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7th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition
Manama, Bahrain
March 27-29, 2006
Layering for Carbonate Reservoirs? Depositionally or Diagenetically Driven?
TOTAL, Pau France, phone: (33)559835865, [email protected]
The architecture, heterogeneities and petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoirs result from a combination of platform
morphology, related depositional environments, relative sea level changes and a variety of diagenetic events. The reservoir
layering built for static and dynamic modelling purposes should reflect the key heterogeneities (depositional or diagenetic)
which govern the fluid flow patterns. The layering needs to be adapted to the goal of the modelling, ranging from full
computations of hydrocarbon volumes, to sector-based fine-scale
to test the recovery improvement and its
This paper illustrates from subsurface to outcrop studies, various reservoir
layering types, including schemes dominated by
depositional architecture, and those more driven by the diagenetic overprint. The examples include carbonate platform
reservoirs from different stratigraphic settings (Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic and Permian) and different regions (Europe,
Africa and Middle East areas). This review shows how significant stratigraphic surfaces (such as sequence boundaries or
maximum flooding surfaces) with their associated facies shifts, can be often considered as key markers or intervals to
constrain the
layering. Examples are given of
layering which are driven by the depositional heterogeneity
at both the layering and the intra-layering scale. Conversely, this paper also outlines how diagenesis, resulting in units with
particular poroperm characteristics, may significantly overprint the primary (depositional)
architecture by
generating flow units which cross-cut depositional sequences. To demonstrate how diagenetic processes can create
bodies with geometries that cross-cut the depositional fabric, different types of dolomitization and karst
development are illustrated.