Diagenesis and
Reservoir Characterization of Ordovician Yeomen Carbonate Rocks,
Southeastern Saskatchewan,
Qing, Hairuo,
University of
Dolostones occur
as main reservoirs in the Ordovician Yeomen carbonate in
Saskatchewan. Three types of dolomite were identified
in the Yeomen Formation: 1) dolomitized burrow mottling that is widespread in
the entire formation; 2) dolomitized host carbonate matrix preferentially in
the upper 50 meters of the formation; and 3) minor saddle dolomite cement in
vugs and fractures. The reservoirs display a great degree of heterogeneity
related to the burrow texture and dolomitization. The hydrocarbons are produced
primarily from dolostone reservoirs, indicating that dolomitization has played
a major role in forming reservoir quality porosity. The preferential
dolomitization of burrow mottling and its widespread occurrence suggest that
burrow mottling was likely dolomitized contemporaneously in a normal marine
environment by seawater. The dolomitization could be related to the activities
of the burrowing organisms, which created a better permeability in the
burrowing network. This would have facilitated the fluid flows in the burrow
networks and responsible for the preferential dolomitization of burrow
mottling. The dolomite in the host matrix is interpreted to have occurred at
very shallow burial (ten’s of meters) by evaporitic seawater during
precipitation of
Alma anhydrite because the vertical and
of matrix dolomite is closely related to the
Alma anhydrite. The trace amount of saddle
dolomite cement is probably related to cannibalization of earlier replacement
dolomite through chemical compaction during the deep burial as indicated by
their low oxygen isotopic values and high homogenization temperatures.