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An Attempt to Extend the Southwest Limits of Jonah Field - Using High Quality Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Seismic to Improve the Structural Definition

Siguaw, Steven G., Damian C. Friend
Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, Denver, CO

The southwest corner of Jonah Field was targeted by Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation for an exploration program to extend the limits of established production found within the Jonah Field overpressured fault block. A reprocessed aeromagnetic survey was initially used as a cost-effective method to image this area (the Yellow Point area). However, the aeromagnetic survey did not provide the necessary resolution to convince Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation to drill a well on their acreage. A 16.11 square mile high-resolution Previous Hit3-DNext Hit survey was then acquired to evaluate Cabot’s acreage position and define the southwestern termination of the two major fault systems that form the trap at Jonah Field.

In addition to resolving the major fault systems, the Previous Hit3-DTop survey imaged a series of smaller faults which caused Cabot to find a partner to drill a wildcat well. The Yellow Point #21-26 well was drilled to a total depth of 11,000 feet into the Ericson formation. The well was subsequently plugged and abandoned in March 2002.