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7th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition
Manama, Bahrain
March 27-29, 2006
1 New Fields Development (WK), Kuwait Oil Company, PO Box 9758, FDD(West), Industrial Area, Ahmadi, 61008,
Kuwait, phone: +965-130 ext 71975, fax: 965-3986492, [email protected]
2 Team Leader, Jurassic Layering Development, Kuwait Oil Company, Field development, West Kuwait, Ahmadi, Kuwait
2 BP
A 3D Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Model
of Najmah-Sargelu unconventional fractured reservoir covering four oil-fields
of West Kuwait was built, using petrophysical data from 54 wells including core & image logs, supplemented with seismic
facies analysis and production data calibration. Subsequent of
construction, new appraisal data is available form one
horizontal well and two vertical wells drilled recently in three different oil -fields. Fractures described in a new core from one
well was used for fracture characterization and the same was calibrated using higher resolution image logs available for the
first time in these reservoirs. ‘Fracture swarms' related to sub-seismic faults were segregated from ‘diffuse joint sets' based
on fracture morphology, orientations & distribution in well-by-well analysis. Systematic analysis of geological drivers such as
mechanical bed thickness and brittleness was carried out to derive fracture spacing, intensity and dispersion to compare
with earlier data-set. Qualitative reservoir dynamic calibration was attempted using production log from the horizontal well
acquired recently for the first time in this reservoir. Static modeling concepts used for building the DFN
were tested
rigorously with the help of additional well data. Besides providing assurance on predictive capabilities of the
limitations thereof, present effort succeeds in identifying opportunities and directions for further refinement.
In short term, well locations and paths are being optimized with the help of DFN model
, to intercept minor fracture swarms
using deviated wells for the first time. The appraisal & development wells targeting fracture ‘sweet spots' will address multireservoir
development besides generating necessary data for cost optimization. Parallel efforts to built full -field reservoir
models, in longer term will lead to cost-effective development of these unconventional fractured reservoirs.