivation can act as the principal control on Previous HitfaultNext Hit per­meability through the formation and opening of fractures in the Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone.

Based on the insights from this case study we developed an integrative model for qual­ititatively assessing formation and opening of fractures, which take as input parameters: (1) evolution of the stress field, (2) Previous HitfaultNext Hit slip tendency and Previous HitfaultNext Hit displacement and (3) Previous HitfaultNext Hit size, shape and linkage. It is demonstrated that the integration of these factors can easily be incorporated in the standard workflow of building 3D geological models for exploration and production. Predicted Previous HitfaultNext Hit fracture density magnitudes are qualitative and subject to many uncertainties, which will be discussed. Of particular importance is knowledge on the stress history and lithospheric memory (e.g. pre-existing Previous HitfaultNext Hit size), making particular Previous HitfaultNext Hit zones more prone to Previous HitfaultNext Hit reactivation and Previous HitfaultTop fracturization than others.