Physical Modeling of Gravity Spreading Induced by Fluid Overpressure Varying in Space and Time
Mourgues, Regis, Bruno Vendeville, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille I, Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France
Many deep-sea fans are underlain by a mechanically weak décollement layer or detachment made of salt or overpressured shale. Loading of the margin by clastic sediments causes gravity spreading of the
overburden characterized by proximal extension and distal shortening.
Traditionally, analog modelers have assumed that shale-detached systems
similarly to salt
and thus have used viscous polymers to simulate overpressured shale. There are, however, some fundamental
differences between the two. Rocksalt’s low viscosity
is due to its mineralogical properties, whereas shale’s strength depends on the
-fluid pressure and therefore may vary through time and space. As a margin progrades, the front of
-fluid pressure advances
seaward and parts of the overburden that were previously fixed may start to
deform. Likewise, lateral (i. e., parallel to the
margin) shifts of regional depocenters can cause
shifts in the area of active gravity tectonics. We present results from a
series of analogue experiments based on a new technical design that allowed us
to simulate changes in
-fluid pressure in space and time during syndepositional gravity spreading of a deep-sea fan.