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PSA Versatile Alternative for Distribution of Geospatial Data*


James S. Cokinos1, Vsevolod I. Egorov1, J. Robert Vivian1, John W. Haney1, and

Gordon W. Shields1


Search and Discovery Article #40387 (2009)

Posted May 18, 2009


*Adapted from poster presentation at AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, April 20-23, 2008


1Fugro Gravity & Previous HitMagneticTop Services, Inc., Houston, TX ([email protected])  




From the regional assessment of petroleum provinces to potential field interpretation, geoscientists need to integrate various geological, geophysical, and geospatial information. Organization, integration and presentation of these different data sets are a necessary part of the workflow. The results of these data analyses are compiled in a cartographic layout of a final map – one of the more important communication and decision-making tools within the petroleum industry.


Maps are often delivered as multi-feature and multi-layer digital projects. However, these highly informative deliverables are only compatible with certain industry Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software packages. Thus, the compatibility and portability is limited to the individual company’s software inventory.


A new methodology based on GIS technology from ESRI has been developed that utilizes a third party extension to create a new product called the GeoPDF. This emerging technology from TerraGo Tech adds a versatile alternative for enhanced geospatial collaboration in hydrocarbon exploration. This new dynamic digital map preserves many advantages of the original GIS project. This includes layering capabilities, attribute information, and a coordinate transformation matrix while solving compatibility and portability issues. This is a high quality but low cost way to easily share geospatial information within the petroleum community.




Adobe, 2008, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Systems .

ESRI, 2008, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESRI

GeoPDF, 2008, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoPDF

Lloyd, T., 2006, “Quick, what is the most widely used software product in the world today? Hint: it’s not from Microsoft,” Japan Inc. Web accessed 22 September 2006.


Moll, H., 1729, “A Map of Terra Firma, Peru, Amazone-Land, Brasil and the North Part of La Plata”, London.

Orion, E., 2007, “PDF 1.7 is approved as ISO 32000,” The Inquirer, London: Web accessed 5 December 2007. http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/411/1030411/pdf-approved-iso-32000