--> Illustrations
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Figure 1. Index map of the Uinta basin showing major fields.
From Lucas and Drexler, 1976.

Figure 2. Stress history curve of Narr and Currie (1982) set
for Altamont-Bluebell reservoir strata. Note pore fluid overpressure.

Figure 3. Oil generation curves for the Shell 1-11B4
Brotherson well, Altamont-Bluebell field, Unita basin,
Derived form the Eocene burial history curve of Figure 5.

Figure 4. Reservoirs, source, and seals, northern Uinta basin,
Utah. Major and minor oil and gas plays shown by large and
small dots.
From Lucas and Drexler, 1976.

Figure 5. Burial history curves, Shell 1-11B4 Brotherson well.
Derived from a scanned image of Figure 11 of Sweeney et al (1987).

Figure 6. Fracture Oil Index (FOI) curve for Shell 1-11B4
Brotherson well, Altamont-Bluebell field, Utah.

Figure 7. Distribution of minimum fracture oil indices found in
640 studies located globally in 174 basins.