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+Click to view article by Bally, Gordy, and Stewart, Bulletin of Canadian Geology, 1966.
Confirmation of Thin-skinned Thrust Faulting in Foreland Fold-Thrust Belts and Its Impact on Hydrocarbon Exploration:
Bally, Gordy, and Stewart, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 1966*
Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.1
Search and Discovery Article #70034 (2007)
Posted May 22, 2007
*First in the AAPG History of Petroleum Geology Series on Papers Having a Major Impact on Petroleum Geology: A contribution of the AAPG History of Petroleum Geology Committee; received March 29, 2007.
+This classic work is included here with the kind permission of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists.
1Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Science Alliance Center of Excellence, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996–1410 ([email protected])
Low-angle thrust faults were first
recognized in 1841 by Arnold Escher von der Linth in the Alps near Glarus,
Switzerland (Bailey, 1935), and by James M. Safford (1856) in Tennessee, and
later by A.E. Törnebohm (1872) in Sweden and R.G. McConnell (1887) in the
Canadian Rockies, but their very existence became a point of contention. This
prompted the Director of Her Majesty's Geological Survey, Roderick Impey
Murchison, to dispatch his best geologists to the Northwest Highlands of
Scotland where an excellent candidate for such a structure was thought to exist.
They were instructed to once-and-for-all to disprove the heresy that thin sheets
of rock could be transported intact for many tens of kilometers. B.N. Peach,
John Horne, C.T. Clough, and their colleagues mapped the Assynt District in
enough detail to thoroughly confirm the existence of the Moine thrust (Peach et
al., 1892, 1907), so British geologists could agree with their Alpine and
Appalachian colleagues. Peach et al. (1907), however, only laid the foundations
for other controversies that followed. At the same time and later, Swiss
geologist Arnold Buxtorf (1907, 1916), based on geologic data
from construction
of railroad tunnels, published the idea that the faults and folds in the Jura
Mountains are rootless and formed by propagation of a detachment through
Triassic evaporates, leaving the basement beneath undeformed—the first statement
of thin-skinned thrusting and folding (Laubscher, 1962; Rodgers, 1964). The
argument about thin- vs. thick-skinned thrust faulting in foreland fold-thrust
belts thus began in the early 1900s and raged for many decades, although the
solution was at hand on the Earth's surface in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. Cross-section construction was aided by development of the concept of
down-plunge projection by Emile Argand (1916) and later by J. Hoover Mackin
(1950), but subsurface
are essential to construction and confirmation of
valid cross sections. Confirming evidence from subsurface
from a
combination of drilling and high quality
reflection lines would not
become available until the 1950s.
Actually, C. Willard Hayes (1891)
recognized the low-angle character of the thrust faults in northwest Georgia,
probably thought they are thin-skinned, and even speculated on how a cross
section through these faults might be retrodeformed to estimate shortening. John
L. Rich rode in an airplane over the Pine Mountain fault block in the southern
Appalachians in the early 1930s and became intrigued by its structure. He
subsequently published a paper in the AAPG Bulletin clearly showing the Pine
Mountain block is thin-skinned (Rich, 1934), but without any supporting
subsurface data
. Modern
have confirmed Rich's
speculation, as well as the largely correct nature of his cross sections
illustrating the Pine Mountain structure as a modern “fault-bend fold,” and his
conclusions about the displacement, character, and behavior of bounding tear
faults (Mitra, 1988). The thin- vs. thick-skinned argument, however, raged in
the Appalachians throughout the 1950s and early 1960s between two protagonists,
John Rodgers and Byron M. Cooper (Rodgers, 1949, 1964; Cooper, 1961 1964), but
neither gave an inch, because there were no subsurface
in the Appalachians
to support either side. Drilling
, however, did provide sufficient
information to dispel any doubts about the thin-skinned character of deformation
in the Appalachian Plateau (Gwinn, 1964).
The interior Appalachian foreland
fold-thrust belt (Valley and Ridge) was considered overmature and largely barren
of hydrocarbons, but the Canadian Rockies Foothills were becoming quite
productive during the 1950s and 1960s, with Turner Valley field having already
been productive for several decades (Tippett et al., 2005). Subsurface drilling
were already quite abundant and the first digital
reflection lines
through this area were being acquired by several companies. Shell Canada
geologists Albert W. Bally and Peter A. Gordy, and geophysicist Gordie A.
Stewart, were allowed to publish the results of their analysis of numerous
reflection profiles in their 1966 Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
paper, "Structure,
, and orogenic evolution of southern Canadian
Rocky Mountains." Their management permitted them to acquire long regional
profiles across the Canadian Rockies and Foothills yielding
images that clearly showed the undeformed basement dipping gently westward
beneath the foreland fold-thrust belt. These thus became the critical
declare thin-skinned thrusting to be the mechanism for deformation of thrust
belts worldwide. So, while the thin- versus thick-skinned thrusting concepts had
been fiercely debated in the Appalachians and elsewhere, the debate was silenced
of a few critical high quality
reflection profiles
in the Canadian Rockies and Foothills, calibrated by numerous industry wells. A
key to the
of the Shell Canada regional transects was the then
newly developed “variable-area” displays, which for the first time permitted
geologists to become more deeply involved in the
. Moreover, the contrast of high-velocity carbonates and lower
velocity foredeep clastics encouraged the use of in-line and broadside
refraction techniques to identify “top carbonate reflectors” among a maze of
flat and steep reflectors (for an overview see Keating, 1966). Thus the real
“driver” for new geological insights was the aggressive application of then
novel geophysical technologies: the confirmation of old geological concepts and
their “morphing” into new geological insights came mostly as a consequence of
technology and not as a consequence of the testing of a new geological
hypothesis. This also was more a community effort and not the work of one
company, despite the outlet through the Shell geologists (A.W. Bally, written
commun., 2006).
Another important element brought to
the forefront in their paper was the importance of constructing rigorous cross
sections that could be retrodeformed and deformed again to produce a believable
result—section balancing. Others had previously discussed this (e.g., Hayes,
1891; Chamberlain, 1910; Bucher, 1933), but the recognition of a gently
westward-dipping, “near-basement” Cambrian reflector in the Canadian Rockies for
the first time permitted and called for the construction of balanced cross
sections, and for regional strike profiles that respected surface geology,
regional seismic
, and drilling information. Implicit in the
development of balancing techniques was the recognition that, particularly in
the inner parts of the Canadian Rockies, the actual depth and thus the “tilt” of
the basement, became increasingly uncertain. The addition of stratigraphic
thickness uncertainties translated into widely varying shortening estimates. All
of the original balanced sections were balanced by hand and at a scale that was
good enough for exploration.
Hans P. Laubscher (1962) quantitatively addressed the concept of area balancing and other problems inherent with restoring cross sections, and, shortly after the Bally et al. (1966) paper, Chevron geologist Clinton D. A. Dalstrom (1970) published his classic paper summarizing the basic concepts of section balancing. Steven E. Boyer and David Elliott (1982) provided additional details about the nature of thrust systems, while Price and Mountjoy (1970), Elliott and Johnson (1980), Price (1981), and Elliott (1983) provided abundant evidence for the utility of balanced cross sections.
A hydrocarbon-bearing component of
many foreland fold-thrust belts, which was confirmed and better studied with the
aid of multi-channel seismic
, is “triangle zones.” The one in
the Alberta Foothills was well documented during the 1970s and 1980s, where the
most complex of these structures exists (Canadian Society of Petroleum
Geologists Special Issue, 1996). Couzens and Wiltschko (1996), however,
suggested there are at least two end-member types: the Alberta Foothills type
that involves massive delamination within the sedimentary section and
retrocharriage, producing as much as 50 percent shortening, and the simpler
Appalachian type that forms with two oppositely vergent thrusts that involve
detachment with minimal shortening in the cores of anticlines (e.g., Gwinn,
The Bally et al. (1966) paper should
have convinced any remaining skeptics about the thin-skinned nature of foreland
thrust faulting and provided a rationale for the construction of balanced cross
sections. It therefore provided a new paradigm that changed the thinking about
hydrocarbon exploration in thrust-faulted regions worldwide. While the
understanding the structure of foreland fold-thrust belts is still incomplete,
A. W. Bally (written commun., 2006) senses that today’s styling of regional
structure across foreland fold-thrust belts may be excessively idealized. The
frequent use of well-designed computer programs may be somewhat overrated: their
implied accuracy and respect for a limited number of deformation options tends
to camouflage the many very real uncertainties that are associated with an
inadequate definition of the basement and its nature, stratigraphic thickness
assumptions, velocity assumptions used for depth conversions, and, most
important, a firm anchor in the undeformed foreland. This has led to a formal
stylization of foreland folded belts that is characterized by the endless
replication of a few simple themes
that hides the incredible variability of
different styles in various foreland folded belts.
This paper was improved by constructive comments provided by members of the AAPG History of Petroleum Geology Committee and particularly by Bert Bally.
References Cited
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