--> Reducing the Structural Uncertainty in Poor 2-D Seismic Data, Gambier Embayment, Otway Basin, Australia - a Minimum Strain Approach, by Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, and Graham Yielding, #40371 (2008).
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Reducing the Structural Uncertainty in Poor 2-D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Previous HitDataNext Hit, Gambier Embayment, Otway Basin, Australia - a Minimum Strain Approach*

Peter Boult1, Brett Freeman2, and Graham Yielding2


Search and Discovery Article #40371 (2008)

Posted December 2, 2008


*Adapted from oral presentation at AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, April 20-23, 2008.


1 Petroleum & Geothermal Group, PIRSA, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

2 Badley Geoscience Ltd, Hundleby, Spilsby, United Kingdom.([email protected])



In faulted reservoirs, structural uncertainty arises from two major sources: systematic error of the Previous HitseismicNext Hit method and human error of the interpreter. When the distance between faults along a sample line is greater than the distance between lines, the pattern of faulting is usually clear. The error in lateral positioning of structures is then similar to the error in the vertical dimension, and both are dominantly systematic. This is typical of good 3D Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit. For 2D Previous HitdataNext Hit, poor 3D Previous HitdataNext Hit, and situations when faults are more closely-spaced than lines of the Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit sub-grid, the pattern of faulting becomes much more interpretive. The effects of systematic errors become second-order relative to those inherent in the interpreter’s “model”. The Otway Basin is a passive margin displaying multiple rift events and a complex history of faulting. The Gambier Embayment, within the basin, contains what we now recognise as two vintages of faults with a small angular offset of trends. The older, deep-seated, faults have displacement increasing with depth, and a younger set have their displacement maxima at a higher level in the overburden. In the original structural model (work by a 3rd party) the distinction between these two sets was not made, and consequently prospect maps were largely erroneous. In this new work we quantify the relative uncertainty by assuming that the fault configuration should represent a minimum volume strain given the interpreted, local, offsets. By mapping the displacement patterns on the fault planes from the original structural model we show that the displacement gradients, locally, are unrealistically high. Using the regions of implied high displacement gradient as an indicator for higher uncertainty we were able to break out the faults into two self-consistent sets each of lower implied volume strain.



























































Selected Figures

Location of Gambier Embayment.

Structural maps of Harris Flat: near top Warre Sandstone original Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit in lower left) Lower Sherbrook (new Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit in upper right).

Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit loaded into the 3D Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit environment.

Simple fault displacement patterns.

Building the fault surface.

Building the faulted framework.


  • Mapping displacement over the entire fault surface highlights Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit busts.
  • Estimates of wall rock strains may provide a suitable OBJECTIVE metric for discriminating between correct and incorrect interpretations.
  • Interpretations that minimize the wall rock strains appear to be geologically more plausible.
  • 3D quality Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit from 2D Previous HitdataNext Hit?
  • Summary of obvious problems:
    • The mapped fault polygons overestimate the heave by a factor of two or three (reduces size of target).
    • Not all fault traces are picked.
    • Fault planes are interpreted as linear trends taking the largest fault from Previous HitseismicNext Hit line to line (could be correct …).
    • SOME of the structural Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit is made by “inventing” polygons at the mapping stage.
    • There has been no notion of structural integrity.
    • Fault displacement patterns are erratic, ungeological.
    • Strains implied by the displacements are, locally, geologically unrealistic.
  • Towards a better solution:
    • Iterative Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit.
    • Pick ALL obvious fault traces before horizons.
    • Pick horizons in 3D; i.e., work from a well constrained part of the structure by interpreting all horizons locally.
    • Correlate faults from line to line as part of the Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit process.
    • Use displacement analysis to (a) assess the correlations AND (b) suggest alternative horizon interpretations.
    • Ensure that each piece of completed Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit makes sense in terms of displacements.
    • Use on-the-fly gridding to interpolate between lines of good Previous HitdataNext Hit quality on to lines of poor Previous HitdataNext Hit quality.
    • Generate polygons by modeling horizon fault intersections.
    • A 2D work flow? Not really, it’s also good for reconnaissance mapping of 3D Previous HitdataNext Hit, good and poor quality.


Bailey, W.R., J.J. Walsh and T. Manzocchi, 2005, Fault populations, strain distribution and basement fault reactivation in the East Pennines Coalfield, UK: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 27/5, p. 913-928.

Freeman, B., G. Yielding, and M.E. Badley, 1990, Fault correlation during Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitinterpretationTop: First Break, v. 8/3, p. 87-95.


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