Effects of
Reprocessing on Selected
: A Case Study in the
Permian Basin
FAMINI, JOEL ANTHONY T.1, KURT J. MARFURT2, AND E. CHARLOTTE SULLIVAN3 ,Allied Geophysical Laboratories, University of Houston, Houston, Texas
1 [email protected]
2 [email protected]
3 [email protected]
The Vacuum Field data is characterized by noisy reflectors in vertical sections.
Evaluation of image quality of subtle laterally variable stratigraphic features is greatly
enhanced by the use of multitrace attributes
. The use of
, including
coherence, dip, azimuth, and energy gradients are often effective in imaging subtle and
small-scale geologic features. The optimization of certain data processing steps,
including ground-roll suppression, deconvolution, statics correction, and velocity
analysis can have a first-order effect on the
. At present, we have two
volumes of the same Vacuum survey processed by two different companies. We are currently
reprocessing the prestack shot gathers using an interpreter-driven workflow, with
parameters chosen to optimize the appearance of stratigraphic features as seen on
attribute extractions along horizon slices. We present our findings through images of
faults, channels, and other geologic features in an effort to better understand the
reservoir compartmentalization.