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Identification Criteria of the Dzikow Sandstones on the Basis of Its Geophysical Signatures (Carpathian Foredeep, Poland)

Edyta Frankowicz, AGH University of Science and Technology; Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection; Department of Geophysics, Cracow, Poland, [email protected]


The Carpathian Foredeep is very significant gas and oil province in Poland. The Miocene succession of the Carpathian Foredeep is divided into two parts by upper Badenian evaporites unit. In supra-evaporite unit, characterized by varied facies, almost all relevant oil and gas reservoirs are located.

The subject of this study is the Dzikow Sandstones which are located within the supra-evaporite unit of the Carpathian Foredeep and consist of fine-grained quartz arenites forming four thick, massive units. This gas-prone turbidite deposit is very interesting because of its specific lithology and opposite polarity in relation to the main basin-fill increments.

The aim of the research is a complex analysis of all geophysical and geological data to reconstruct exact extent and depositional environment of the Dzikow Sandstones. In order to do it several steps should be taken: (1) tying well logging to the seismic data using synthetic seismograms, (2) chronostratigraphic interpretation of well logs and seismostratigraphic interpretation (including interpretation of seismic facies, transport directions and characterization of depositional systems), (3) basic reservoir interpretation, (4) construction of the seismogeological model along a selected seismic profile, (5) modelling of the seismic line using zerooffset Ray Tracing method, (6) full wavefield modelling, analysis of the seismic attributes and seismic inversion.

Exact recognition of such reservoirs like Dzikow is very significant in prospecting similar reservoirs, with not typical polarity. It may throw new light on specific places of oil and gas occurrence where hydrocarbons appearance was not expected previously.