--> Britannia Satellites Phase One—Combining Mature, Stratigraphically Distinct Discoveries Through a Multi Field Development, Out
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Britannia Satellites Previous HitPhaseNext Hit One—Combining Mature, Stratigraphically Distinct Discoveries Through a Multi Field Development, Outer Moray Firth, United Kingdom Continental Shelf


Tucker, Steve, Paul McQuillan, Kim Watson, ConocoPhillips (UK) Ltd, Aberdeen, United Kingdom


The Britannia Satellites Previous HitPhaseTop 1 Development involves the development of two relative­ly small fields in the Outer Moray Firth of the UKCS. The two fields are known as Callanish, an oil field with a gas cap, and Brodgar a Gas Condensate Field, The Fields are located with­in a 40 km radius of the Britannia Platform, through which the hydrocarbons will be export­ed. Due to the complex technical issues around their definition, their size and the commer­cial situation it was only in December 2003 that a Field development plan gained sanction. This paper will focus primarily on the resolution of the technical GG&RE issues that finally allowed the project to go forward.

The Callanish Field comprises two mappable accumulations: a main field area, discov­ered by the 15/29b-12 Finder well in 1999, and an untested Outlier separated from the main accumulation by a structural saddle. The main field area was appraised in 2000 by the 15/29b-13 well. The reservoir is a complex Forties Sandstone channel system of late Palaeocene age.

The Brodgar Field is a gas-condensate accumulation. The Field was discovered by the 21/3a- 4 well in 1985 and subsequently appraised in 2000 by the 21/3a- 7 well. The Brodgar accumulation is a northwest-southeast trending compressional ridge in the South Buchan Graben. The reservoir is the Lower Cretaceous Kopervik Sandstone which has 3 way dip clo­sure bounded on the northeast by a stratigraphic seal against the footwall of the Rattray vol­canic high.