--> Regional Mapping of Genetic Units in the Almond Formation, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming: Phase I: A Visual Twist from Old Approach: the Middle Main Almond Unit, by Natasha M. Rigg, Benjamin J. Kessel, James R. Lawrence, Will D. Monn, Fiona E. Kilbride, Brent W. Greenhalgh, Robert J. Heckman, Alan J. Scott, and Mark L. Bacon, #50157 (2009).
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Regional Mapping of Genetic Units in the Almond Formation, Greater Wamsutter Field, Southwest Wyoming: Phase I: A Visual Twist from Old Approach: the Middle Main Almond Unit*


Natasha M. Rigg1, Benjamin J. Kessel1, James R. Lawrence2, Will D. Monn1, Fiona E. Kilbride1, Brent W. Greenhalgh3, Robert J. Heckman2, Alan J. Scott1, and Mark L. Bacon1


Search and Discovery Article #50157 (2009)

Posted January 30, 2009


*Adapted from oral presentation at AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, April 20-23, 2008. See companion articles, Search and Discovery Article #50158 (2009): Phase II: What to Do without a Flooding Surface: Mapping the Coastal Plain, and Search and Discovery Article #50159 (2009): Phase III: An Iterative Geostatistical Approach to High-grading Previous HitWellNext Hit Locations.


1 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Denver, CO ([email protected])

2 Marathon Oil Company, Houston, TX ([email protected])

3 Wexpro, Salt Lake City, UT ([email protected])



The Almond Formation is a tight gas sand reservoir in the Washakie Basin. Currently, Wamsutter field is developed as a statistical play with poor correlation to geologic parameters. However, continued economic development requires an improved geologic model and better prediction of reservoir quality sands. We used a pragmatic approach to conduct a basin-wide, lithostratigraphic Previous HitanalysisNext Hit of the Almond Formation within the Washakie Basin, using previous studies, increased Previous HitwellNext Hit control, additional Almond core, and a unique cross-section display. Color-filled conductivity, gamma ray, and bulk density logs were plotted on a single track for each Previous HitwellNext Hit. Cross-section lines were generated on a closely spaced grid, creating a “pseudoseismic” display, which illuminated flooding surfaces, sands, and coals. Using a Galloway-type approach to genetic stratigraphy, marine flooding surfaces in the middle Main Almond unit were correlated during Phase I of this project. By flattening on successive flooding surfaces and mapping of genetic intervals, several observations were made: 1) coarsening upward packages bounded by flooding surfaces were recognized regionally in the eastern part of the Washakie Basin and were interpreted as shoreface and deltaic complexes, 2) sub-seismic, syndepositional dip-slip, and post-depositional oblique-slip fault candidates were inferred in some areas of the field, and 3) genetic intervals can be used in further geostatistical modeling of the reservoir. Mapping genetic intervals bounded by regional flooding surfaces has improved our geologic model, allowed for better prediction of reservoir quality sand, and provided a framework within which further reservoir modeling can occur. This cost-effective approach shows that improving field economics with pragmatic geologic methods is viable even in a statistical play, and can be applied to other mature fields.





































Wamsutter Reservoir Characterization Study

  • Developed regional geologic framework for Almond Fm in Wamsutter

Phase I-Middle Marine

  • Relatively simple method
  • New display = easy regional correlation of marine sandstones
  • Middle marine deltaic environments are now mapped
    • Dip/strike oriented sandstone trends
    • Complex interaction of facies

Core Integration

  • Ground truth for Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit interpretations
  • Supports map-based interpretations

Next Steps…

  • Coastal plain geologic framework
  • Geostatistical modeling
  • Petrophysical model



Blakey, R. C., 1996, Upper Cretaceous paleogeographic map: R.C. Blakey Northern Arizona University, http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~rcb7/080_1st.jpg.

Haq, B.U., J. Hardenbol, and P.R. Vail, 1988, Mesozoic and Cenozoic chronostratigraphy and cycles of sea-level change: Sea-Level Changes; An Integrated Approach: SEPM, Special Publication, 42, p. 72-108.

Krystinik, L.F., and B.B. DeJarnett, 1995, Lateral variability of Previous HitsequenceNext Hit stratigraphic framework in the Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian of the Western Interior seaway: Previous HitSequenceTop Stratigraphy of Foreland Basin Deposits; Outcrop and Subsurface Examples from the Cretaceous of North America: AAPG Memoir, 64, p. 11-25.


Special thanks to Lee Shannon, Henry Posamentier, Mike Weaver, APC Management, and APC Technology Group.


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