(By Author)
Pacific Section AAPG, SEPM, & SEG
May 9-12, 2004, Bakersfield, California, U.S.A.
Search and Discovery Article #90028 (2004)
Structural and Stratigraphic Re-evaluation of the 26R Reservoir Using SCAT Dipmeter Analysis, 3-D Seismic,
and 3-D Earth Modeling
by John Acord, Bob Reed
The Role of Sequence Stratigraphy in Exploration and Production
by John M. Armentrout
Stratigraphy, Paleogeography
, and Hydrocarbon Migration of the Shallow Oil Zone in Elk Hills and Coles
Levee Fields, San Joaquin Basin, California
by Ariel Auffant, Jan Gillespie, Bill Long, and Michael Clark
Comparisons of Post-Stack Migration and Pre-Stack Depth Migration Results at Elk Hills, California
by Wallace Bayne, Bill Currin
Delineation of Oil Field Brine in Groundwater Using Time Domain Electromagnetic Induction Surveys and Discrete-Depth Sampling
by David M. Bean, James Waldron, and William V. Pipes
Stress-Induced Seismic Velocity Anisotropy and Physical Properties in the SAFOD Pilot Hole in
Parkfield, California
by Naomi L. Boness, Mark D. Zoback
Characteristics of a Shallow Groundwater Aquifer in a Steamflood Oil Field
by Leslie A. Boockoff
Co-visualization: Rapid Visual Access to Diverse Datasets
by Graham Brew, Paul White, and Richard Schnell
Application of Geostatistical Methods to Reservoir Characterization: An Example from the West Coalinga Field, San Joaquin Basin, California
Robert A. Bridges, James W. Castle
Using Microseismic Monitoring Technology to Improve Reservoir Characterization
by Jason R. Cansler, Larry Drennan, Angela Madding, and Tim Gorham
Carbon Dioxide Gas Loss and its Effect on Calcite Precipitation within Oil Wells: Relevance to Fault Cements
by Thomas Carpenter, James Boles
Reserve Evaluation of a Pre-Mature Carbonate Field Based on Integrated Reservoir Modeling
by Jiajie Chen, Hung Lung Chen
Petrophysical Formation Evaluation of Carbonate Reservoirs by Integrating Borehole Images with Other Logs: Analyzing Facies to Define Flow Units
by D. V. (Vivek) Chitale, John Quirein
Santa Barbara Channel: Rediscovering the Value of Old Seismic
by Karen I. Christensen, Marc J. Kamerling
Reservoir Characterization of a Diatomite–Sandstone Reservoir Using Integrated Core and Log Analysis, Lost Hills Field, California
by Michael S. Clark, Dale Julander, and Tom Zalan
Hills Oil Field, Southern San Joaquin Basin
by Luz S. Cobos, Janice Gillespie
San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Issues: Effects on the Petroleum Industry
by Betty B. Coppersmith
Six-Phase Heating Project for DNAPL Mass Reduction at a
Former Naval Air Station in the San Francisco Bay Area
by Helen Curiel-Mitchell, Rudy Millan
Fracture Detection Using Stoneley Wave Reflectivity: A Case History from a Deep Well in California
by William Currin
Improvements in Structural and Reservoir Modeling for Future Optimal Utilization of the Honor Rancho Gas Storage Field, California, USA
by T. L. Davis, M. Kuncir
Formation Evaluation and Imaging in Horizontal Wells
by Naj Dowla
Real Extinction versus Artifact: A Look at the Frasnian–Famennian Mass Extinction Event on the Mid-Continent
by Donald L. Dressler III, Lindsey R. Leighton
Onshore Single-Sensor Technology: Theory and Field Examples
by Mark S. Egan
Tectonic History and Evolution of the Faulting at Elk Hills Oil Field: A Mechanical Study
by Patricia E. Fiore, David D. Pollard, Bill R. Currin, and David D.Miner
Microstructure of the Modern Cold-Seep Clam Calyptogena: Establishing a Framework for Intraskeletal Chemical Analysis
by Christopher N. Gale, Stephen A. Schellenberg, and James P. Barry
Definition of Assessment Units and Methodology for Assessment of Undiscovered Resources in a Well-Explored Basin
by Donald L. Gautier, Timothy R. Klett, Paul G. Lillis, Leslie B. Magoon, Kenneth E.
Peters, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, and Marilyn E. Tennyson
Resource Potential of the San Joaquin Basin: Results of the USGS Assessment
by Donald L. Gautier, Timothy R. Klett, Paul G. Lillis, Leslie B. Magoon, Kenneth E.
Peters, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, and Marilyn E. Tennyson
Reserve Growth in Fields of the San Joaquin Basin: International Significance
by Donald L. Gautier, Timothy R. Klett, and Marilyn E. Tennyson
Analysis of Volcanic Ash Samples Using Laser Ablation ICP/MS
by Elizabeth M. Golob, Dirk Baron, and Robert M. Negrini
Deep Air Sparging—50 to 150 Feet Beneath the Water Table—for Thick Dissolved Plumes
by Nigel Goulding, Steven R. James, and Leslie A. Klinchuch
Stratigraphic Megasequences of the San Joaquin Basin: Origins, Characteristics, and Petroleum Occurrence
by Stephan Graham, Cari L. Johnson
Enhancing Structural Interpretation with Borehole Stress Data from Dipole Sonic
by Steve Grayson, Marc Kamerling, and Lee Swager
3-D Modeling of Sinusoidal Fluvial Channels in the Kern River Field
by Paul E. Harness, Thomas Tran
Geomodeling Computer Frameworks
by John H. Harris
Mineralogy of Quaternary Sediments of the Kern River Alluvial Fan, Kern Water Bank, California
by R. A. Horton, Jr., N. Durham
Modeling the San Joaquin Basin in Three Dimensions
by Allegra Hosford Scheirer
Integrated Stratigraphic Framework for the San Joaquin Basin
by Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Donald L. Gautier, Leslie B. Magoon, Kenneth E.
Peters, and Marilyn E. Tennyson
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the Siliceous Rocks of the Monterey Formation, Central San Joaquin Basin, California
by Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Donald L. Gautier, and Marilyn E. Tennyson
of Lithologies in the Kern Water Bank, Kern County, California
by John Huff, Robert Negrini, Janice Gillespie, Karen Blake, Paul Philley, and Jon
Unroofing of the Pelona Schist, as Documented by Sedimentologic Evidence Along the San Andreas and Punchbowl Faults
by Raymond V. Ingersoll, Clinton V. Colasanti
3-D Geomodeling of the Exhausted Volume of a Reservoir
by David Jefferis
The San Ardo Field 3-D Seismic Survey: Design, Acquisition, and Preliminary Results
by William C. Kempner
Full-Wave Imaging: Acquisition and Applications
by Cara B. Kiger
Skeletal Structure of the Intertidal Bivalve Donax gouldii and the Taphonomic Implications for the Fossil Record
by Mary K. Klinger, Lindsey R. Leighton, and Steve A. Schellenberg
Analysis of Low-Permeability Intervals in a Heavy Oil, Braided Stream Deposit Using a Combination of Core and Log Analysis, Kern River Field, California
by Larry C. Knauer, Robert Horton, and Allen Britton
Calculating Reservoir Fracture Density in Near-Vertical Wells
by Randolph J. Koepsell, Robert T. Becker
High Density 3-D
by R. Malcolm Lansley
San Joaquin Basin, California: Historical Reserve Growth and Developments Since 1990
by Christopher J. Lewis
Lithostratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy of Middle Tertiary Strata in the Subsurface of the Central San Joaquin Basin, California
by Scott Lewis, David P. Brewster
Petroleum Geochemical Criteria for Mapping
the Petroleum Systems in the San Joaquin Basin, California
by Paul G. Lillis, Leslie B. Magoon
Natural Gas in the San Joaquin Basin—Geochemical Characterization of the Petroleum Systems
by Paul G. Lillis, Augusta Warden, George E. Claypool, and Leslie B. Magoon
Land Mammals from the Middle Miocene Round Mountain Silt, Northeast of Bakersfield, California
by Matthew Liter, Donald Prothero, and Jingmai O’Connor
Shake'n L.A.: How Plains Exploration and Production Co. Acquired 21 Square Miles of 3-D Seismic Data in Urban Los Angeles, California
by Dalton Lockman, Steve Rusch, and Brad Clark
Offset to the Morales Unconformity along the Russell Fault, Cuyama Basin, California—Seismic and Stratigraphic Evidence
by Timothy P. Lovseth, David P. Brewster
Four Petroleum Systems in the San Joaquin Basin, California
by Leslie B. Magoon, Paul G. Lillis, Kenneth E. Peters, Allegra Hosford
Scheirer, Carolyn Lampe, and Donald L. Gautier
Understanding Seismic Stimulation Using Lab, Theory, and Field Studies
by E. L. Majer, T. M. Daley, W. C. Lo, and P. Roberts
Functional Morphology and Biomechanics of Chonetidine
(Brachiopoda) Spines
by Brandon Mills, Lindsey R. Leighton
Large-Scale, Coarsening-Upward Sequences in the Stratigraphy of the Kern Water Bank: Prograding Fan-Deltas into a More Extensive Ancestral Buena Vista Lake?
by R. Negrini, J. Gillespie, P. Philley, D. Baron, R. Horton, J. Huff, and J.
Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Systems, Tectonic Framework, and Paleogeography
of the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California
by Tor H. Nilsen, S. A. Reid, and David R. D. Boote
Digital Analysis of Core Images Provides High-Resolution Oil Saturation Data
by Terence P. O’Sullivan, Bryan Bell, and Donald D. Miller
A 3-D Petroleum System Model for the San Joaquin Basin, California
by Kenneth E. Peters, Leslie B. Magoon, Allegra Hosford Scheirer, Carolyn
Lampe, Donald L. Gautier, and Paul G. Lillis
The Oligocene–Miocene Transition in the Tasmanian Gateway: A Palynological Examination of ODP Site 1168
by Jorrit Pinckaers, Stephen A. Schellenberg, Henk Brinkhuis, and Appy
Good to the Last Drop: Impact of 3-D Technology on Horizontal Well Placement, Midway Sunset Field, California
by Michael F. Ponek, Häna Baker, and Carlos Anez
Wave-Equation Demigration and Wave-Equation Depth Migration
by Alexander M. Popovici, Sean Crawley, Biondo Biondi, and Larry Adamson
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Early Miocene Olcese Sand, Kern County, California
by Donald R. Prothero, Francisco Sanchez
Using Satellite Imagery to Detect Hydrocarbons in California and Azerbaijan
by Jay W. Rauschkolb, Eric G. Frost
Community-Level Paleoecology Study of the Imperial Formation in the Coyote Mountains of Imperial County, California
by Cory M. Redman, Christopher N. Gale, Jennifer L. Nielsen, Mary K.
Klinger, Donald L. Dressler III, Lindsey R. Leighton, and Stephen A.
Verification of a Millennial-Scale Record of Hypothesized Water Surface Elevations of Summer Lake, Oregon, by Grain-Size Analysis
by Carol Register, Robert Negrini, and Gordon Hilton
The Petroleum Systems of the San Joaquin Basin: Using a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework to Describe the Origin of Hydrocarbon Accumulations in a Structurally Active Basin
by S. A. Reid, David R. D. Boot2, and Tor H. Nilsen
Scaleable Surveillance Log-Based Reserve Methodology and Tools Employed at the Kern River Field
by Michael Richey, Michael Logan, Richard Cullip, and Anthony Alvarez
Large-Scale, Newly Discovered, Volcanic Debris Avalanche, Donner Pass Region, Sierra Nevada, and its Relation to Underlying Tertiary Volcaniclastic Succession
by G. L. Rotberg, J. C. Fosdick, K. A. Hickling, N. J. Garrison, A. G.
Sylvester, and W. S. Wise
Evolution of the Mantle Lithosphere Beneath the Southern Sierra Nevada–San Joaquin Valley Region and its Geological Expression, California
by Jason Saleeby
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Middle Miocene Round Mountain Silt and Sharktooth Hill Bone Bed, Kern County, California
by Francisco Sanchez, Donald R. Prothero
Mt. Poso Oil Field Keeps On Ticking: Geology, Technology, and Market Forces Drive the Life Cycle of This Giant Field
by Jeff Sande
Cenozoic Variations in the South Atlantic Carbonate Saturation Profile: Insights from the Walvis Ridge Depth-Transect of ODP Leg 208
by Stephen A. Schellenberg, Jennifer L. Nielsen
Variation and Complexity: Monterey Formation Reservoirs of California
by Jon Schwalbach, Stuart Gordon, Charles O’Brien, Bill Benmore, and Cynthia Huggins
Evidence for an Asteroid-Impact Origin for the Ventura Basin
by Jacque Senteur de Boue
Mantle Degassing—A Possible Hydrocarbon Source in Regions of Anomalous Uplift
by Jacque Senteur de Boue, D. Demento, and C. Mg
Effective Assessment Techniques and Remediation Planning for Oil Fields
by Jerome K. Summerlin, Robert S. Skiba, and Eric K. Snelling
Early Cretaceous Evolution of the Northern Great Valley Forearc Basin from Detrital Zircon Provenance Analysis, Sacramento Valley, California
by Kathleen D. Surpless, Stephan A. Graham, and Joe L. Wooden
Petrography of a Foraminite Unit from Railroad Gap Oil Field, Kern County, California
by Brian L. Taylor, Robert A. Horton, Jr.
Growth of Reserves in Large San Joaquin Basin Oil Fields During the 20th Century: Patterns, Causes, and Prospects for the Future
by Marilyn E. Tennyson
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the West-Side Fold and Thrust Belt, San Joaquin Basin, California
by Marilyn E. Tennyson
USGS Assessment of Undiscovered Deep Gas Resources in Lower Miocene and Older Strata, San Joaquin Basin, California
by Marilyn E. Tennyson, Allegra Hosford Scheirer
Natural Hydraulic Control of Petroleum Transport in a California Coastal Stream Setting
by Daniel Tormey, James Waldron, and Matt Carpenter
Multi-Method Detrital Thermochronology of the Great Valley Group and its Implications for Petroleum Generation in the Vallecitos Syncline
by Pieter Vermeesch, Donald D. Miller, Trevor Dumitru, Kathleen D. Surpless, Stephan A.
Graham, and Michael O. McWilliams
Smearing the Sideslip and Other Anisotropy Problems
by Robert Vestrum
Using Interwell Resistivity for Mapping
Steam Chest Development at the Kern River Oil Field
by Michael Wilt, Ping Zhang, Larry Knauer, and Jim Eacmen
Azimuth and Offset: A Survey Design Perspective
by Stuart A. Wright