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Authors' Addresses and Aknowledgements

B. C. McBride's current address is HS Resources Inc., 1999 Broadway, Suite 3600, Denver, Colorado 80202.

This research was conducted at the Energy and Minerals Applied Research Center, Department of Geological Sciences, Campus Box 399, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0250, the current address for M. G. Rowan and P. Weimer.

The authors thank the following companies and their representatives for their tremendous support and input as part of the Gulf of Mexico research consortium at the University of Colorado: AGIP, Amoco, Anadarko, BHP, BP Exploration, Burlington Resources, Canadian Occidental, Chevron USA, CNG, Conoco, Enterprise, Exxon, Marathon, Mobil, Occidental, PanCanadian, Pennzoil, Petrobras, Phillips Petroleum, Shell Oil Company, Texaco, Total, Union Pacific, and Unocal. We extend special thanks to Halliburton Previous HitGeophysicalNext Hit (now Western Previous HitGeophysicalTop), specifically to Bob Graebner, John Anderson, and Gary White, for the use of seismic data used in the project. We are indebted to PaleoData Inc. and Art Waterman for use of biostratigraphic data. Software donations from GeoQuest, CogniSeis Development Inc., Landmark, Platte River Associates, and Zeh Graphics are essential to the success of our program and very much appreciated. Special thanks are in order to Bob Ratliff, Jay Leonard, China Leonard, Doug Waples, Fred Meissner, Al Koch, Thane McCulloh, Andy Pulham, Tom McKenna, and George Gail for their support, advice, discussions, training, and input during the development of this research over the years. We appreciate reviews by Mike Lewan, Bill Galloway, an anonymous reviewer, and especially Chris Travis for his particularly thorough review. We thank Jonathan Irick, Jennifer Crews, and Ryan Crow for drafting. Acknowledgment is made to the Donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, for partial support for this research.

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