Mechanics of Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment
Tim T. Schowalter
Primary migration is here defined as the movement of
hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) from mature organic-rich
source rocks to an escape point where the oil and gas collect as
droplets or stringers of continuous-phase liquid hydrocarbon and
secondary migration can occur. The escape point from the source
can be any point where hydrocarbons can begin to migrate as
continuous-phase fluid through water-saturated porosity. The
escape point then could be anywhere the source
is adjacent
to a reservoir
, an open fault plane, or an open fracture.
Secondary migration is the movement of hydrocarbons as a single
continuous-phase fluid through water-saturated rocks, faults, or
fractures and the concentration of the fluid in trapped
accumulations of oil and gas. Numerous mechanisms for primary
migration have been proposed. The main proposed mechanisms for
secondary migration are buoyancy and hydrodynamics.
The mechanisms of primary hydrocarbon migration and the timing
of hydrocarbon expulsion have been debated by petroleum
geologists since the beginning of the science. Mechanisms
proposed for primary hydrocarbon migration include: solution in
water, diffusion through water, dispersed droplets, soap
micelles, continuous-phase migration through the water-saturated
pores, and others. Early workers generally favored early
expulsion of hydrocarbons with the water phase of compacting
sediments. Recent geochemical evidence, as summarized by Cordell
(1972), suggests that oil is formed at depths where the petroleum
source rocks have lost most of their pore fluids by compaction.
On the basis of these conclusions, Dickey (1975) suggested a case
for primary migration of oil as a continuous-phase globule
through the pores of the source rock
. This concept was documented
in part by Roof and Rutherford (1958) who suggested that
continuous-phase oil migration from source
to reservoir is
required to explain the chemistry of known oil accumulations. Gas
accumulations, however, can be explained by either
continuous-phase primary migration or by discontinuous
molecular-scale movement of gas dissolved in water (Roof and
Rutherford, 1958). Price (1976) offered still another expulsion
concept. He postulated molecular solution at high temperature,
upward movement with compaction fluids, and exsolution at
shallower depths in low-temperature saline waters.
Regardless of the correct answer or combination of answers to
the question of time and mechanism of primary hydrocarbon
migration, secondary migration through reservoir carrier beds is
the necessary next step for the formation of a commercial oil or
gas accumulation. A thorough understanding of the mechanics of
secondary hydrocarbon migration and entrapment is useful in the
exploration for oil and gas. Knowledge in this area of
exploration can be critical in tracing hydrocarbon migration
routes, interpreting hydrocarbon shows, predicting vertical and
lateral seal
, exploiting discovered fields, and in the
general understanding of the distribution of hydrocarbons in the
subsurface. The importance of understanding the mechanics of
secondary migration and entrapment, particularly in the
exploration for subtle stratigraphic traps, is illustrated by
McNeal (1961), Harms (1966), Smith (1966), Stone and Hoeger
(1973), Berg (1975), and by numerous papers by the Petroleum
Research Corp. These articles provide an excellent starting point
for a sound understanding of the principles involved. However,
none of these papers adequately discuss the range of variables
involved in secondary migration and how to cope with them. Nor do
they discuss fully the quantitative and qualitative exploration
implication of these principles. A thorough review of these
principles is presented here with input of new research where
If an oil droplet were expelled from a source rock
boundary was the seafloor, oil would rise through seawater as a
continuous-phase droplet because oil is less dense than water and
the two fluids are immiscible. The rate of rise would depend on
the density difference (buoyancy) between the oil and the water
phase. The main driving force then for the upward movement of oil
through sea water is buoyancy. Buoyancy is also the main driving
force for oil or gas migrating through water-saturated rocks in
the subsurface. In the subsurface, where oil must migrate through
the pores of
, there exists a resistant force to the
migration of hydrocarbons that was not present in the simple
example. The factors that determine the magnitude of this
resistant force are (1) the radius of the pore throats of the
, and (2) the hydrocarbon-water interfacial tension, and (3)
wettability. These factors, in combination, are generally called
"capillary pressure." Capillary pressure has been
defined as the pressure difference between the oil phase and the
water phase across a curved oil-water interface (Leverett, 1941).
Berg (1975) pointed out that capillary pressure between oil and
water in
pores is responsible for trapping oil and gas in
the subsurface. A more thorough discussion of capillary pressure
than is presented here is contained in Berg's paper.
To begin our discussion of the mechanics of secondary migration and entrapment and the variables involved, we look at an oil accumulation in a reservoir under static conditions.
Driving Forces in Secondary Migration
Under hydrostatic conditions, buoyancy is the main driving
force for continuous-phase secondary hydrocarbon migration. When
two immiscible fluids (hydrocarbon and water) occur in a rock
, a
buoyant force is created owing to the density difference between
the hydrocarbon phase and the water phase. The greater the
density difference, the greater the buoyant force for a given
length hydrocarbon column (always measured vertically). For a
static continuous hydrocarbon column, the buoyant force increases
vertically upward through the column. Figure 1 illustrates the buoyant
force for a stratigraphically trapped static oil column in a
porous reservoir sandstone. As illustrated on the right of the
figure, the reservoir sandstone is confined vertically by a
caprock shale
and seat
, the oil is trapped laterally by
siltstone, and an oil-water contact is present downdip in the
homogeneous reservoir sandstone. On the left of the figure the
pressure due to the weight of the column of oil (density 0.77
g/cc) and the pressure due to an equal column of water (density
1.00 g/cc) are plotted on the horizontal axis; the vertical axis
is the height in feet above the free water level. The free water
level is the level at which water would stand in a large open
hole. In terms of buoyancy this can also be defined as the point
of zero buoyant force. The 100% water level is the vertical
position above which the reservoir
has a water saturation
less than 100%.
When the pressure of a static fluid is plotted against depth, each fluid will have a particular slope depending on the density of the fluid. The slope or static fluid pressure gradient in psi/ft for any fluid can be calculated by multiplying the density in g/cc by 0.433.
For the example in Figure 1, the static fluid pressure gradient for the water phase would be 0.433 (4.33 x 0.1); the static fluid pressure gradient for the oil phase would be 0.333 (0.433 x 0.77).
The pressure decrease with height above the free water level or the static fluid pressure gradient (as plotted on the left side of Figure 1) is greater in the denser water phase (0.433 psi/ft) than in the oil phase (0.333 psi/ft). The difference in pressure between the water phase and the oil phase at any point above the free water level is the buoyant force at that point. The buoyancy gradient, or the rate of buoyant pressure increase with height above the free water level, can be calculated by subtracting the oil pressure gradient (0.333 psi/ft) from the water pressure gradient (0.433 psi/ft). For the oil and water in Figure 1, the buoyancy gradient then is 0.1 psi/ft. With these conditions, a 100-ft oil column would produce a driving force of 10 psi at the top of the column and a 500-ft oil column would have a buoyant force of 50 psi as illustrated in Figure 1.
An analogy for the upward buoyant or driving force of a static oil column is the upward force generated by a wooden two-by-four vertically trapped in a tank of water. The longer the two-by-four, the greater the buoyant force at the top of the board. In Figure 1, if the length of the vertical column of oil were increased, the buoyant force at the top of the oil column would be increased. Also, in our two-by-four example, the lower the density of the two-by-four, the greater the buoyant force for a given length of board. If the density of the oil were decreased or if the density of the water were increased for a given length hydrocarbon column, the buoyant force would be greater than the 50-psi illustration in Figure 1 for a 500-ft oil column.
Subsurface densities of hydrocarbon and water phases are
important, then, in determining buoyant driving forces in
secondary migration and entrapment of hydrocarbons. Subsurface
water densities generally range from 1.0 to 1.2 g/cc, resulting
in static water pressure gradients of 0.433 to 0.52 psi/ft.
Subsurface oil densities vary from approximately 0.5 to 1.0
psi/ft, resulting in static oil pressure gradients of 0.22 to
0.43. Oil-water buoyancy gradients for the subsurface oil and
water densities usually encountered are generally on the order of
0.1 psi/ft. However, the range of the oil and water densities
that are encountered in the subsurface suggests that there are
vast differences in the ability of oil in different
systems to migrate through a given reservoir
or to be
trapped by a given
Figure 1. Buoyant force in oil reservoir under static conditions (after Petroleum Research Corp., 1960; Smith, 1966).
Gas densities range from as low as 0.00073 g/cc for methane at atmospheric pressure to approximately 0.5 g/cc for typical natural gas mixtures at high pressures (5,000 to 10,000 psi). Static pressure gradients for naturally occurring gas in the subsurface range from less than 0.001 to more than 0.22 psi/ft. The buoyancy gradient for gas-water systems in the subsurface can range from approximately 0.2 psi/ft to 0.5 psi/ft. The migration and entrapment of natural gas in a continuous phase in the subsurface then would vary greatly depending on the gas-water system in question. Gas-water systems generally have higher driving force than oil-water systems.
To quantify the buoyant force for a given hydrocarbon-water system the density of the water phase and of the hydrocarbon phase must be determined. To be useful in exploration these values must be obtainable from information generally available to the petroleum explorationist.
The three main variables affecting subsurface water density are: pressure, temperature, and the amount and kinds of dissolved solids. Figure 2 provides a means of estimating subsurface water densities considering the mentioned variables. In situations where the dominant negative ion is chloride, the chloride-ion concentration scale can be used. For waters that contain appreciable amounts of negative ions other than chloride, the upper scale for total dissolved solids should be used. The chlorinity or the total dissolved solids are generally available in exploration settings as are appropriate temperature and pressure information. Direct measurement of water densities can also be used but should be converted to subsurface temperature and pressure.
The density of oil in the subsurface is dependent on composition of the oil and dissolved gases, temperature, and pressure. Oil or condensate subsurface density can be estimated with workable accuracy if the stock tank API gravity and the solution gas-oil ratio in standard cubic feet/stock tank barrel (SCF/STB) are known (Figure 3). Direct measurements of oil and its associated gas recombined at subsurface temperature and pressure are sometimes made by petroleum engineers. When these pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) values are available, they provide the most reliable estimates of subsurface oil densities.
Figure 2. Nomograph to determine density of formation water at subsurface conditions (after R. E. Tenny).
The density of a gas in the subsurface is a function of the ratio of its mass to volume. The mass of a given amount of gas is related to the apparent molecular weight of the gas. The volume occupied by the gas is related to the pressure, temperature, and the apparent average molecular weight. The deviation in the behavior of a gas mixture from that postulated by the ideal gas law is related to the gas and subsurface conditions through a compressibility factor Z.
The equation used to determine the density of a gas in the subsurface is:
where =
subsurface density of gas (g/cc); m = apparent average molecular
weight; p = absolute subsurface pressure (lb/sq in.); Z =
compressibility factor; and T = absolute subsurface temperature
If the apparent molecular weight (which can be estimated from
gas composition), subsurface temperature, and pressure are known,
the gas density can be estimated by using Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6. The following procedure
can be used to determine : (1) determine the apparent molecular
weight of the gas mixture by calculating the percentage and
molecular weight of each component in the gas mixture (e.g., the
molecular weight for methane, CH4, is 16, as carbon has a molecular weight of 12 and
hydrogen a molecular weight of 1); (2) read the pseudo-reduced
temperature and pressure from Figure
4; (3) determine a compressibility factor, Z, from Figure 5; (4) determine subsurface
gas density by use of Figure 6.
An example is shown on each figure using a gas with an apparent
molecular weight of 23, a subsurface temperature of 200°F, and
pressure of 2,600 psi.
Effects of Hydrodynamics on Driving Forces
The importance of hydrodynamics with regard to oil entrapment
in structural traps has been discussed in detail by Hubbert
(1953). Numerous other authors have since documented the effects
of hydrodynamics on structural oil reservoirs throughout the
world. In thinking of the effects of hydrodynamics on secondary
migration and primarily stratigraphic-type entrapment of
hydrocarbons, we must consider how a hydrodynamic condition would
effect the buoyant driving force of a hydrocarbon filament in the
subsurface. Hydrodynamic conditions in the subsurface change the
buoyant force, and therefore the migration potential, for a
hydrocarbon column of a given height. Buoyancy, as has been
defined for a static oil filament, is the pressure in the water
phase minus the pressure in the oil phase at a given height above
the free water level. When a hydrodynamic condition exists, the
pressure in the water phase (and therefore the buoyant force) at
any point will be different
from that for hydrostatic conditions.
Figure 7 (left side)
illustrates the pressure difference in the water phase of an
aquifer for an artesian gravity-type hydrodynamic condition for
both updip and downdip flow. A hydrodynamic condition will also
affect the water pressure-depth plot for a reservoir (Figure 7, right side). Relative to
hydrostatic conditions, downdip flow increases the slope of the
pressure-depth plot; conversely, updip flow decreases the slope (Figure 7, right side).
Figure 3. Nomograph to determine subsurface oil density from API gravity and gas-oil ratio (after R. E. Tenny).
Figure 4. Nomograph to determine pseudo-reduced pressure and temperature from apparent molecular weight, reservoir pressure, and temperature (after R. E. Tenny).
Figure 5. Nomograph to determine compressibility factor, z, at pseudo-reduced temperature and pressure (after R. E. Tenny).
The pressure-depth plot (Figure
1) was used to study the buoyant pressure for a given
hydrocarbon column under hydrostatic conditions. In Figure 7 and Figure 8, this same type of graph
is used to show how the buoyant pressure of a given oil column
will be different
for hydrodynamic conditions. With upward water
flow through a reservoir, the pressure difference between the
water phase and the oil phase at the top of a given trapped oil
column will be greater than the pressure difference for the same
height oil column in the hydrostatic case (Figure 8). When downward water
flow occurs in a reservoir, the pressure difference between the
water phase and the oil phase at the top of a given oil column is
less than the hydrostatic case (Figure
8) for the same height oil column.
From Figure 8 we can see
that downdip flow reduces buoyancy or migration potential, and
updip flow increases buoyancy or migration potential for any
given oil filament in the subsurface. Transferring this
observation to lateral seal
in the stratigraphic
entrapment of hydrocarbons, downdip flow increases the
of a given lateral confining bed along a migration path
by reducing the buoyant pressure of any hydrocarbon filament
through a reservoir. Updip flow would effectively reduce lateral
in a given zone because the buoyant force for a
given hydrocarbon filament would be increased from the
hydrostatic. In the exploration for subtle stratigraphic traps,
we can readily see the importance of hydrodynamics on the
entrapment of hydrocarbons. The positive effect of a downdip
hydrodynamic condition in increasing lateral
trapping commercial volumes of hydrocarbons has been documented
by several authors. This downdip flow or energy potential can be
the result of either gravity-type (artesian or confined)
hydrodynamic flow or geopressure-type (dewatering) hydrodynamic
flow. Case histories of gravity-type (artesian) downdip flow
affecting stratigraphic entrapment were discussed by Berry
(1958). Hill et al (1961), McNeal (1961, 1965), and Stone and
Hoeger (1973). The effects of geopressure (dewatering)
hydrodynamic conditions were discussed by Meyers (1968) with
examples from the Gulf Coast of the United States where
hydrostatically pressured blocks are faulted down against
geopressured fault blocks, creating fault traps.
Figure 6. Nomograph to determine reservoir density of gas condensate (after R. E. Tenny).
Figure 7. Effect of hydrodynamics on pressure-depth plot of water phase in artesian condition.
Figure 8. Effect of hydrodynamics on buoyant force in oil reservoir for constant hydrocarbon column height (after Petroleum Research Corp.).
It is clear that attempts to assess secondary hydrocarbon
migration and entrapment in a given area must incorporate the
effects of hydrodynamics. Berg (1975) derived a formula for
determining the effect of updip or downdip flow on buoyancy
and/or seal
. A nomograph (Figure
9) has been prepared to provide a quick method of
quantitatively assessing the effects of hydrodynamics on buoyancy
. The data required for this estimate are the
mapped potentiometric gradient (ft/mi) of the reservoir in
question, the dip of the reservoir bed (ft/mi) and the density of
the hydrocarbon phase. The density of the water phase is assumed
to be 1.0 g/cc for simplification.
To read the nomograph, divide the mapped potentiometric
gradient (ft/mi) by the dip of the reservoir (ft/mi). Enter the
nomograph for that value and read across to the known hydrocarbon
density, then down to the percent effect on trap capacity
buoyancy. For example, a structural dip of 500 ft/mi,
potentiometric gradient of 50 ft/mi, and an oil density of 0.7
g/cc would have a 50% effect on buoyancy or lateral
. For these conditions, if the flow was in the downdip
direction, the buoyant force of any oil filament would be reduced
by 50%. The effect on lateral
for any facies change
along the reservoir would conversely be increased by 50%. Updip
flow would reduce
by 50%, as the buoyant force of
any oil column would be increased by 50%.
Figure 9. Nomograph to
estimate percent effect on seal
by hydrodynamics;
assumes water density of 1.0 g/cc (after Higby Williams).
Attempts to quantify hydrodynamic effects on stratigraphic
entrapment by the use of this nomograph or Berg's formula must be
made with caution. First, the construction of potentiometric maps
is not always accurate because of lack of usable pressure data,
structural and stratigraphic complications, etc. Second, the
approach in this paper and in Berg's avoids the effects of the
flow of water around an existing oil accumulation due to low
relative permeability to water within the oil-saturated reservoir
and the change of the potentiometric slope across permeability
facies changes within a reservoir. Another factor to consider in
exploration applications is that the positive effect of increased
lateral seal
in a particular
unit will not trap a
larger volume of oil than for the hydrostatic case unless
secondary migration continues after initiation of the
hydrodynamic condition. Also, the initiation of updip water flow
will not necessarily cause the updip lateral
of an existing
stratigraphically trapped hydrocarbon column to leak if the size
of the accumulation is already limited by spill around the flanks
of the stratigraphic trap and therefore not at critical
Resistant Forces to Secondary Migration
In a previous example we discussed how a filament of oil
released at the seafloor would rise through seawater because of
the force of buoyancy. If the same filament of oil or gas is
required to move through a water-saturated porous rock
we have
introduced a resistant force to hydrocarbon movement. For the
hydrocarbon filament or globule to move through a
, work is
required to squeeze the hydrocarbon filament through the pores of
. In more technical terms, the surface area of the
hydrocarbon filament must be increased to the point that it will
pass through the previously water-saturated pore throats of the
. The magnitude of this resistant force in any
system then is determined by the radius of
the pore throats of the
; the hydrocarbon-water interfacial
tension (surface energy); and wettability as expressed by the
contact angle of hydrocarbon and water against the solid pore
walls as measured through the water phase. This resistant force
to migration is generally termed "capillary pressure."
For a simplified example, visualize a hydrocarbon filament trying to move upward through a water-saturated cylindrical pore (Figure 10). The variables of the resistant force to hydrocarbon movement can be expressed by a simple equation (Purcell, 1949):
where Pd = hydrocarbon-water displacement pressure (dynes/cm2); =
interfacial tension (dynes/cm);
= wettability, expressed by the contact angle of hydrocarbon and
water against the solid (degrees); and R = radius of largest
connected pore throats (cm). The displacement pressure is that
force required to displace water from the cylindrical pore and
force the oil filament through the pore. This resistant force to
migration is analogous to injection pressure as defined by Berg
(1975, p. 941).
A change in any of the three variables in this formula will
change the displacement pressure or resistant force to secondary
migration (Figure 10). The
smaller the radius of the cylinder, the greater the displacement
pressure. The greater the hydrocarbon-water interfacial tension,
the greater the displacement pressure. The smaller the contact
angle of hydrocarbon and water against the cylinder wall, the
greater the displacement pressure. For water-saturated porous
rocks rather than cylindrical pores, Smith (1966) defined the
displacement or breakthrough pressure as the minimum pressure
required to establish a connected hydrocarbon filament through
the largest interconnected water-saturated pore throats of the
. When a continuous hydrocarbon filament has been established
through the pores of the
, secondary hydrocarbon migration
can occur. If the displacement pressure for any
system can be determined, the vertical
hydrocarbon column necessary to migrate hydrocarbons through this
can be calculated. The displacement pressure for any
system then could be of importance in
subsurface petroleum exploration, as the magnitude of this value
would determine the sealing
for a caprock
, the
for a lateral facies change or fault, or the
minimum vertical hydrocarbon column needed to explain an oil show
in a given
Figure 10. Resistant forces in secondary hydrocarbon migration (Purcell, 1949).
In determining the displacement or breakthrough pressure for a
given hydrocarbon-water-rock
system in the subsurface, the
system in the subsurface, the
hydrocarbon-water-interfacial tension, wettability, and radius of
the largest connected pore throats must be measured or estimated.
The range of these variables and methods of estimating subsurface
values for these variables will be discussed.
Interfacial tension can be defined as the work required to enlarge by unit area the interface between two immiscible fluids (e.g., oil and water). Interfacial tension is the result of the difference between the mutual attraction of like molecules within each fluid and the attraction of dissimilar molecules across the interface of the fluids.
Oil-water interfacial tension varies as a function of the
chemical composition of the oil, amount and type of
surface-active agents, types
and quantities of gas in solution,
pH of the water, temperature, and pressure. At atmospheric
pressure and 70°F, interfacial tension of crude oils and
associated formation water for 34 Texas oil reservoirs of
ages ranged from 13.6 to 34.3 dynes/cm, with a mean of
21 dynes/cm (Livingston, 1938). Oil-water interfacial tension
generally tends to decrease with increasing API gravity and
decreasing viscosity (Livingston, 1938).
With increasing temperature, oil-water interfacial tension generally decreases. For pure benzene-water and decane-water systems, interfacial tension decreases between 0.03 to 0.08 dynes/cm/°F (Michaels and Hauser, 1950) depending on the pressure. McCaffery (1972) found a decrease of interfacial tension of 0.03 dynes/cm/°F for a pure dodecane-water-system and 0.09 dynes/cm/°F for a pure octane and water system between 100 and 250°F. Natural crude oil and formation water interfacial tension decreases between 0.1 and 0.2 dynes/cm/°F according to Livingston (1938). Hocott (1938) documented a decrease in interfacial tension of approximately 0.1 to 0.15 dynes/cm/°F for natural crude oils between temperatures of 130 and 170°F. The preceding research documents the effect of increasing temperature on oil-water interfacial tension. The effect is complex, but the general trend is for oil-water interfacial tension to decrease as temperature increases. Extrapolation of the results for pure systems and crude oil and for formation water suggests that, for exploration purposes, an oil-water interfacial tension decrease of approximately 0.1 dynes/cm/°F appears to be a reasonable assumption.
The effect of increasing pressure on oil-water interfacial tension is also complex. For pure benzene and water, interfacial tension decreases approximately 0.3 dyne/cm per 100 psi pressure change; for decane and water interfacial tension increases with increasing pressure (Michaels and Hauser, 1950). Dodecane-water and octane-water interfacial tensions also increase slightly with increasing pressure (McCaffery, 1972). Crude oil-formation water interfacial tension tends to increase only 10 to 20% from atmospheric to saturation pressure (Hocott, 1938). Kusakov et al (1954) found, however, that at pressures above approximately 1,500 psi, continued increase in pressure had no effect on interfacial tension for crude-formation water systems. The data presented here suggest that for pure laboratory systems, increase in pressure can cause oil-water interfacial tension to increase or decrease. For crude oil-formation water systems, the effect of increasing pressure appears to increase interfacial tension slightly and then have little or no effect at pressures above 1,500 psi. In summary, then, the effect of pressure on crude oil-formation water interfacial tension appears small enough that it can be considered negligible.
In attempting to quantify oil-water-rock
pressure, a value for oil-water interfacial tension in the
subsurface must be measured or estimated. Sophisticated
laboratory equipment can measure oil-water interfacial tension at
reservoir temperature and pressure. If this equipment is not
available, interfacial tension can generally be measured at
atmospheric conditions in most chemical laboratories. The results
of atmospheric interfacial tension measurements must be
extrapolated to subsurface temperature and pressure. If no
laboratory data are available for the oil-water system in
question, then an estimate must be made. Livingston's mean value
for 34 Texas crude oils of 21 dynes/cm at 70°F is the best value
for medium-density crude oils (30 to 40° API). A value of
approximately 15 dynes/cm may be appropriate for higher gravity
crude oils (greater than 40° API) with 30 dynes/cm being a
reasonable approximation for low-gravity crude oils (less than
30° API). These estimates or measurements at atmospheric
temperature (70°F) must be extrapolated to reservoir
temperature. It is suggested that the oil-water interfacial
tension value at 70°F be decreased 0.1 dynes/cm/°F temperature
increase above 70°F. A nomograph (Figure
11) has been prepared to estimate oil-water interfacial
tension at reservoir temperature that assumes this linear
decrease. Interfacial tension values at very high temperature and
pressure are unknown and the nomograph lines do not extend below
5 dynes/cm. A recent paper, however, by Cartmill (1976) suggested
that oil-water interfacial tension may continue to decrease at
high temperature and pressure and eventually become zero. He
postulated that this reduction of interfacial tension at high
temperature and pressure may be a mechanism for primary migration
of oil from source rocks to carrier beds and reservoirs.
From inspection of the displacement pressure equation (Figure 10) a change in the
oil-water interfacial tension will directly affect the
displacement pressure for a given oil-water-rock
system. From the
data presented, subsurface oil-water interfacial tension can
range from 5 to 35 dynes/cm. Therefore, the variation of
oil-water interfacial tension could affect the displacement
pressure of a given
seven-fold. This effect is obviously
very significant in attempting to quantify secondary migration.
For example, the
of a lateral facies change or
could change by a factor of seven simply by changing
the oil-water system present in the subsurface.
Gas-water interfacial tension: Methane gas-formation water
interfacial tension at atmospheric temperature and pressure is
approximately 70 dynes/cm. Gas-water interfacial tension varies
with the amount of surface-active agents in the water, the amount
of heavy hydrocarbons in solution in the gas, temperature, and
pressure. Gas-water interfacial tension decreases 5 to 10
dynes/cm/1,000-psi pressure increase depending on the temperature
(Hocutt, 1938; Hough et al, 1951). Gas-water interfacial tension
decreases with increasing temperature from 0.1 to 1.0
dynes/cm/°F depending on the pressure (Hough et al, 1951). The
effects of temperature and pressure on methane-water systems
(from Hough et al, 1951) have been combined in a nomograph (Figure 12) to estimate
methane-water interfacial tension at any given subsurface
temperature and pressure. Estimates from this chart should be
sufficiently accurate for exploration application of gas-water
interfacial tension to gas-water-rock
displacement pressures.
Excessive amounts of ethane, propane, and other heavy gases in
the gas phase will decrease interfacial tension from that of the
pure methane-water systems as shown in the nomograph.
Figure 11. Nomograph to estimate oil-water interfacial tension at reservoir temperature. Nomograph assumes decrease of 0.1 dynes/cm/°F temperature increase.
From Figure 12 it can be
seen that methane-water interfacial tensions start as high as 70
dynes/cm at 75° and decrease to approximately 30 dynes/cm at
high reservoir temperature and pressure. In contrast, the mean
oil-water interfacial tension for 34 Texas crude oils and
formation waters was 21 dynes/cm at 70°F (Livingston, 1938). As
previously documented, oil-water interfacial tension tends to
decrease with increasing subsurface temperature, reducing
subsurface oil-water interfacial tension to roughly 10 to 20
dynes/cm. Gas-water interfacial tensions then are generally
higher than oil-water interfacial tensions for both surface and
subsurface conditions. A gas-water displacement pressure would
then be greater than oil-water displacement pressure for the same
. The high gas-water interfacial tension as compared to
oil-water interfacial tension significantly reduces the migration
potential of gas through water-saturated rocks in the subsurface.
The potential magnitude of this effect is discussed later with
appropriate examples.
Wettability can be defined as the work necessary to separate a
wetting fluid from a solid. In the subsurface we would generally
consider water the wetting fluid and the solid would be grains of
quartz in a sandstone, calcite in a limestone, etc. The adhesive
force or attraction of the wetting fluid to the solid in any
system is the result of the combined interfacial
energy of the oil-water, oil-
, and water-
Wettability is generally expressed mathematically by the contact
angle of the oil-water interface against the
or pore wall as
measured through the water phase. For
-fluid systems with
contact angles between 0 and 90°, the rocks are generally
considered water-wet; for contact angles greater than 90°, the
rocks are considered oil-wet. Water-wet rocks would imbibe water
preferentially to oil. Oil-wet rocks or oil-wet surfaces would
imbibe oil preferentially to water. Although a contact angle of
90° has generally been considered the breakover point to an
oil-wet surface, Morrow et al (1973) stated that a contact angle
of greater than 140° in dolomite laboratory packs was necessary
for oil to be imbibed.
Figure 12. Nomograph to
estimate methane-water interfacial tension at different
temperatures and pressures (black-circle experimental data points
and extrapolated curves from Hough et al, 1951).
Water-laid sedimentary rocks are generally considered to be
preferentially water-wet owing to the strong attraction of water
to rock
surfaces and the initial exposure of pore surfaces to
water rather than hydrocarbons during sedimentation and early
diagenesis. Water is thought by many workers to be a perfect
wetting fluid and a thin film of water would coat all grain
surfaces. If this is the situation, the contact angle for
systems would be zero. The wettability term in the
displacement pressure equation would then be unity, as the cosine
of zero is one. If water is not a perfect wetting fluid and the
oil-water contact angle is greater than zero, the displacement
pressure should theoretically decrease for that oil-water
system. L. J. M. Smits (1971, personal commun.) has done
experimental work on identical size bead packs which suggests
that displacement pressures are only slightly affected by
changing the oil-water-solid contact angle from 0 to 85°.
Similar results were obtained by Morrow et al (1973) on
displacement pressure tests in dolomite packs with contact angles
ranging from 0 to 140°. These data and the general assumption
that most rocks are preferentially water-wet suggest that the
wettability term in the displacement pressure equation can be
considered unity.
If the rocks are partially oil-wet, then the wettability term
can be significant in reducing displacement pressure from that
for the water-wet case. In the subsurface, rocks are seldom
completely oil-wet but are fractionally oil-wet, that is, some of
the grain surfaces are oil-wet and some are water-wet. According
to Salathiel (1972), this would most likely occur in reservoir
rocks where oil has been trapped and the grain surfaces in the
larger pores would be exposed to the surface-active molecules in
the oil phase and form an oil film or coating on the grain,
making it preferentially oil-wet. The pore surfaces at the
smaller pores or in the corners of the larger pores that are not
saturated with oil would remain water-wet. Fatt and Klikoff
(1959) have determined that when a rock
is partially oil-wet
there is a reduction in the oil-water displacement pressure for
that oil-water-
system. They suggested that the degree of
fractional wettability needed to significantly reduce
displacement pressure from that for the water-wet case is greater
than 25% oil-wet grain surfaces.
Salathiel (1972) suggested that surface films of oil can
produce fractional wettability in oil reservoirs. This has been
further documented by Treiber et al (1972) who suggested that in
most of the Amoco reservoirs studied, oil wets the rock
strongly than water. Other rocks that might develop grain
surfaces that are partially oil-wet are rocks with large
quantities of organic material such as source rocks which could
adsorb oil surface-active agents. Rocks rich in iron minerals
could also be partially oil-wet, as iron can preferentially
adsorb surface-active material from crude oils. However, most
sedimentary rocks would not contain enough iron minerals to have
a significant effect on the overall wettability of the
In summary, oil reservoirs and rocks rich in organic matter
such as source rock
would be the main exception to the water-wet
case in the subsurface. The exploration application of
displacement pressure values is generally
directed at
potential of various caprocks, the lateral
at facies changes in stratigraphic traps, and the
migration potential of hydrocarbons through reservoir carrier
beds. The likelihood of oil-wet rocks being present in these
situations is considered remote. Therefore, it is generally
recommended that the wettability term in the displacement
pressure equation be considered unity in the quantitative
application of displacement pressure values.
The third critical factor in estimating the displacement
pressure of a given water-rock
-system is the radius of the
largest connected pore throats in the
. By inspection of the
displacement pressure equation, the smaller the radius of the
connected pore throats in a
the greater the displacement
pressure. The displacement pressure for a reservoir-quality
sandstone would be significantly less than that of a fine-grained
shale. Specific measurements of pore-size distribution are
necessary to quantify secondary migration and entrapment.
Methods for estimating the radius of largest connected pore
throats are numerous and varied. Pore-throat size and
distribution can be measured visually in thin sections
(Aschenbrenner and Achauer, 1960) or from scanning electron
microscope photos. Pore geometry and pore-size distribution can
also be measured by studying pore casts of leached carbonate
rocks (Wardlaw, 1976). These direct measurement procedures have
problems in that they generally only measure one plane of the
and not the three-dimensional relations of one pore to
another. Another problem with these methods is that they cannot
be used effectively on nonreservoir rocks, which have pore
throats too small to measure visually. These rocks are often of
interest in hydrocarbon exploration, as they control hydrocarbon
trapping. Other methods must be used for these fine-pored rocks.
Berg (1975) provided an empirical, mathematical formula for estimating pore throats for sandstones. Estimates from Berg's formula require that the porosity, permeability, and ideally the grain-size distribution of the sandstone be known. Porosity and permeability data are often available from core analyses, and therefore this approach may be useful in many instances. Berg discussed several examples where he used this method to estimate pore-throat size. However, Berg's method gives only a crude approximation of dominant pore-throat sizes for natural sandstones.
Visual or empirical estimates of pore-throat size as discussed
in the preceding section are difficult to make and probably of
limited value. A better approach would be to measure the
displacement pressure directly. This can be done in the
laboratory by injecting a nonwetting fluid into a rock
progressively increasing pressure and measuring the pressure at
which a connected filament of nonwetting fluid extends across the
sample. This technique would be analogous to the secondary
migration of hydrocarbons through a water-saturated
. Tests
of this type are called capillary-pressure tests. Petroleum
laboratories have run capillary-pressure tests for years on
reservoir core samples. If the injection of the nonwetting fluid
is continued incrementally beyond the pressure needed to
establish a connected filament of nonwetting fluid across the
sample, then the entire capillary properties or pore-size
distribution of the
can be determined.
Laboratory capillary pressure tests on rock
samples can use
almost any kind of fluid for the wetting and nonwetting phases.
Oil or gas can be used for the nonwetting fluid and water for the
wetting fluid. Although tests with these fluids would obviously
be the best for petroleum exploration applications, they are
difficult and time consuming. Purcell (1949) developed and
demonstrated the validity and expediency of measuring
capillary properties by mercury injection. Mercury capillary
tests are now standard procedure for most private and commercial
laboratories. Results from these tests can provide valuable
exploration and production exploitation data. Results and
application of capillary pressure test data have been reported in
the literature by numerous authors (Stout, 1964; Harms, 1966;
Smith, 1966; Roehl, 1967).
Mercury Capillary Pressure Tests
A brief discussion of mercury capillary pressure tests is warranted before proceeding. A perm-plug-type core sample or large sample cuttings are placed in a calibrated pressure chamber. Irregular shaped samples can be used in a mercury test because the volume of the sample is accurately measured during the test. Mercury (nonwetting phase) is introduced into the cell and completely surrounds the sample. Mercury then is forced into the sample by incrementally increasing the pressure on the mercury. The cumulative volume of mercury injected at each pressure is a measure of the nonwetting-phase saturation. This procedure is continued until the injection pressure reaches some predetermined value (usually 1,500 psi for normal laboratory equipment). The curve in Figure 13, a plot of mercury pressure versus volume of mercury injected, expressed as percent pore volume occupied, is the result of this process.
Mercury capillary pressure curves such as those in Figure 13 can be used to estimate
displacement pressures, irreducible water saturations, the
thickness of the hydrocarbon-water transition zone, and
permeability. The irreducible water saturation is that percent of
the pore space that hydrocarbons cannot penetrate and is often
called ineffective porosity. This porosity is an important
property of reservoir-rock
In a static oil reservoir as illustrated in Figure 1, the oil saturation as a
percent of oil space will increase upward through the oil column
as the forces of buoyancy overcome the forces of capillary
pressure. As oil saturation increases, the ability of oil to flow
to the well bore increases to the point where water-free oil
production occurs. The interval from water production at the base
of the oil-saturated reservoir to water-free oil production
higher in the reservoir is termed the "oil-water transition
zone." The thickness of the oil-water transition zone will
depend on the capillary properties of the rock
and the fluid
properties of the system. This relation has been illustrated in Figure 14 (after Arps, 1964). Arps
also discussed application of these principles in evaluating
tilted oil-water contacts and the problem of minimum structural
or stratigraphic closure required for water-free production in a
petroleum reservoir.
Displacement pressure, which is critical in estimating
hydrocarbon seal
, has been previously defined as that
pressure required to form a continuous filament of nonwetting
fluid through the largest connected pore throats of the
Purcell (1949) and Thomas et al (1967) have discussed the use of
mercury capillary pressure curves in estimating
The significance of all these capillary rock
properties has
been discussed in detail by Aufricht and Koepf (1957), Arps
(1964), Stout (1964), and numerous other authors. The conversion
of mercury pressure information to hydrocarbon-water pressure is
discussed in detail later in the paper.
The validity of mercury tests to estimate various rock
parameters, displacement pressure, irreducible water saturation,
hydrocarbon-transition zones, and permeability (Purcell, 1949) is
a function of the scale of heterogeneity of the
. If most of
the pores of the
are small in comparison to the size of the
test sample, then the results should be quite good. If, for
example, the
in question is known to be a vuggy carbonate
or a fractured sandstone, where the very important larger
pores of the
cannot be adequately sampled, then the validity
of the results should be poor. Therefore, all geologic knowledge
available to a particular problem should be applied in choosing
samples for mercury tests and in applying the results.
Displacement pressure is one of the principal subjects of this
paper, as it is the pressure which will determine the minimum
buoyant pressure needed for secondary migration. A reasonably
accurate estimate of displacement pressure for various rock
samples is then critical to quantifying of secondary hydrocarbon
migration principles for exploration purposes.
Figure 13. Typical mercury capillary-pressure curve.
Figure 14. Relation of typical mercury capillary curve to distribution and production of fluids in oil reservoir (after Arps, 1964).
For migration to occur a continuous hydrocarbon filament must
extend through the interconnected pores of a water-saturated
. In estimating displacement pressures from capillary
pressure curves, it has been assumed that a continuous nonwetting
filament would occur somewhere on the capillary plateau. This
approach seems quite adequate where the capillary plateau is
nearly flat as illustrated in Figure
15. Note that the pressure difference between saturations of
10 and 50% is quite small and, regardless of the minimum
nonwetting saturation, the chance for error in estimating
displacement pressure is minimal. However, for rocks with steep
capillary plateaus or no plateau as illustrated in Figure 16, the displacement
pressure cannot be accurately estimated without knowing the
critical nonwetting-phase saturation needed to form a continuous
nonwetting filament through the
. This saturation is
analogous to the critical gas saturations required for gas
breakthrough in depletion-type reservoirs containing a spreading
oil. Critical saturations needed for migration have been reported
by Rudd and Pandey (1973) to be generally less than 10% for
shales and carbonate rocks. Additional direct measurements of
critical saturation were needed to determine how accurately
displacement pressures could be estimated for various
from readily available standard mercury capillary pressure
Laboratory Tests of Displacement Pressure
Direct measurements of displacement pressure and critical
saturation at breakthrough were conducted with two sets of
equipment. A nitrogen-water system was used where nitrogen is
displaced through water-filled rock
samples under a confining
pressure. The nitrogen pressure is increased in increments
against one end of the
sample, and the amount of effluent
water at the other end is monitored. A constant and higher flow
of effluent occurs at that nitrogen pressure when a nitrogen
filament is continuous across the length of the sample. A high
pressure (5,000 psi) mercury apparatus was also used where the
formation of a continuous thread of mercury across the length of
the sample is detected by electrical conduction. The mercury
system was superior to the nitrogen system because it was
significantly faster and because breakthrough was distinct and
instantaneously determined.
Figure 15. Capillary-pressure curve with flat plateau.
Figure 16. Capillary-pressure curve with no plateau.
Sandstones, shales, and chalks were used in the breakthrough
studies. Four samples were tested with the nitrogen-water system.
After completing these nitrogen-water tests, the samples were
cleaned and standard mercury capillary pressure tests were run on
the same samples. The measured nitrogen displacement or
breakthrough pressures were converted to mercury capillary
pressure values by using a conversion factor of 5X (Purcell,
1949) to compare the results to other samples tested with mercury
equipment. Five samples were tested with the high-pressure
mercury cell. Results from both techniques are reported in Table
![]() |
The nonwetting phase saturation needed to establish a
connected filament across the length of the samples ranged from
4.5 to 17% of the rock
pore volume. The average saturation for
all the samples tested was 10%. The capillary curve for each
sample and the percent saturation at breakthrough is illustrated
in Figure 17 by the large
"X" on the capillary curve.
From inspection of the capillary pressure curves in Figure 17, it is obvious that a
wide spectrum of pore-size distribution was tested in the nine
samples. The critical saturation for this varied rock
however, has a relatively restricted range, 4.5 to 17%. From this
sampling then, it would appear that migration can occur in most
at a nonwetting phase saturation of approximately 10%
of the
pore volume. These data suggest that displacement
pressures could be estimated from standard mercury capillary
pressure curves by determining the mercury pressure on the
capillary curve at 10% mercury saturation. Sophisticated
equipment as used in these experiments would not be necessary to
get workable values for displacement pressure for any given
The determination from this study that secondary hydrocarbon
migration can occur at hydrocarbon saturations of around 10% can
be applied in exploration. Saturations as low as 10% may be
difficult to detect as a subsurface show in normal drilling
operations. However, hydrocarbon shows with only 10% saturation
may provide important exploration information in identifying
hydrocarbon-transition zones in trapped accumulations and in
defining hydrocarbon migration paths. Another interesting aspect
of these data can be applied to bright-spot geophysics. Flowers
(1976) demonstrated that a small percentage of free gas in a
reservoir, too small to affect the resistivity measurements on
bore hole logs, should produce a strong velocity change and hence
a bright-spot amplitude anomaly. From the data presented here we
can infer that the minimum saturation need for migration is
approximately 10%. Gas saturation values of 5 to 10% are enough
to cause bright-spot anomalies. These gas accumulations, then,
probably represent locally generated gas bubbles that have not
formed the connected gas filament needed to migrate and form a
commercial deposit. Accumulation of this type could occur in
off-structure positions as pointed out by Flowers (1976).
Capillary Properties of Drill Cuttings
In practice, exploration application of data from mercury
capillary pressure tests has been considered limited to
situations where regular-shaped core samples were available.
However, Purcell (1949) in his original paper stated that
capillary properties of irregular-shaped rock
chips and
drill-cutting-size samples can be measured accurately and without
difficulty by mercury capillary pressure equipment. He measured
the capillary properties of two reservoir sandstones that were
broken into drill-cutting-size chips. Permeability estimated from
capillary pressure data by a devised formula shows good agreement
between data derived from
chips and those derived from core
Additional tests have been completed on four rock
samples of
lithologies to evaluate further the reliability of
mercury capillary properties derived from drill-cutting-size
samples. For these tests three sandstones and one chalk were
used. Four adjacent perm plugs were cut from each sample and
numbered one through four. The four perm plugs from each sample
were then measured for porosity and permeability to determine the
heterogeneity in adjacent samples (Table 2). The numbered plugs
for each sample were broken into various size
chips (Figure 18). Standard mercury capillary
pressure tests were made on each plug or group of
chips. The
capillary pressure curves derived from each sample are shown in Figure 19, Figure 20, Figure 21, and Figure 22.
These curves suggest that there is generally good agreement
between data derived from full size core chips and those derived
from rock
chips of various sizes. Detailed examination, however,
suggests that the capillary plateau appears to decrease slightly
with the decreasing size of the
chips. The irreducible water
saturation seems to increase with a decrease in the size of the
chips. The capillary pressure at 10% saturation is listed in
Table 2 for comparison of displacement-pressure estimates from
various size
![]() |
These data suggest that capillary properties of
irregular-shaped rock
chips as small as drill-cutting-size
samples can be measured with workable accuracy with standard
mercury capillary pressure equipment. The smaller the sample,
however, the more likely the capillary plateau and the
displacement pressure estimated at 10% saturation are to be less
than that measured from a full-size perm plug. The
which these techniques would be applicable would be those rocks
that have a scale of heterogeneity smaller than the
In conclusion, capillary properties provide useful information in exploration or production studies, and usable data can be obtained from full-diameter cores, side-wall cores, or drill cuttings.
Conversion of Mercury Data to Hydrocarbon-Water Data
Quantitative application of mercury capillary pressure data to subsurface conditions requires the conversion of mercury capillary pressure values to subsurface hydrocarbon-water capillary pressure values. This conversion factor can be accomplished by using the following equation (Purcell, 1949):
where Pchw = capillary pressure for hydrocarbon water system, = interfacial
tension of hydrocarbon and water in dyne/cm,
= contact
angle of hydrocarbon and water (wettability),
= interfacial
tension of mercury plus air (surface tension energy), and
= contact
angle of mercury and air against the
Figure 17. Capillary-pressure curves and breakthrough saturations of samples tested.
The variability of subsurface hydrocarbon-water interfacial
tension and methods of estimating these values have been
discussed in the previous sections. As previously discussed, the
contact angle of hydrocarbon-water systems is generally
considered to be zero and the cos ( ) becomes
unity. The interfacial tension of mercury and air is 480 dynes/cm
at laboratory conditions. The contact angle between mercury and a
solid is 40°, making the cos
equal to 0.776.
Subsurface values for hydrocarbon-water capillary pressure can be calculated by estimating the subsurface hydrocarbon-water interfacial tension and plugging it into the equation. A simple graphic solution to determine the conversion factor, from mercury to oil water or gas water, is provided in Figure 23. Once a conversion value has been estimated from Figure 23, this value is then multiplied by the mercury capillary pressure value in question. For example: (1) subsurface oil-water interfacial tension 21 dynes/cm; (2) mercury air to hydrocarbon-water conversion factor 0.055 (Figure 23); (3) mercury displacement pressure 200 psi; (4) oil-water displacement pressure = 200 x 0.055 = 11 psi.
Calculations of Hydrocarbon Column Heights
It has been suggested that in quantifying secondary
hydrocarbon migration and entrapment the calculation of vertical
hydrocarbon volume a given rock
pore system can
or trap
would be important in the exploration process. This can be
accomplished by using the equation of Smith (1966):
where H = maximum vertical hydrocarbon column in feet above
the 100% water level (oil-water contact) that can be sealed; PdB
= subsurface hydrocarbon-water displacement pressure (psi) of the
boundary bed; PdR = subsurface hydrocarbon-water displacement
pressure (psi) of the reservoir rock
; pw = subsurface density
(g/cc) of water; ph = subsurface density (g/cc) of hydrocarbon;
0.433 = a unit's conversion factor.
The variables in this formula and methods used in determining
the appropriate values have been discussed in previous sections.
The only variable not directly plugged into this formula is
hydrodynamics. A simple nomograph (Figure
9) to estimate the percent effect on seal
can be
used to quantify the effects of hydrodynamics. The percent effect
from the nomograph can be multiplied by the
results of the equation and added or subtracted to the original
value depending on whether the hydrodynamic flow is updip or
One variable in this formula may be modified depending on the
desired results. The value of PdR or displacement pressure if
used in the formula will give the vertical hydrocarbon column to
the 100% water level (Figure 1).
The explorationist may wish to know the vertical height to the
point of water-free oil production rather than the 100% water
level. This can be done by determining the subsurface
hydrocarbon-water capillary pressure for water-free oil
production for the reservoir rock
in question (Arps, 1964;Figure 14).
Figure 18. [Grey Scale Plate Available] Photographs of samples tested to determine capillary properties of drill cuttings.
Figure 19. Capillary-pressure curves for interbedded sand and shale, sample 6405 (Figure 18).
Figure 20. Capillary-pressure curves for sandstone, sample 20454 (Figure 18).
Figure 21. Capillary-pressure curves for chalk, sample 9587 (Figure 18).
Figure 22. Capillary-pressure curves for Pecos sandstone (Figure 18).
A complete sample calculation of the potential hydrocarbon
of a given
is helpful in illustrating this
The following properties are given:
![]() |
The calculation then is:
The hydrodynamic effect = 28 ft x 0.50 = + 14 ft.
The total seal
= 28 ft + 14 ft = 42-ft
oil column.
The previous sections this paper discuss the variables
involved in secondary migration and entrapment and how estimates
of values for these variables can be made with information
generally available in petroleum exploration. To show the
importance of these values in the calculation of seal
maximum and minimum values for each critical variable were
substituted in the sample calculation with all other values held
constant (Table 3). This table shows that a 220-psi mercury
displacement pressure
from a minimum of 12.5 ft
to a maximum of 124 ft of oil column depending on the value of
the variables used. For gas-water systems the same 220-psi
a gas column of from 31 to 95 ft.
Table 3 illustrates the importance of the critical nongeologic
parameters in quantifying secondary hydrocarbon migration and
entrapment. The table also shows that a given rock
larger gas column than an oil column. The reason for this
unexpected relation is that the high interfacial tension of the
gas-water system compared to oil-water systems counteracts the
higher buoyant pressure generated by gas-water systems.
![]() |
The thrust of the first half of this paper has been to discuss
how to determine the minimum hydrocarbon column required to
migrate through a given rock
. If the displacement pressure for
in question can be measured and the subsurface
conditions for the test case are known, calculations can be made
following the outlined procedure. This hydrocarbon column height
can be useful in determining minimum requirements for migration
in reservoir rocks and to estimate trap capacities of exploratory
prospects by quantifying caprock and lateral-
. The
same procedures can be used to quantify other aspects of
secondary hydrocarbon migration. Hydrocarbon shows in any
can be interpreted quantitatively if capillary properties and oil
saturations are known. The capillary pressure of the
at the
saturation in question can be related to a maximum hydrocarbon
column that must be associated with the hydrocarbon show. This
approach is analogous to estimating
as illustrated
in the given example. Data of this type can be used to estimate
the oil-water contact in developing oil or gas fields and in
quantitatively interpreting hydrocarbon shows in near-miss
wildcat wells. Detailed examples of these techniques are
discussed in the following sections.
Figure 23. Nomograph to determine mercury-air to hydrocarbon water conversion factor.
estimates of various
can be useful at
levels of exploration activity. In a virgin
basin the identification or regional caprock seals to migrating
hydrocarbons can be important in migration and reservoir-change
studies. When a structural prospect has been identified, the
of the formation immediately overlying the
hydrocarbon-charged reservoir is important in determining the
producibility of the prospect. In stratigraphic traps the
of the
type updip from a charged
reservoir will determine the vertical hydrocarbon column the
lateral facies change can trap.
The prediction of caprock seals to migrating hydrocarbons on a
prospect or regional scale should be based on all available
geologic data. Lithologically, the perfect caprock seal
have very small pores (to trap a large hydrocarbon column), and
be very ductile so that it would not yield by brittle fracturing.
Stratigraphically, the perfect
would be thick and laterally
continuous across the basin or area in question. Regional salt
beds and marine clay shales fit these criteria and are generally
considered as regional caprock seals to continuous-phase
hydrocarbon migration. Where these more obvious caprock seals are
not present, prediction of local or regional caprock seals
requires additional data and the quantitative application of the
principles of secondary hydrocarbon migration.
Estimation of caprock seal
in exploration settings
requires two
of information. The first piece of information
needed is the capillary properties of the caprock in question. If
these data are known, the hydrocarbon column that the pore system
of the
or trap can be calculated. The next type of
information needed is some estimate of the mechanical properties
of the
(e.g., brittleness) and the structural setting of the
layer in question.
mechanical properties can be
measured directly in the laboratory or estimated empirically from
published data. The structure setting can be determined by
subsurface mapping and seismic sections. These data are necessary
to determine whether the
layer in question is likely to fail
by brittle fracturing. If brittle fracture is dominant in the
layer, it will not be an effective caprock
, even if the
pore system of the
a large hydrocarbon column. In
the simplified problem discussed in the next paragraph all the
layers in the example will be considered ductile and only
the pore system of the rocks in question is considered in
A simplified problem is presented in Figure 24 to serve as an example
in caprock prediction. An anticlinal prospect has been identified
as an exploration target. A good quality reservoir (bed A) that
is thought to be charged with hydrocarbons is overlain by two
distinct rock
layers (beds B and C) which are not
. If bed B is a
to migrating
hydrocarbons, then the reservoir (bed A) will be filled with
hydrocarbons before the spillpoint of the trap is reached and a
commercial accumulation should be present. If bed C is a
and bed B is not, the trap would spill
hydrocarbons updip before the reservoir quality
of bed A is
saturated with oil. Migrating hydrocarbons would be trapped in
this second situation but the accumulation would be noncommercial
because bed B, which is saturated with hydrocarbons, cannot
produce at economic rates.
In attempting to solve this problem (Figure 24), the seal
the pore systems of
in beds B and C must be estimated.
samples are available, this can be done by direct
measurement of displacement pressure as previously discussed.
Calculations of vertical hydrocarbon
of each
type in the appropriate subsurface environment can be made. If
the pore network of the
type in bed B has a low
, or if it is a brittle
, there is the possibility
that the defined prospect may be a noncommercial trapped
hydrocarbon accumulation. This type of information should then be
considered in the exploration-decision process.
The example just described considers the situation where two
distinct lithologies of considerable thickness overlie a
potential reservoir rock
. In settings where the rocks overlying
the potential reservoir are thin bedded, the chance of one
ductile bed with a high displacement pressure acting as a
quite good. As pointed out by Hill et al (1961), in an oil column
trapped by simple anticlinal closure, the buoyant force is
directed vertically upward and perpendicular to the bedding. If
the first thin bed overlying the reservoir has a low displacement
pressure, and the bed immediately above it has a high
displacement pressure that can act as a
for the
accumulation, then oil will be trapped in the commercial
(Figure 25).
Stratigraphic traps: For stratigraphic traps we have the added
problem of lateral-seal
in addition to caprock-
discussed for structural traps. Stratigraphic traps as a
general class include all trapped hydrocarbon accumulations that
are formed by a displacement pressure barrier along a reservoir
carrier bed. Any lateral termination of a vertically sealed
charged with migrating hydrocarbons would
then be a commercial stratigraphic trap. This definition would
include reservoir-
lateral terminations owing to depositional
facies changes, diagenetic facies changes, faults,
unconformities, etc. Stratigraphic traps include all traps except
simple anticlinal closure and tilted oil-water contacts on
structural terraces which can form traps that would not hold
hydrocarbons in the hydrostatic case as pointed out by Hubbert
A simplified stratigraphic trap has been diagramed in Figure 26 to compare and contrast
structural and stratigraphic traps. For stratigraphic traps, Hill
et al (1961) pointed out that the buoyant force of the oil column
is directed updip parallel with bedding rather than perpendicular
to bedding as in the structural trap (Figure 25). In contrast to the
structural trap, the lowest displacement pressure bed at the
lateral termination of the reservoir will determine the
stratigraphic-trap capacity
. The prediction of trap
stratigraphic traps must consider both the
of the
rocks above and below the reservoir and the
rocks laterally equivalent to the reservoir. As shown in Figure 26, thin continuous beds
with low displacement pressure can be the controlling factor in
Figure 24. Structural trap
where commercial production is limited by caprock-seal
Figure 25. Structural trap (after Hill et al, 1961).
In quantification of lateral-seal
, it is then
important to know the displacement pressure of the
at the
updip termination of the reservoir, and the vertical and lateral
continuity of the potential lateral
. If a particular facies
has been mapped as a potential lateral
samples are
available, quantitative estimates of
can be made by
running mercury capillary pressure tests and making the
calculations for the hydrostatic or hydrodynamic case, whichever
is appropriate (Figure 26). In
sampling a potential lateral
, numerous samples should be
taken vertically across the zone that is laterally equivalent to
the reservoir. The
with the lowest displacement pressure
will act as the controlling lateral
depending on its lateral
continuity both updip and downdip. Berg (1975) has documented
several cases where quantitative attempts at
estimates have proved to be quite accurate.
Quantitative Hydrocarbon Show Interpretation
Another situation where attempts to quantify secondary
hydrocarbon migration and entrapment can be useful in exploration
is in the interpretation of hydrocarbon shows. In a laterally
continuous reservoir rock
that is charged with hydrocarbons we
would generally expect to encounter two
of subsurface
hydrocarbon shows. Type one would be a continuous-phase
hydrocarbon occurrence that is associated with a trapped
hydrocarbon accumulation of finite size. The other type would be
a residual hydrocarbon stain along a migration path. In a very
simplified approach to show interpretation, we can consider a
flow of oil or gas while drilling, drill-stem testing, or
production testing, as an indication of a trapped accumulation of
hydrocarbons, because oil or gas along a migration path would be
at residual saturation with no permeability to hydrocarbons. If
we can determine that a given show is associated with a trapped
accumulation of hydrocarbons we can estimate the probable areal
extent of the accumulation by quantitatively applying the
principles of secondary hydrocarbon migration and entrapment.
There are several situations where an explorationist can
estimate the extent of a given accumulation. Let us examine what
could be done when an exploratory well was drilled in the center
of a structural or stratigraphic trap (Figure 27). Once the well in Figure 27 is completed, the next
step is to develop the field. One key question during development
is where is the producible oil-water contact or how far downdip
can wells be drilled before excessive water production will be
encountered. Assuming uniform reservoir rock
, this can be
estimated by applying the mechanics of secondary migration and
entrapment. Two approaches can be used to estimate the depth to
water-free oil production. If the saturation of the reservoir
is accurately known from log calculations and the capillary
properties of the reservoir
are known, calculations of the
oil column required to account for the buoyant pressure required
to reach that given saturation can be made. The procedure
involved here is exactly as discussed in the calculation of
except the capillary pressure at reservoir saturation is
used instead of the displacement pressure of the reservoir.
Another approach that can be used if a continuous core is
available through the reservoir is to run capillary pressure
tests on
samples where oil-saturated rocks are adjacent to
water-saturated rocks. By comparing the oil column needed to
saturate stained and unstained samples the oil column in the
reservoir can be estimated. For example, an oil-stained
has a displacement pressure equivalent to a 30-ft oil column may
be immediately overlain by a
with a displacement pressure
equivalent to 40 ft. The oil column present downdip from this
sample would be greater than 30 ft but less than 40 ft. In
complex stratigraphic traps, dry holes with oil shows in
noncommercial reservoir
can be drilled in the middle of a
commercial oil accumulation. If a well of this type were drilled
as an initial exploratory test, the extent of accumulation in the
downdip direction could be estimated by the method just
Figure 26. Stratigraphic trap (after Hill et al, 1961).
Field development can also be aided by an understanding of
capillary properties, particularly if there is a strong variation
in the capillary pressure of different
facies within a producing
zone or between
producing beds with a common oil-water
contact. Figure 28 illustrates
the potential variation in the productive oil-water contact where
there are two facies with widely
capillary properties
crossing the crest of a closed structure. Figure 29 illustrates the possible
variation of the producible oil-water contact in a structure trap
with two producing beds that have widely
properties. This diagram assumes a common free-water level and
communication between the
producing beds. Quantitative
estimates of producible oil-water contacts can be made during
field development (if the capillary properties of
facies or producing zones are known) by following the procedures
outlined previously.
Another situation where quantitative show interpretation could
be helpful is in the updip portion of subtle stratigraphic traps.
Stratigraphic traps with a gradual updip change from
reservoir-quality rock
to the updip
, will have a zone where
the oil cannot be produced economically because of poor quality
and/or low oil saturation. This zone, diagramed in
Figure 30, has been termed the
waste zone by Bob Dunham of Shell (personal commun., 1973), as
the oil in this zone is wasted and cannot be produced. The
recognition of waste zones is critical to the exploration for
stratigraphic traps if we are to improve our oil-finding
techniques. If the oil-stained zone in this well can be
determined to be part of a trapped accumulation of hydrocarbons,
then calculations can be made to determine the extent of the
accumulation downdip. The approach would be the same as that
described in the previous section. Calculations can be made by
using capillary properties and oil saturation of a given
or by comparing the displacement pressure of
oil-stained and unstained samples.
Figure 27. Illustration of method for estimating downdip limits of production in stratigraphic trap.
Figure 28. Facies effects on water-free oil production (after John Howell).
Figure 29. Effects of capillary properties in zoned reservoir (after John Howell).
The third situation where quantitative show interpretation can assist in exploration is where an exploratory well is drilled in the oil-water transition zone of a commercial reservoir (Figure 31). Wells in this position test oil with uneconomically high water cuts. The obvious direction for an offset well is updip to get a higher oil saturation due to increased buoyant forces. The question is at what height above the first well will water-free oil production or oil production with low water cuts be encountered.
This question can be answered if the saturation and capillary
properties of the reservoir rock
are known. The height above the
well in question that is required for commercial water-free oil
production can be calculated following the same procedure
previously described. The concept behind this approach has been
discussed by Arps (1964). The question could be critical in
situations where the height needed for commercial production is
greater than the elevation to be gained by an additional test in
the case of a structural accumulation. In the case of a
stratigraphic trap this question can be important if the height
needed above the transition-zone well is greater than the
elevation available as defined by dry holes located in the
of the accumulation as illustrated in the example (Figure 31).
The mechanical principles of secondary migration can logically
be applied to developing a model for secondary hydrocarbon
migration and entrapment. In summary, these principles state that
if the driving force (buoyancy) of a continuous-phase hydrocarbon
accumulation exceeds the retarding forces (displacement pressure)
of a rock
acting as a barrier to migration, oil or gas will
displace water from the confining pore throats and migrate as a
continuous filament through the largest connected pore throats of
To develop a workable secondary-migration model, a simplified
geologic environment can be used as an illustration. Consider a
laterally continuous homogeneous reservoir rock
overlain by a
high-displacement-pressure caprock
and underlain by a
hydrocarbon source
. Oil or gas expelled from the source
will begin to accumulate at the source
-reservoir boundary.
The method of primary migration is not inferred here but these
principles can be applied whenever the expelled oil or gas occur
as a continuous phase in the
on a scale from droplets to
larger connected filaments. As oil or gas accumulates at the
-reservoir boundary, the buoyant force of a continuous
oil or gas filament will eventually exceed the displacement
pressure of the reservoir
and the hydrocarbon phase will
then migrate vertically upward through the reservoir
it encounters the overlying caprock
. The vertical oil or gas
column necessary to migrate vertically upward through the
will depend on the density of the hydrocarbon and
water phases, the size of the largest connected pore throats of
the reservoir, the interfacial tension, and the wettability of
the hydrocarbon-water-
system. These variables have been
discussed in detail with methods to quantify the vertical
hydrocarbon column needed for migration.
Figure 30. How to predict downdip limits of oil accumulation from near-miss show.
Using average values of oil and water densities, interfacial
tension, and pore throat sizes measured from thin sections,
Aschenbrenner and Achauer (1960) calculated that it takes a
continuous vertical oil filament of 7½ ft to migrate vertically
upward through the average reservoir carbonate rock
. For a
water-wet medium-grained sandstone they calculate that the
vertical oil column needed for migration would be approximately 1
ft using average densities and interfacial tensions. Direct
measurements of displacement pressure for 23 sandstone reservoirs
and six carbonate reservoirs suggest that critical vertical oil
columns needed for migration range from 1 to 10 ft for sandstones
and 3 to 5 ft for the carbonate reservoirs. These calculations
have assumed water-wet rocks, oil-water interfacial tension of 30
dynes/cm, hydrostatic conditions, and a buoyancy gradient of 0.1
psi/ft. Both these studies suggest that the continuous-phase
vertical oil column needed for oil to migrate through average
reservoir rocks at subsurface condition ranges from roughly 1 to
10 ft. Although these numbers would vary for gas and also for oil
as the densities of the fluids, the interfacial tension,
wettability, and hydrodynamic conditions vary, they can be used
as workable numbers in constructing a migration model.
In the model the oil or gas would migrate vertically upward
through the reservoir until it reached the reservoir seal
boundary where it would spread out along this interface. Now an
additional volume of oil must accumulate to migrate laterally
updip along the reservoir
boundary. The lateral length of a
continuous oil or gas filament required to reach the critical
vertical oil or gas column will depend on the dip of the beds.
The steeper the dip the shorter the length of the hydrocarbon
filament needed to obtain the critical vertical hydrocarbon
column height required for updip migration. Aschenbrenner and
Achauer (1960) made a graph to determine the minimum length of
hydrocarbon filament required at various dips to obtain the
7½-ft vertical oil column to migrate through their average
carbonate reservoir. This additional volume of oil is obtained by
the continual addition of oil being expelled from the source
and migrating vertically upward through the reservoir. When the
critical length of hydrocarbon column is obtained, oil will
migrate laterally updip through the reservoir.
Figure 31. Interpretation of oil shows in oil-water transition zone.
As migration occurs laterally updip through the reservoir the
oil saturation could be as low as 10%, as this is the minimum
saturation needed to migrate across the length of 1-in.
permeability plugs tested in the laboratory. The hydrocarbon
filament will migrate through only the upper few feet of the
carrier system and the remaining reservoir section will be barren
of hydrocarbons (Figure 32). At
the base of the migrating hydrocarbon filament small isolated
droplets will be left behind as residual oil as it migrates
upward. These shows of oil can be called "migration-path
shows" and can provide important exploration information.
The amount of oil left behind will depend on the initial
saturation. The greater the initial saturation, the greater the
residual saturation. Residual saturations along migration paths
are thought to be on the order of 20% or less as hydrocarbon
saturations during migration range from 10 to 30%. These residual
droplets of oil are permanently trapped by capillary forces. The
soluble portion of this residual oil can be dissolved in the
surrounding water phase and dispersed by diffusion. Enough
residual oil should be left behind as residual saturation along
any migration path to create an oil show in samples or cores. In
a uniform reservoir this migration residual stain should be
located immediately below the caprock seal
and only the upper few
feet of reservoir should have any detectable oil show. Oil
migration paths may be difficult to detect in drilling for this
reason. Migration of gas as a separate phase through a reservoir
may leave no residual saturation as a separate phase because of
the high solubility of gas which may permit all the
capillary-trapped gas to dissolve and dissipate by diffusion.
The hydrocarbon filament will migrate laterally updip perpendicular to strike in a tortuous manner, seeking the path of least work by moving through the rocks with the largest connected pore throats or lowest displacement pressure. This tortuous movement, if considered from map view, will leave some rocks with a residual oil saturation where migration has occurred and rocks immediately adjacent will be completely barren of oil. This fact should be considered when evaluating the likelihood of an 8-in. drill hole encountering a migration path in a potential reservoir carrier bed. This relation has been pictured in Figure 33.
As the migrating filament loses oil in the form of residual
oil or gas at the base of the filament, the length of the
hydrocarbon filament will be shortened and the buoyant force will
be reduced. Eventually, the buoyant force of the filament will be
reduced to the point that it will no longer be able to overcome
the capillary resistant force of the pores of the reservoir
carrier bed. Migration will cease at this point until another
hydrocarbon filament migrates updip to the stalled filament and
then migration will continue. This continuous pulsating process
will continue as long as oil is being added downdip. This can be
accomplished by continual generation of oil in the source rock
by addition of oil due to remigration. Oil or gas can continue to
migrate laterally updip or vertically through any
section so
long as the buoyant force of the hydrocarbon column is greater
than the resistant force of the carrier bed. Therefore, there are
no physical limits to the distance oil or gas can migrate
laterally or vertically in a given geologic situation.
Figure 32. Cross-section view of migration path.
Expanding the simplified model to the scale of a petroleum
basin, we can envision oil being expelled at points of maturity
within the basin and migrating updip, perpendicular to strike,
through the reservoir carrier bed. The migrating front of oil or
gas can be concentrated in areally small zones or migration paths
by structural anomalies such as anticlinal axes plunging into the
basin or by facies variations within the reservoir carrier bed.
Oil or gas will be trapped along a migration path whenever a
closed anticlinal trap or a displacement pressure barrier is
present within the reservoir carrier bed. These traps can be of
any size. For structure-type traps, size will depend on the size
of the anticlinal feature and the vertical-seal
of the
caprock. For stratigraphic traps the size will depend on the
of the displacement pressure barrier and
the size and geometry of the displacement pressure barrier. Oil
or gas will continue to migrate laterally updip into a trap along
a migration path until the trap is full. In the simplified model
with a reservoir carrier bed overlain by a
high-displacement-pressure caprock
, any structural trap (Figure 25) will fill to its
geometric spillpoint and then oil will spill updip and continue
to migrate laterally updip through the reservoir carrier bed. As
oil or gas continues to migrate updip into the trap, oil will
spill out of the trap and migrate updip in a continual process.
If the vertical oil or gas column that can be contained by the
in a structural trap is less than the oil or gas
column at the spillpoint of the trap, oil or gas will leak
vertically through the caprock
and will not spill updip.
For stratigraphic traps (Figure
26) the trap may fill to the point that oil or gas can spill
around the displacement-pressure barrier somewhere along the
strike of the reservoir carrier bed. This is analogous to a
structural trap filling to its geometric spillpoint and spilling
oil updip. Another possibility for the stratigraphic trap is
that, as the trap is filling, the buoyant force of the
hydrocarbon column could exceed the resistant force of the
displacement pressure and oil could leak laterally updip through
the displacement-pressure barrier and continue to migrate updip
through the reservoir carrier bed. Stratigraphic traps can then
be considered both to spill oil or gas updip or leak oil or gas
updip through the displacement-pressure barrier or lateral seal
Oil or gas accumulations along a migration path are
permanently trapped as long as geologic conditions remain
constant. If there is a change in any parameter that is critical
to the entrapment of a certain volume of oil or gas, then
remigration as a continuous phase will occur. Such things as a
change in dip, hydrodynamic conditions, densities of the
hydrocarbon or water phase, sealing capacity
of the caprock or
could cause remigration of oil or gas as a
continuous-phase fluid out of the trap. If geologic conditions
remain constant the oil or gas will remain permanently trapped
and there will be no gradual leakage of bulk-phase hydrocarbons
out of the trap. Hydrocarbons can, however, escape from the trap,
but not as continuous droplets or filaments. If the trapped
hydrocarbons are soluble they can be dissolved in the water phase
within the reservoir and dissipated by diffusion from the trap or
be swept away in solution in a moving-water phase. Oil molecules
are generally quite insoluble and loss of oil from a trap by
solution is probably minimal, except in the case of shallow
reservoirs in an active hydrodynamic setting. Gas, particularly
methane, is quite soluble in formation waters and gas loss by
solution and diffusion could be significant in the case of
trapped hydrocarbon gas. Gas in solution can diffuse through any
porous water-saturated
and this type of gas loss and
migration from reservoirs, migration paths, and source rocks may
account for the high-amounts of gas in solution in formation
waters in some petroleum basins.
Figure 33. Map view of migration path.
In the migration model developed we have suggested that oil
migrating into a trap will be permanently trapped as long as
geologic conditions at the time of entrapment remain constant.
This implies that the displacement or breakthrough pressure of a
caprock seal
in a structural trap or a lateral
in a
stratigraphic trap is independent of time and will not gradually
leak droplets or filaments of continuous-phase oil or gas. Thomas
et al (1967), in their study of threshold displacement pressures
required to store natural gas in the subsurface, agree that
threshold displacement pressures are independent of time. In
their experiments they subjected two
samples to gas pressure less than their threshold pressures
for 3 to 10 days and observed no movement of water from the cores
over this period of time. This laboratory work correlates with
theoretical work that states that no continuous-phase migration
will occur unless the buoyant pressure in the oil or gas column
is greater than the resistant force of the confining
In the migration model it has also been discussed that when
the buoyant pressure of the oil or gas column exceeds the
displacement pressure of the confining porous-rock
barrier, oil
or gas will displace water from the confining pore throats and
migrate as a continuous oil or gas filament through the pore
throats of the
. The next question in further defining the
model is how much oil or gas will leak through the constricting
pore throat or throats before water will move back into the
throat and snap off or collapse the oil or gas filament. How much
oil or gas will escape from a trap when leakage through a
occurs? Will the barrier allow the whole accumulation to migrate
updip or will it leak one drop at a time?
For a migrating hydrocarbon filament to be snapped off, water must be able to flow into the confining pore throat and collapse the oil or gas filament. The confining pore throat would then be filled with water and the barrier to migration would, in effect, be resealed. Roof (1970) has calculated that for snap-off to occur in circular pores the leading edge of the oil or gas interface must extend past the confining pore throat for a distance of at least seven times the radius of the pore throat. For snap-off to occur in his model the pore would have to be large in relation to the size of pore throat. Roof then modeled migration through a stack of doughnut-shaped pores and determined that snap-off would not occur as oil or gas migrated through this series of pores. On the scale of pores then it does not appear that traps or barriers would leak oil or gas one drop at a time.
How much oil or gas would leak through a barrier to migration
before snap-off occurred and the rock
resealed? Petroleum
Research Corp. (1959) has determined that for the oil or gas
filament to collapse, capillary pressure must be reduced to
between one-fourth and one-half the pore-entry pressure. The
reduction of capillary pressure required before water can be
imbibed back into the
and collapse the hydrocarbon filament
is documented by the hysteresis effect during capillary injection
and withdrawal (Pickell et al, 1966). In their studies mercury
was injected into
samples and the mercury saturation
increased with increasing pressure. However, when the capillary
pressure was reduced, no air was imbibed back into the sample
until the pressure was reduced significantly below the entry
These data suggest that for snap-off or collapse in an oil or
gas filament migrating through a rock
to occur, the capillary
pressure must be reduced to approximately one-half of the
displacement pressure. The capillary pressure between the
hydrocarbon and water phase could be reduced in our migration
model by one-half simply by having approximately one-half of the
oil or gas filament migrate through a displacement-pressure
barrier. As the filament of oil or gas migrates through the
displacement pressure barrier, snap-off would occur whenever
capillary pressure or buoyant pressure was reduced enough that
water could flow into the critical pore throats and collapse the
oil or gas filament. This is a simplification of a complex
phenomenon but, from the standpoint of developing a migration
model, we can assume that when the buoyant force of an oil or gas
filament exceeds the displacement pressure of a barrier along a
migration path, a large part of the trapped oil or gas filament
will migrate or leak through the barrier before collapse or
snap-off. When snap-off occurs the barrier has been resealed and
migration for the oil or gas filament downdip from the barrier
will be halted. For simplicity, let us assume that for
intergranular and intercrystalline porosity the amount of oil or
gas allowed to leak through the displacement-pressure barrier
will be approximately one-half of the trapped oil or gas column.
The exception to this assumption would be for vugular porosity
which, as pointed out by Roof (1970), would snap off or
collapse after only a few drops had migrated through the
controlling pore throat.
From the standpoint of an explorationist, a trap along a
migration path that has leaked oil or gas updip will reseal after
approximately one-half of the trapped hydrocarbon column has
migrated updip. The next logical question in our migration model
then is: when a barrier has resealed, what is its displacement or
threshold pressure? This problem has been investigated by Thomas
et al (1967). Their gas-breakthrough experiments suggest that a
can be resealed by water moving back into the
. With
sufficient time for water to move back into the
, they
suggest that a
can reseal at or near its original
displacement or threshold pressure. Theoretical calculations
considering a single confining pore throat also suggest that once
the oil or gas filament has collapsed and water has been imbibed
into the critical pore throat, the displacement pressure of the
pore throat would be the same as the original displacement
pressure before leakage. Therefore, in our migration model, we
can assume that stratigraphic traps that leak oil or gas updip
through a lateral
can reseal and refill to their original
if the resealed barrier holds.
The migration model we have developed has taken us to the point of the first major trap along a reservoir carrier bed or migration path. As oil or gas continues to migrate updip beyond the first major trap, what will happen and how will oil and gas be distributed in long-range migration? Gussow (1954) was the first to deal with this problem. Gussow discussed how oil and gas will be expelled from a source, coalesce to form continuous slugs in a reservoir carrier bed, and migrate updip perpendicular to structure, honoring the lowest displacement-pressure rocks in its path. The slugs will join along major structural noses or permeability barriers to form "rivers" of oil. This updip movement of hydrocarbons as streams in carrier beds to the final condition of entrapment is known as secondary migration.
Gussow (1954) stated that the lowest trap along a migration path will be filled first, then the trap structurally higher, and so on. When there is a series of structural traps that spill petroleum updip, there is the potential for differential entrapment of oil and gas when the two phases are present. As illustrated in Figure 34 and discussed by Gussow, if both oil and gas are present in a trap as separate phases, gas will occupy the upper part of the trap and oil the lower. As the accumulation continues to fill with oil and gas migrating into the trap, gas will rise to the top of the structure and when the structure is full to the spillpoint, oil will be spilled updip. As the trap continues to fill with gas, oil will be spilled updip until the trap will be completely filled with gas and can no longer trap oil. As illustrated in the diagram, this would result in oil filling the higher traps and gas the lower traps along a migration path. Gussow listed numerous examples of the differential entrapment of oil updip from gas along migration paths along which a series of structural traps are present. He suggested that this relation will hold except where there is strong downdip hydrodynamic flow. As discussed by Hubbert (1953), in a structural trap filled with two phases (oil and gas), under hydrodynamic conditions oil can be flushed out of the trap and gas left behind. This situation would produce gas updip from oil and is an exception to Gussow's case.
Figure 34. Structural (spill) differential entrapment of oil and gas (after Gussow, 1954). For series of traps that spill updip, gas will be differentially entrapped downdip from oil.
Let us now consider the situation where the traps along a migration path are a series of displacement-pressure barriers that will hold a certain hydrocarbon column and then leak hydrocarbons updip through the barrier before the trap is filled to its stratigraphic spillpoint. Petroleum Research Corp. (1960) discussed this situation in their report on differential entrapment. Figure 35 illustrates the effect of leak differential entrapment (compare to spill differential entrapment, Figure 34). When oil and gas are present as separate phases in a stratigraphic trap, gas will be at the updip part of the trap and will be trying to break through the barrier. As the trap fills and the buoyant pressure increases, gas will leak out through the barrier first when the displacement pressure of the barrier is reached. As discussed previously, a large slug of gas and some oil will migrate through the barrier before it reseals. As migration continues, gas will eventually be the only phase migrating updip through the displacement pressure or permeability barriers along the migration path. This produces a situation where gas is differentially trapped updip from oil, which is exactly the opposite of spill differential entrapment.
When a migration path consists of both structural and stratigraphic traps, the distribution of hydrocarbons can become quite complex because of the opposite effect of leak and spill differential entrapment.
Other factors such as the depth and timing of oil and gas generation must also be considered when interpreting the distribution of oil and gas along migration paths. For example, shallow gas high up along a migration path that appears to be due to stratigraphic leak differential entrapment may actually be indigenous biogenic gas rather than gas that has migrated long distances and been differentially trapped updip from oil. Thermal generation of oil and gas will also pose problems in interpreting patterns of oil and gas distribution. Thermal generation models suggest that oil is generated first and expelled, then gas is generated and expelled. This sequence of generation and migration could cause gas to be distributed downdip from oil, which is analogous to structural spill differential entrapment. Another complication to consider is that, whenever the structural dip of a carrier bed is changed, remigration and further adjustments in the distribution of oil and gas will occur.
Differential entrapment of oil and gas along migration paths
may cause dramatic chemical changes in oil composition. Hobson
(1962) and Silverman (1965) gave detailed discussions of this
phenomenon. In summary, they suggested that small but measurable
changes occur as oil migrates as a single phase through reservoir
carrier beds. These changes due to secondary migration of a
single oil phase cannot explain the markedly different
of some oils that are thought to be genetically related. These
larger differences in composition of genetically related oils are
speculated to be caused by phase separations of oil and gas
during migration and the process was called separation-migration
by Silverman (1965). For separation-migration to occur, two
phases, oil and gas, must be present in the trap. The gas phase
must escape, leaving the liquid phase behind. As the gas phase
migrates updip to a lower pressure, retrograde condensation can
occur and form a liquid and gas phase from the gas phase that was
separated by migration. The liquid oil formed by this process
will be compositionally distinct from the parent oil left behind.
Silverman suggested that the gas phase could be separated from
the oil phase by fracturing the caprock so that only gas escapes
from the trap. This type of separation is analogous to
stratigraphic differential entrapment as discussed in the
preceding section where a trap leaks through a
displacement-pressure barrier. Gas will be at the updip portion
of the trap and when the buoyant pressure of the oil and gas
column exceeds the displacement pressure of the controlling
barrier to migration, a large slug of gas will leak through the
barrier and the barrier will then reseal. This would separate an
oil and a gas phase and create the chemical changes discussed by
Figure 35. Stratigraphic (leak) differential entrapment of oil and gas. For series of traps that leak updip, oil will be differentially entrapped downdip from gas.
The compositional changes during normal secondary migration and separation-migration are considered relatively unimportant to the explorationist because of the lack of predictive value.
The processes of secondary hydrocarbon migration and entrapment are well understood physical processes. The distribution of oil and gas in the subsurface can be examined in a logical quantitative fashion by following a few basic principles and using data generally available in petroleum exploration and development. A thorough understanding of these processes can be very useful in all phases of the search for oil and gas.
In the exploration for new oil and gas reserves these
principals define critical factors needed to predict the location
of entrapped oil or gas along a migration path. For structural
traps the critical factors are the seal
of the reservoir
caprock, the structural configuration at the base of the
and the tilt of the oil-water contact if a hydrodynamic condition
is present. For stratigraphic traps the location, configuration,
of a lateral barrier to oil or gas migration
along a carrier bed are critical. The
of the
barrier in terms of vertical hydrocarbon column will be affected
by the density of the hydrocarbon and water phases, the
hydrodynamic conditions in the carrier bed, the pore-throat sizes
of the barrier, the interfacial tension of hydrocarbon-water
phase and the wettability of the
. The dip of the reservoir
will not affect
but will affect the volume of
hydrocarbons trapped.
Once a commercial field has been located, the principles of secondary migration and entrapment can be useful in field development. The updip and downdip limits of the accumulation can be calculated quantitatively from normally available well data and the information can be used in development drilling.
Wherever the processes of secondary migration and entrapment are used for prediction in the search for oil and gas, they should be used in conjunction with all available geologic information, as they cannot stand alone and provide meaningful data.
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