--> Shuaiba Formation, An Unconventional Reservoir in Kuwait
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AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 90 (2006), Program Abstracts (Digital)

7th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition
Manama, Bahrain
March 27-29, 2006

ABSTRACT: Shuaiba Formation, An Unconventional Reservoir in Kuwait

Rodney Gene Blackford and Meshari Al-Awadi
Kuwait Oil Company, Ahmadi, 61008, Kuwait, phone: 965 709 4035, [email protected]

Shuaiba Formation An Unconventional Reservoir in Kuwait By Rod Blackford With special contributions from Meshari Al Awadi Moinuddin Quidwai Fathi Atta Fathi Terry O'Hearn Mubarak Al-Hajeri

This paper investigates the potential of the Shuaiba Formation as an unconventional, (low pressured with extreme permeability) oil and gas bearing reservoir in northern Kuwait. Potentially large reserves of oil and gas with high production rates are expected. This paper will discuss how the Shuaiba Formation was recognized as an unconventional reservoir. A variety of conventional exploration methods interpreted differently is the key to recognizing the unconventional nature and potential of the Shuaiba.

This paper discusses the unique interpretation of typical exploration methods used to evaluate unconventional formations. Interpretation of the results from routine methods such as drill cuttings analysis, petrophysical analysis, mud logging, geochemistry, through casing temperature logs, seismic review and pressure determination, as Previous HitwellNext Hit as, drilling records will be reviewed to highlight the unconventional interpretation.

Maps, Previous HitwellNext Hit logs, cross-sections, geochemistry, drilling records and seismic demonstrate the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate and exploit these Previous HittypesNext Hit of reservoirs even more so than conventional reservoirs. Many low pressured carbonate reservoirs may have been over looked world wide but with a logical interpretation approach of the information; many new reservoirs can be established.

To exploit unconventional reservoirs fully under-balanced drilling methods will be explained why they must be applied. In November of 2005 an under-balanced drilling test of the Shuaiba formation in the Raudhatain Field will be conducted in North Kuwait. High production rates are expected based upon current disposal Previous HitwellNext Hit injection rates, establishing the Shuaiba formation as a major oil producer. The results from the Previous HitwellTop tests will be given at the Geo 2006 convention.


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