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PSISBA: A Methodological Project for Petroleum Systems Evaluation in Complex Areas*
M. Thibaut1, C. Sulzer1, A. Jardin1, and M. Bêche1,2
Search and Discovery Article #40269 (2007)
Posted December 18, 2007
*Adapted from poster presentation at AAPG and AAPG European Region Conference, Athens, Greece, November 18-21, 2007
1IFP, Institut Français du Pétrole, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex France ([email protected]; [email protected])
2 University Laval, Quebec
Regarding the current context of oil and gas exploration, the development of new prospects will rely on our ability to detect reservoirs in deeper and structurally more complex targets. Petroleum system evaluation and basin modeling tools are then required to improve the knowledge in hydrocarbon potential in mature and under explored areas in all environment (compressive, extensive and salt tectonics). But difficulties are encountered for a reliable application of techniques like seismic imaging, structural restoration, and basin modeling, especially to take into account a realistic geometric description of geological structures at the present day and during the tectonic deformation steps. These play areas stretch the capabilities of currently available 3D basin modeling software based on relatively simple geometrical
concepts. To properly handle the kinematics of structural deformation at basin scale coupled with the evaluation of the pressure regime and the temperature history remains a challenge for the next few years.
The pilot project ISBA is a working group with a learning curve which aims at defining coherent workflows, better integrating existing tools, determining quality control steps or criteria for problems in complex environment. It identifies problems and offers solutions.
The project ISBA is carried out in various complex geological contexts: salt tectonics, compressive and extensive settings. The first case study is in a compressive environment on the Gaspe peninsula located in the Quebec part of the Northern Appalachians. This ISBA project is looking for collaboration and data for applying our innovative technology.
The ISBA project using real case studies is dedicated to develop innovative workflows and solutions to cope with the methodological difficulties.
Bêche, M., Kirkwood, D., Jardin, A., Desaulniers, E., Saucier, D., and Roure, F., 2007, 2D depth seismic imaging in the Gaspe belt , a structurally complex fold and thrust belt in the Northern Appalachians, Quebec, Canada, in Thrust belts and foreland basins: Springer, Chapter 4, p. 4-16. Brisebois, D., and Brun, J., 1994, La plate-forme du Saint-Laurent et les Appalaches: Géologie du Quebec, v. 1, p. 95–120. Jardin, A., Thibaut, M., Bêche, M., Saucier, D., Kirkwood, D., and Faille, I., 2007, Challenges for 3D basin modeling in complex areas: The Gaspe belt pilot: AAPG Hedberg conference--Basin Modeling Perspectives : Innovative developments and novel applications. Moretti, I., Lepage, F., BS Guitton, M., 2006, ‘Kine3D: A new restoration method based on a mixed approach linking geometry and geomechanics: Oil&Gas Science and Technology, v. 61, no. 2, p. 277-289.
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