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PSMicrobial Boundstone Slope Shedding – A Model for Carbonate Platform Growth*
Jeroen A.M. Kenter1, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris2, and Giovanna Della Porta3
Search and Discovery Article #40296 (2008)
Posted August 14, 2008
*Adapted from poster presentation at AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Paris, France, September 11-14, 2005. See companion article, “Microbial and Cement Boundstone-Dominated Flanks (and Reservoirs) of an Isolated Carbonate Platform,” Search and Discovery Article #40297 (2008).
1 Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1085, Amsterdam, 1081 HV Netherlands; currently ETC, Chevron, Voorburg, Netherlands ([email protected])
2 Chevron Energy Technology Company, San Ramon, California, USA ([email protected])
3 Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; currently Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK ([email protected])
Characteristics of two prograding steep, high-relief margins fronting deep basins provide a depositional model which may apply elsewhere. Seismic
and well data from Tengiz, one of the larger fields in the Pricaspian Basin characterized by Latest Visean and Serpukhovian progradation, corroborate outcrop patterns of Serpukhovian to Moscovian progradation in Asturias of northern Spain. These margins show progradation of up to 5 km and more than 10 km, respectively, despite the high-relief (up to 600 m) and their steep (~20-32°) nature.
Both examples share a highly productive microbial boundstone slope extending from the platform break to nearly 300 m (or more) depth and a lower slope dominated by (mega)breccias and grain-flow deposits derived from the margin and slope itself. The broad depth range of microbial and cement boundstone “factory” increases the potential for production during both lowstands and highstands of sea level and thereby facilitates progradation. Rapid in-situ lithification of the boundstone provides stability to the steep slopes, but also leads to readjustment through shearing and avalanching. Remarkable observations are the contrasts with the Bahamian highstand shedding depositional model, little control by fluctuations in sea level or by paleo-wind directions due to their self-nourishing nature, and the accretion rates of in-situ boundstone.
This new model of “slope” shedding has implications for slope readjustment, slope architecture, sequence stratigraphic models, reservoir characterization, and reservoir modeling
, especially given that the isotropic character of microbial boundstone will reduce the potential for coherent
reflections to develop and possibly invoke, under certain stress regimes, shattering and fracturing, thereby generating significant non-matrix permeability.
Implications of Microbial Boundstone Slopes In conclusion, the role of microbes in the evolution of “reefal“ margins has been largely neglected but may present a depositional system with different rules controlling its spatial distribution and response to climatic and eustatic sea level changes and resulting reservoir properties. Both Tengiz and Asturias share a highly productive microbial cement boundstone factory extending from the platform break to nearly 300 m of water depth and a lower slope dominated by (mega) breccias and grain flow deposits derived from the margin and slope itself. The broad depth range of microbial cement boundstone increases the potential for production during both lowstands and highstands of sea level and thereby facilitates progradation. This contrasts sharply with the Bahamian highstand shedding concept that is based on domination of sediment supply during highstands of sea level only. Rapid in-situ lithification of the boundstone provides stability to the steep slopes, but also leads to readjustment through shearing and avalanching. Remarkable observations to both Tengiz and Asturias are the rates of in-situ boundstone growth (and as result progradation rates) that equal those of Recent coralgal (skeletal) reef systems and the asymmetric distribution not related to paleo-wind directions. What controls the microbial cement boundstone formation remains a debate, but its presence is a key factor in the progradational geometry of these and possibly many other older, and younger, margins. In conclusion, the role of microbes in the evolution of “reefal“ margins has been largely neglected but may present a depositional system with different rules controlling its spatial distribution and response to climatic and eustatic sea level changes and resulting reservoir properties.
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