--> Integration of Remote Sensing Data with Geology and Geophysics – Case Study from Bahrain
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AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 90 (2006), Program Abstracts (Digital)

7th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition
Manama, Bahrain
March 27-29, 2006

ABSTRACT: Integration of Remote Sensing Data with Geology and Geophysics – Case Study from Bahrain

Andreas Laake1, Habib Al-Alawi2, and Rutger Gras3
1 WesternGeco, Schlumberger House, Gatwick, RH6 0NZ, United Kingdom, phone: 44 1293 556246, fax: 44 1293 556640, [email protected]
2Exploration & Development Dept, The Bahrain Petroleum Company, BAPCO, P.O.Box:25555, Awali, Bahrain
3Schlumberger Information Solutions, West Sussex, RH10 9LU, United Kingdom

The objective of integration of remote sensing data with surface geological and geophysical data is to improve seismic survey design and data processing. Remote sensing data from satellites provides densely sampled information about the earth surface. When integrated with surface geological data, estimates of the Previous HitelasticNext Hit properties of the surface can be obtained to assist planning seismic survey data acquisition. In particular, multispectral remote sensing data are interpreted for geomorphological characteristics such as sabkha and karst features, which are known to degrade seismic data quality. Developing surface Previous HitelasticTop property estimates prior to the start of the seismic survey supports the selection of vibrator sweep parameters tailored to surface conditions, thereby improving survey data quality. This case study from the Awali field in Bahrain shows how integration of multispectral data and surface geology could improve surface seismic data quality. The success of the method is demonstrated through a karst feature (doline) and coastal sabkha.

The results are presented in a Petrel database, which allows further integration with subsurface geological and geophysical data to improve the understanding of hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Middle East. The visualization comprises map images, virtual 3D images, and virtual fly-through movies. The project shows, in a reservoir database, the benefits from combining surface seismic data and satellite imagery.


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