--> Building All Purpose 3D Earth Models for Use in Green Field Exploration Settings for Time to Depth Conversion, Pore Pressure Prediction and Amplitude Calibration from Rock Properties, by Chike Nwosu; #90037 (2005)
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Building All Purpose 3D Previous HitEarthNext Hit Models for Use in Green Field Exploration Settings for Time to Previous HitDepthNext Hit Conversion, Pore Pressure Prediction and Amplitude Calibration from Rock Properties

Chike Nwosu
Shell International Exploration and Production, Houston, TX

3D Previous HitearthNext Hit models have become very important in the quest for continued improvement in accuracy of various attributes used in the location of commercial quantities of hydrocarbons especially in green field exploration settings with limited well information.

Starting with the building of high accuracy 3D interval velocity models from seismic velocities and well velocities (derived from check-shots) to the building of pore pressure attribute models and subsequently to 3D rock property models, a cube can be obtained for all purpose, completely integrated sub-surface evaluation work.

Models of different sizes (sometimes as much as hundreds of thousands sq km and involving multiple seismic surveys) have been also been built.

This paper will discuss the methodology of doing this and will highlight several advantages of using laterally varying 3D Previous HitearthTop models. Examples from offshore Niger delta will be presented.