--> WODAD – A Web-Based Outcrop Digital Analog Database of Carbonate Platform Margins*, by Jeroen A.M. Kenter and Paul (Mitch) Harris #40308 (2008)
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PSWODAD – A Web-Based Outcrop Digital Analog Database of Carbonate Platform Margins*


Jeroen A.M. Kenter1 and Paul (Mitch) Harris2


Search and Discovery Article #40308 (2008)

Posted September 5, 2008


*Adapted from poster presentation at AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Perth, Australia, November 5-8, 2006. See companion article, "Web-based Outcrop Digital Analog Database (WODAD): Archiving Carbonate Platform Margins," Search and Discovery Article #40300 (2008).

Click to view list of articles adapted from presentations by P.M. (Mitch) Harris or by his co-workers and him at AAPG meetings from 2000 to 2008.


1 Chevron Energy Technology Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands; currently ETC, Chevron, Voorburg, Netherlands ([email protected])

2 Chevron Energy Technology Company, San Ramon, CA ([email protected])



WODAD (Web-Based Outcrop Digital Analog Database) is a public, searchable database that is a serious attempt to make outcrop information more readily available to earth scientists. Such analogs can help industry earth scientists to conceptualize stratigraphic, facies, and diagenetic relationships that develop reservoirs and traps while it may provide academics with a tool to compare and contrast information across geological time and space.

WODAD will cover the Phanerozoic and include carbonates initially, but later clastics as well as mixed systems. The database consists of a series of chapters, each focusing on a specific outcrop. Each chapter contains a Previous HitsummaryNext Hit page with search items, a few (2-3) pages of descriptive information, and a short reference list. A section of each Previous HitsummaryTop page contains the items that will eventually guide the search. The primary search items will be age, system type (for carbonate, platform type), rock properties (lithology, texture), overprint (recrystallization, fracture, karst), and geographical location.

The database will offer unique and unsurpassed opportunities for comparative research, many of which will be only discovered once the database is available. WODAD “carbonates” is currently operational thanks to start-up funding provided by Chevron. Outcrop contributions from academia and industry are invited through submission of an abstract as well as through personal invitations (see wodad.org for information and instructions). It is anticipated that by 2007 the database will be published as a digital publication.




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