--> Gas Plumes and Their Importance in Exploration of the Cretaceous Rocks of the Rocky Mountain Region, by Forster, John R.; #90030(2004)
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Previous HitGasNext Hit Plumes and Their Importance in Previous HitExplorationNext Hit of the Cretaceous Rocks of the Rocky Mountain Region

Forster, John R.
The Wetterhorn Company, Centennial, CO

A distinct relationship exists between depth and source rocks, verses Previous HitgasNext Hit and water recovered from drill stem and production tests in the Cretaceous rocks of the Rocky Mountain Region. Water decreases with increasing depth, while Previous HitgasNext Hit recoveries increase. This relationship varies by stratigraphic interval from basin to basin as a function of source rock, reservoir quality, and reservoir seals. This is a characteristic of Cretaceous rocks while pre-Cretaceous intervals do not uniformly exhibit this relationship. These phenomena of Previous HitgasNext Hit rich, water depleted deep basins are the foundation of the Previous HitbasinNext Hit-Previous HitcenteredNext Hit Previous HitgasNext Hit concepts. 

However, Previous HitbasinNext Hit-Previous HitcenteredNext Hit Previous HitgasNext Hit regions are not water free regions of Previous HitgasNext Hit accumulation. They are better viewed as hydrocarbon plumes migrating out of the source area into the adjacent rock. The plume can be defined as the migration of one phase (Previous HitgasNext Hit) away from a source area, into and displacing a second phase (water). This plume and the relative saturation of Previous HitgasNext Hit and water are a function of pressure, temperature, and Previous HitgasNext Hit source as well as the porosity and permeability of the surrounding rocks. This low energy source and migration mechanism leaves significant quantities of water, even in the “Previous HitgasNext Hit-saturated” areas. Production disrupts the saturation stability resulting in the production of both phases; water and Previous HitgasTop. The petroleum geology of reservoirs, seals, and source rocks as well as the engineering principles of the reservoir are all applicable to economic production inside a hydrocarbon plume.