FIGURE 18. Fence diagram of the VLA1131 well, showing the structureal closure, faults, and unconfomity at the top of the C-5 horizon. West-east inline 28 and north-south crossline 605 make up the two sides of the fence diagram. See Figure 16 for location of seismic lines. The high amplitude seismic events outline the C-4 to C-6 reservoirs.
FIGURE 20. Synthetic seismogram, gamma ray log, and west-east inline 28, showing the structure and log character for the VLA 1131 discovery well and the CLA 1147 twin well. THis display shows, from left to right: sonic log, reflectivity, synthetic seismogram, seismic reference trace (trace at well location), and an interpreted section of inline 28 from the 3-D seismic survey with gamma ray log overlain at the well location. Other abbreviations: BLR = basal La Rosa Formation, ER-EO = Eocene Unconformity, and CDP = common depth point.