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Table of Contents

sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Abstract
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Previous HitIntroductionNext Hit
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Sedimentary Basin Setting
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Structural Setting and Evolution
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Stratigraphic Section
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Petroleum Systems
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Petroleum Source Rocks
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Maturity Previous HitModelingTop
Burial History
Paleoheat Flow
Thermal Maturity Timing
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Reservoir Rocks
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Level of Certainty
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Migration and Accumulation
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Petroleum Migration Pathways
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Allochthonous Salt and Petroleum Migration Pathways
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Allochthonous Salt and Petroleum Accumulation
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Conclusions
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)References Cited
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Figures and Tables
sapphire.gif (138 bytes)Authors' Addresses and Acknowledgements