Basement Control
on Structural
Styles and Sediment Pathways of Southeast Brazil Atlantic Margin
Basins (
Milani, E.J., J.A.B. Oliveira, J. L. Dias, P. Szatmari, J.A. Cupertino, Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
marginal basins (structural
features. The Precambrian domains crop
out along the SE Brazilian coastal region and are interpreted as part of a
transform plate margin where dextral transpressive
motion was dominant during Late Proterozoic.
framework took advantage of preexisting weakness zones and its general SW-NE
trend reflects this inheritance. Towards the north, the SW-NE Precambrian
fabric deflects and assumes a N-S trend. The
highs and depocenters during rifting. NW-SE-trending
transversal zones represent first order tectonic elements in the basin. The Espírito Santo basin was accommodated in a general N-S
direction that runs towards NE-Brazil. Sediment pathways responsible for
transferring large amount of sand to deepwater settings were strongly
influenced by preexisting
features. Such view of basement tectonics
that takes into account
Proterozoic and Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution,
provided by grav-mag data interpretation
coupled with
outcrop studies integrated with a large regional
assessment via seismic
allows for a more straightforward
and a better control in forecasting hydrocarbon-bearing