--> AVVertically Extensive Definitions of Plays on the Gulf of Mexico Shelf Based on the Principal Sedimentary Events of Fields, b
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AVVertically Extensive Definitions of Plays on the Gulf of Mexico Shelf Based on the Principal Sedimentary Events of Fields, by John D. Grace, #110039 (2007)

1 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, “Searching for Success,” AAPG 2007 Annual Convention


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AVThe Lower Tertiary Wilcox Trend in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by Previous HitDavidNext Hit B. Rains, Larry Zarra, and Previous HitDavidTop Meyer, #110040 (2007)

2 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, “Searching for Success,” AAPG 2007 Annual Convention


Click to view presentation in PDF format (~6.3 mb).



AVRegional Petroleum Systems Evaluation and New Play Identification in an Uplifted Paleozoic Basin: Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma, USA, by Harris Cander and Thomas L. Patton, #110041 (2007)

3 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, “Searching for Success,” AAPG 2007 Annual Convention


Click to view presentation in PDF format (~7.5 mb).



AVProlific Gas Production from Low-Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs - Part II: Reconciling Basin History, Fluid Saturations, Gas Shows, and Capillary Pressure, by Keith W. Shanley, Robert M. Cluff, and John W. Robinson, #110042 (2007)

4 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, “Searching for Success,” AAPG 2007 Annual Convention


Click to view presentation in PDF format (~2.8 mb).



AVChayvo Field, Sakhalin Island, Russia: Identification of a Significant Oil Leg from 3-D Seismic and Execution of a World Class Extended Reach Drilling Program, by Ted Apotria, Randall Mathis, Rick J. Powell, and Bridget Venner, #110043 (2007)

5 of 7 presentations session, with theme, “Searching for Success,” AAPG 2007 Annual Convention


Click to view presentation in PDF format (~12 mb).



AVFirst Gas after 40 Years – The Geophysical Challenges of the Saturn Gas Complex, by S.D. Elam, #110044 (2007)

6 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, “Searching for Success,” AAPG 2007 Annual Convention


Click to view presentation in PDF format (~4.3 mb).



AVEmerging Trends from 69 Giant Oil and Gas Fields Discovered from 2000-2006, by Paul Mann, M.K. Horn, and Ian M. Cross, #110045 (2007)

7 of 7 presentations from session, with theme, “Searching for Success,” AAPG 2007 Annual Convention


Click to view presentation in PDF format (~41 mb).