--> Case Study for Selecting and Implementing Practical and Cost-Effective Technologies to Remediate Soil and Groundwater from Natural Gas Compression Facilities, West Panhandle Field, Texas, by Brent A. Miller, Michael Jacobs, and Kyle Hughes, #80049 (2009).
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PSCase Study for Selecting and Implementing Practical and Cost-Effective Technologies to Remediate Soil and Groundwater from Natural Gas Compression Facilities, West Panhandle Field, Texas*


Brent A. Miller1, Michael Jacobs2 and Kyle Hughes3


Search and Discovery Article #80049 (2009)

Posted June 10, 2009


*Adapted from poster presentation at AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2008.


1Geosyntec Consultants, Tacoma, WA ([email protected] )

2Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Midland, TX

3Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Amarillo, TX




In 2001, an environmental assessment of soil and groundwater contamination associated with natural gas production was conducted by Pioneer Natural Resources USA Inc. The gas compression and production facilities are located in the West Panhandle Field, Moore and Potter Counties, Texas, and have been in operation since the 1930s. Shallow and/or deep soil contamination, primarily from used lube oil and natural gas condensate was discovered at most of the gas compression facilities. Limited amounts of non-aqueous Previous HitphaseNext Hit liquids (NAPL) were observed on shallow perched water-bearing zones at two sites and dissolved Previous HitphaseNext Hit (BTEX) plumes with benzene concentrations exceeding drinking water standards were observed at a total of six sites. The depths to the shallow perched water-bearing zones at these sites varied from approximately 20 to 40 feet below ground surface.


Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc. designed a proactive, practical, and cost effective program for the selection and implementation of active systems to remediate these sites as part of the Operator and Voluntary Cleanup Programs (OCP/VCP) administered by the Railroad Commission of Texas. In 2005, five biovent (BV), two soil vapor extraction (SVE), one biosparging (BS), and one multiphase extraction (MPE) systems were designed, constructed, and operated to achieve cleanup of soil and groundwater at the six sites. Remediation was completed at five of the six sites within two years of startup, with completion of the final site expected in 2008.


In 2005, the remediation program was nominated by the Texas Railroad Commission for the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission’s Environmental Stewardship Award and received Honorable Mention.






uRegulatory Environment

uContaminants & Source Areas

uRemedial Systems

uExcavation and Treatment


uSoil Vapor Extraction

uDual Previous HitPhaseNext Hit Extraction




















uRegulatory Environment

uContaminants & Source Areas

uRemedial Systems

uExcavation and Treatment


uSoil Vapor Extraction

uDual Previous HitPhaseNext Hit Extraction




















uRegulatory Environment

uContaminants & Source Areas

uRemedial Systems

uExcavation and Treatment


uSoil Vapor Extraction

uDual Previous HitPhaseNext Hit Extraction




















uRegulatory Environment

uContaminants & Source Areas

uRemedial Systems

uExcavation and Treatment


uSoil Vapor Extraction

uDual Previous HitPhaseNext Hit Extraction
















Figure 1. Representative photograph of a site in the West Panhandle Field, Moore and Potter Counties, Texas.


Figure 2. Typical gas compressor station.


Figure 3. Typical example of a source area.


Figure 4. Site excavation.


Figure 5. On-site treatment.


Figure 6. Bioventing System.


Figure 7. Bioventing soil vapor concentrations, West Panhandle Field, Texas.


Figure 8. Soil Vapor Extraction System.


Figure 9. Soil vapor extraction, West Panhandle Field, Texas.


Figure 10. Dual Previous HitphaseNext Hit extraction schematic design.


Figure 11. Dual Previous HitphaseNext Hit extraction, West Panhandle Field, Texas.


Figure 12. Biosparge system with location map, West Panhandle Field, Texas.




In 2001, an environmental assessment of soil and groundwater contamination associated with natural gas production was conducted. The gas compression and production facilities are located in the West Panhandle Field, Moore and Potter Counties, Texas, and have been in operation since the 1930s (Figure 1). Shallow and/or deep soil contamination, primarily from used lube oil and natural gas condensate was discovered at most of the gas compression facilities. Limited amounts of non-aqueous Previous HitphaseNext Hit liquids (NAPL) were observed on shallow perched waterbearing zones at two sites and dissolved Previous HitphaseNext Hit (BTEX) plumes with benzene concentrations exceeding drinking water standards were observed at a total of six sites. The depths to the shallow perched water-bearing zones at these sites varied from approximately 20 to 40 feet below ground surface.


Regulatory Environment


Pioneer Natural Resources USA, Inc. designed a proactive, practical, and cost effective program for the selection and implementation of active systems to remediate these sites as part of the Operator and Voluntary Cleanup Programs (OCP/VCP) administered by the Railroad Commission of Texas.


Contaminants & Source Areas


Pipeline condensate, lube oils, and coolants were released from ASTs, USTs, compressor pads, scrubbers, separators and other process equipment. Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX), and TPH are the primary contaminants of concern. Free-Previous HitphaseNext Hit NAPL was observed at two sites.


Remedial Systems


In 2005, five biovent (BV), two soil vapor extraction (SVE), one biosparging (BS), and one dual Previous HitphaseNext Hit extraction (DPE) systems were designed, constructed, and operated to achieve cleanup of soil and groundwater at the six sites. (Figure 2) Remediation was completed at five of the six sites within two years of startup, with completion of the final site expected in 2009.

(Figure 3)


Excavation and Treatment


Impacted shallow soils were excavated, treated on-site via soil shredding, and backfilled at sites throughout the West Panhandle Field. (Figure 4)


50,000 cubic yards of soil treated onsite below Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) residential levels (benzene <0.026 mg/kg, TPH < 210 mg/kg). (Figure 5)




The bioventing system design included installing temporary, transferable, prefabricated venting equipment that required minimal infrastructure, low O&M requirements, and were convertible to SVE operation. (Figure 6)


Main system components included bioventing wells, transfer piping (PVC), venting equipment, flow meters and pressure gauges, and electrical control equipment.


Bioventing systems were operated at 5 sites to treat vadose zone soils. All systems achieved cleanup goals below TRRP cleanup levels (benzene <0.026 mg/kg, TPH <210 mg/kg). Remediation was completed within 18 months at all sites. (Figure 7)


Soil Vapor Extraction


The SVE system design included installing temporary, transferable, prefabricated venting equipment that required minimal infrastructure, low O&M requirements, vapor treatment, and were convertible to bioventing operation. (Figure 8)


Main system components include SVE wells, transfer piping (PVC), extraction equipment, flow meters and pressure gauges, vapor Previous HitphaseNext Hit granular activated carbon vessels, and electrical control equipment.


SVE systems were operated at 2 sites to treat high TPH concentration vadose zone soils. Both systems were operated for approximately one month before they were converted to bioventing operation to complete the final treatment. (Figure 9)


Dual Previous HitPhaseNext Hit Extraction


The DPE system design included installing temporary, transferable, prefabricated extraction system that required minimal infrastructure, moderate O&M requirements, vapor treatment, and groundwater disposal (deep well injection). (Figure 10)


Main system components include DPE wells, transfer piping (PVC), extraction equipment, flow meters and pressure gauges, electric catalytic oxidizer, and electrical control equipment.


A DPE system was installed at on site to remove LNAPL and treat impacted soil and groundwater. The system operated for two years removing over 175,000 gallons of water, 18,000 lbs of TPH and reducing NAPL levels to less than 0.1 feet in all monitoring wells. Cleanup was achieved in 24 months. (Figure 11)




The biosparge system design included installing temporary, transferable, prefabricated sparge equipment that required minimal infrastructure and low O&M requirements.


Main system components include biosparge wells, transfer piping (PVC), sparge equipment, flow meters and pressure gauges, and electrical control equipment.


One biosparge system was installed to treat dissolved Previous HitphaseTop hydrocarbons. A series of 7 wells were installed on the property boundary as a barrier to treat hydrocarbons migrating from the site. The system is currently in operation. (Figure 12)




In 2005, the remediation program was nominated by the Texas Railroad Commission for the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission’s Environmental Stewardship Award and received Honorable Mention.


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