--> Figures 18 and 20
[First Hit]

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FIGURE 18. Fence diagram of the VLA1131 Previous HitwellNext Hit, showing the structureal closure, faults, and unconfomity at the top of the C-5 horizon. West-east inline 28 and north-south crossline 605 make up the two sides of the fence diagram. See Figure 16 for location of seismic lines. The high amplitude seismic events outline the C-4 to C-6 reservoirs.

FIGURE 20. Synthetic seismogram, gamma ray Previous HitlogNext Hit, and west-east inline 28, showing the structure and Previous HitlogNext Hit character for the VLA 1131 discovery Previous HitwellNext Hit and the CLA 1147 twin Previous HitwellNext Hit. THis display shows, from left to right: sonic Previous HitlogNext Hit, reflectivity, synthetic seismogram, seismic reference trace (trace at Previous HitwellNext Hit location), and an interpreted section of inline 28 from the 3-D seismic survey with gamma ray Previous HitlogNext Hit overlain at the Previous HitwellTop location. Other abbreviations: BLR = basal La Rosa Formation, ER-EO = Eocene Unconformity, and CDP = common depth point.