--> Influence of Multiple Detachment Levels on Structural Styles in the Deep and Ultra-Deepwater West Niger Delta
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Influence of Multiple Detachment Levels on Structural Styles in the Deep and Ultra-Deepwater West Niger Delta


Briggs, Sepribo Eugene, Richard J. Davies, Joe Cartwright, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom


We interpret recently acquired 2D and 3D seismic data shot over the contractional domain of the deepwater west Niger delta to document clear evidence that during its gravi­tational collapse, multiple detachments have been active. The detachments are located with­in the Agbada and Akata Formations and result in the development of two different thrust related fold geometries based on seismic mapping and quantitative measurements. In the northern part of the study area the upper (“Agbada”) detachment is associated with thrust truncated folds whereas in the southern part of the same study area the lower (“Akata”) detachment is associated with thrust propagation folds. The identification of the two fold styles has implications for hydrocarbon exploration and production in that it impacts trap geometry, location, size, depth and vertical extent.