Monte Enoc Field, Southern
Mazzucchelli, Davide, Rosa Atena, Federico Cappanera, Stefano Mantica, ENI E&P, San Donato Milanese, Italy
Monte Enoc is a part of the Monte Alpi-Monte Enoc field in the
complex geological setting of Val d’Agri area. It is
a carbonate reservoir composed of lithologies ranging
in age from Middle Cretaceous to Miocene where the main productive intervals
are related to fractured zones. The analysis
of M.Enoc
Area in terms of fractures distribution and their hydraulic parameters has been
performed using Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN) according to ENI-E&P
methodological approach, focused on understanding possible relations between
geological features, fractures and observed flow patterns.
The geological complexity of the field and the consequent
uncertainties required the integration of information derived from seismic,
image log interpretations, petrophysics measurements
and production data for the construction of three different possible static
scenarios, related to different hypothesis of fractures generation and
distribution (Geometrical
, Fault related, Stress Field related).
Each “conceptual model” has been ranked according to its
capability to reproduce the pressure response of a Long Production Test
simulated using a Finite Element code and an optimization loop. This consists
in calibrating the hydraulic parameters, such as fracture porosity and permeability,
in the attempt to minimize the mismatch between the simulated and measured
Once the most
suitable conceptual model has been established, it is possible to upscale the
static and dynamic properties to be used in a ‘dual porosity’ dynamic simulation
model. This integrated workflow has been applied to the static and dynamic
characterization of M. Enoc area and has led to a
better definition of the productive mechanism at field scale.