--> Infracambrian Sequence: New Petroleum Play in the South-Western Sahara, Algeria
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AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 90 (2006), Program Abstracts (Digital)

7th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition
Manama, Bahrain
March 27-29, 2006

ABSTRACT: Infracambrian Previous HitSequenceNext Hit: New Petroleum Play in the South-Western Sahara, Algeria

Daoudi Mohamed
Sonatrach, Division Exploration, Sonatrach-Exploration, Immeuble IAP, BP 68M, Boumerdes 35000, Algeria, phone: 00 213 24 81 63 97, fax: 00 213 24 81 63 98, [email protected]

The exploration for new petroleum play within the present hydrocarbon context is oriented toward areas which haven't been explored, so far, or with unidentified hydrocarbon potential. That is the case of the sedimentary part (Infracambrian Previous HitsequenceNext Hit) of the “Eglab” range. This part of the “Eglab range” is located half in Mauritania (Taoudini Basin) and half in Algeria (Yetti, Iguidi pro part) The petroleum potential of the infracambrian Previous HitsequenceNext Hit is now beginning to be better understood. The stromatolithic limestone reservoirs where gas has been found by Texaco Company in (Central Taoudini Basin) Mauritania, is a stratigraphic unit within the infracambrian Previous HitsequenceNext Hit. A drilling test flowed at 480 000 sq.f./d.

Geochemical Previous HitanalysisNext Hit has been made on surface samples (outcrop) of stratigraphic intervals of the infracambrian (El Mretti group and Bir Amrane). The results of these Previous HitanalysisNext Hit showed the excellent characteristics of the source rock, TOC>5%, for the shales, despite the weathering conditions. This means that the rate of TOC existing at the subsurface must be much more. The interpretation of the thermal history shows two phases of heating corresponding to Paleozoic burial time and dolerite intrusion (Jurassic). The stromatolithic limestones were obviously the main reservoir targets in this region. This horizon buried under the overlying section of the upper infracambrian–Paleozoic in the Reggane basin, where it has been recognised from Previous HitwellNext Hit section. It was reached by the Previous HitwellTop Brini-301 (BR301), and may be in the Tindouf basin. As mentioned previously, the eglabs holds a large perspective in hydrocarbon potential. We must confirm first, through field works, the following aspects: Define the source rocks potential, define the reservoir qualities, Evaluate entrapment situations and types.


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