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Improving Net-to-Gross Reservoir Estimation with Small-Scale Geological Modeling*
Peter Phillips1 and Renjun Wen1
Search and Discovery Article #40252 (2007)
Posted August 15, 2007
*Adapted from oral presentation at AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California, April 1-4, 2007
1Geomodeling Technology Corp, Calgary, Alberta ([email protected])
Geoscientists have often been
frustrated by the arbitrary assignment of petrophysical
log cut-offs to define
reservoir intervals capable of hosting producible hydrocarbon. The traditional
practice is to derive "pseudo-permeability" from well logs such as gamma ray,
density, and sonic. However, this indirect approach can introduce large errors
in estimates of net-to-gross reservoir and, hence, reserve volumes.
We introduce a method for improving the accuracy of net-to-gross reservoir estimation with a small-scale geological modeling and upscaling approach. The first step is to generate cm- to dm-scale geological models for representative flow units in a well interval. The approach combines stochastic and deterministic modeling methods to mimic the sedimentary processes behind siliciclastic deposition. The resulting 3D models accurately simulate bedding structures observed in core and outcrop, and capture the geological heterogeneities that impact fluid flow.
The second step is
to populate the resulting "digital rock models" with porosity and permeability
values derived from core. Finally, by applying flow-based upscaling algorithms,
we upscale the models to the well-log scale and calibrate modeled permeabilities
to core and log data. The upscaling output includes facies-dependent property
values that honor both core measurements and small-scale heterogeneities
observed at core scale. The resulting property models provide a scientifically
sound basis for calculating net reservoir. The modeling and upscaling approach
was applied to a reservoir characterization study to identify net reservoir
below the resolution of conventional petrophysical
logs. The results helped to
resolve major discrepancies between the static and dynamic reservoir model.
Introduce method for improving the accuracy of net-to-gross reservoir estimation: 1. Generate cm- to dm-scale digital geological models. 2. Populate the resulting ‘digital rock models’ with porosity and permeability, and sedimentological characteristics gathered from core, core plug, and profile permeameter. 3. Apply flow-based upscaling algorithms.
The output includes facies-dependent property values that honor core measurements and small-scale heterogeneities observed at core scale.
(Figure 1)
Key Assumptions in Conventional Permeability Modeling
Improving Permeability Modeling (Figure 2)
Breaking Tradition (Figure 2) Workflow:
(Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10) 1. Specify input parameters for bedding and petrophysics. 2. Create flow unit models (sub-models). 3. Create stack model (i.e., many sub-models) ~ 6.5 m x 30 cm x 30 cm
MacMurray Formation: Oil Sands Model
Identify Representative
Core Assessment:
Workflow (Figures 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16)
Small-scale heterogeneity modeling can improve reservoir characterization studies:
Models can be transferred into flow properties, providingcritical reservoir properties for informed decisions. |