--> In-situ Water Salinity and Saturation Determination from Simultaneous Logs
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AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 90 (2006), Program Abstracts (Digital)

7th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition
Manama, Bahrain
March 27-29, 2006

ABSTRACT: In-situ Previous HitWaterNext Hit Salinity and Previous HitSaturationNext Hit Determination from Simultaneous Logs

Roger J. Griffiths
Middle East, Schlumberger, P.O. Box 21, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, phone: +971 50 6681831, [email protected]

With secondary and tertiary recovery becoming increasingly common, the problem of assessing formation Previous HitsaturationNext Hit becomes more complex as injected fluids mix with the original waters resulting in variations in the Previous HitwaterNext Hit salinity (and hence Previous HitwaterNext Hit resistivity, Rw) across a field. By deriving two independent Previous HitwaterNext Hit saturations from measurements with differing sensitivities to formation Previous HitwaterNext Hit salinity we demonstrate how the Previous HitwaterNext Hit salinity and Previous HitsaturationNext Hit can be determined simultaneously.

The recent introduction of a Logging_While-Drilling (LWD) Thermal Capture Cross-Section (Sigma) measurement acquired very close to the resistivity measure point on the LWD tool has opened the possibility of comparing the open-hole preinvasion Sigma-derived Previous HitsaturationNext Hit with that from a traditional open-hole Archie-derived Previous HitsaturationNext Hit. As both are acquired at close to the same depth at the same time, the saturations should match if the assigned Previous HitwaterNext Hit salinity (and hence Previous HitwaterNext Hit resistivity and Previous HitwaterNext Hit sigma value) is correct. As the Sigma and resistivity measurements differ in their response to changing Previous HitwaterNext Hit salinity, any discrepancy between the two saturations can be used to determine simultaneously both the in-situ Previous HitwaterNext Hit salinity and the actual formation Previous HitwaterNext Hit Previous HitsaturationNext Hit by varying the Previous HitwaterNext Hit salinity until a Previous HitwaterNext Hit Previous HitsaturationTop match is achieved. We review field examples showing the application of this technique to Middle East carbonate reservoirs.


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