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Stochastic Monte-Carlo simulations
overpressure probability distribution in the Halten Terrace area*
Ane Lothe1 and Are Tømmerås1
Search and Discovery Article #40232 (2007)
Posted February 11, 2007
*Adapted from extended abstract prepared for presentation at AAPG 2006 International Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia, November 5-8, 2006
1SINTEF Petroleum Research, S.P. Andersens vei 15B, N-7465 Trondheim, Norway
Quantifying the uncertainties in pore pressure
at basin scale is a challenge. This is mainly because the geological
processes that control pressure generation and dissipation and the lateral fluid
flow in a sedimentary basin are still not well understood. Stochastic
Monte-Carlo simulation of overpressures is an approach that can be used to
quantify the uncertainties related to some of the calculated processes. The
technique presented here can provide important guidelines when planning drilling
operations in new parts of a basin.
Study Area and Regional Geology
study area is located in the Halten Terrace, offshore Mid-Norway (Figure
1). The Halten Terrace is highly block-faulted, due to major extensional
activity during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Blystad et al., 1995).
The Halten Terrace area has undergone continuous subsidence since Paleozoic. The
subsidence history suggests moderate to high sedimentation rates during the
Mesozoic and very high rates in the Late Pleistocene (Dalland et al., 1988).
Today, the reservoir
rocks (Garn Formation, Fangst Group) are buried to depths
between 2.0 and 3.5 km in the western part of the terrace. The rapid, late
burial led to increased pressure in the western part of the area. The pressure
generation was highly influenced by increased quartz cementation in the Fangst
The pressure simulator named PRESSIM is used
to do the pressure modelling. The simulator is developed to calculate
pressure build-up and dissipitation on geological time scale in
sedimentary basins (Borge, 2000, Lothe, 2004;
Figure 2). The fault traces mapped at the top
The geo-mechanical properties for the caprock
are allowed to vary through time with changing burial depths (Lothe et
al., 2004). Isotropic horizontal stresses are assumed, and the minimum
horizontal stress is estimated using an empirical formula (Grauls,
1998). The vertical stress versus time varies depending on sedimentary
loading and fault permeability; it is modelled as depth dependent. The
fault transmissibility depends on the burial depth, the length, width,
and the dip-slip displacement of the faults, thickness of the
Depth maps of the different stratigraphic
units were used to compute the decompacted subsidence history for the
Jurassic Garn Formation for the time steps: 90, 80, 65, 20, 5, 2 Ma and
today. The fault trace map of the top Garn Formation was used to divide
As outlined in Krogstad and Sylta (1996),
Sylta and Krogstad (2003) and Sylta (2004), hydrocarbon 3D basin
Sylta and Krogstad (2003) used a probabilistic
description of the key input parameters; e.g., thickness of source rock
unit as the sum of a) a map grid of the most likely values and b) a
standard deviation from the most likely values. This can also be used in
our case, where the most important input variables can be described with
a probability distribution. The calibration of the model consists of
finding a set of input variables and their values that result in a match
to present-day pressures and minimum horizontal stresses versus depth in
wells. The input values that are varied in the stochastic The simulation results can be weighted, depending on the measured pressures and stresses in wells. Each simulation run is weighted accordingly to match the calibrated wells, using the equation from Sylta and Krogstad (2003) rewritten to:
where wi is the weight of simulation
run number ‘i’, N is the total number of calibration
depths, an is a weight of importance of applied to each
calibration depth, ‘n’ refers to well depth , Pn mod(i) is
the modelled overpressure for depth ‘n’ in run ‘i’ , and
Pn obs is the measured (observed) overpressures for calibration
well for depth ‘n’. When the average difference between the
modelled and measured overpressures increases, the weight of the
‘M’ is the total number of
To assess the uncertainties, more than 3000
runs with stochastic Monte-Carlo approach has been carried out. First,
the results for the Monte-Carlo
Secondly, we weighted simulated Monte-Carlo
results versus measured pressures in wells. The results were weighted
100% versus two wells (6406/2-3 [Kristin
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