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Analysis of
Bob A. Hardage1 and Michael V. DeAngelo1
Search and Discovery Article #40227 (2006)
Posted December 6, 2006
*Adapted from the Geophysical Corner columns, prepared by the authors, in AAPG Explorer, October and November, 2006. Title of column in October, Part 1 here, is the same as that given above; title of column in November, Part 2 here, is “S-Waves and Fractured Reservoirs.” Editor of Geophysical Corner is Bob A. Hardage. Managing Editor of AAPG Explorer is Vern Stefanic; Larry Nation is Communications Director.
1Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, Texas ([email protected] )
Most rocks are anisotropic, meaning that their elastic properties are different when measured in different directions. For example, elastic moduli measured perpendicular to bedding differ from elastic moduli measured parallel to bedding – and moduli measured parallel to elongated and aligned grains differ from moduli measured perpendicular to that grain axis. Because elastic moduli affect seismic propagation velocity, seismic wave modes react to rock anisotropy by exhibiting direction-dependent velocity, which in turn creates direction-dependent reflectivity. Repeated tests by numerous people have shown shear (S) waves have greater sensitivity to rock anisotropy than do compressional (P) waves.
Slowly the
important role of S-waves for evaluating fracture
systems, one of the most
common types of rock anisotropy, is moving from the research arena into actual
use across
prospects. Examples of S-wave technology being used to
orientation have been published by Gaiser (2004) and Gaiser
and Van Dok (2005), for example. It seems timely to introduce one more example
Part1uGeneral StatementuFigures 1 & 2uExampleuConclusionuCommentuAcknowledgmentuReferencesPart 2uGeneral statementuFigure 3uExampleuLocal differenceuLocal variationsuProofuAcknowledgment
Part1uGeneral StatementuFigures 1 & 2uExampleuConclusionuCommentuAcknowledgmentuReferencesPart 2uGeneral statementuFigure 3uExampleuLocal differenceuLocal variationsuProofuAcknowledgment
Part1uGeneral StatementuFigures 1 & 2uExampleuConclusionuCommentuAcknowledgmentuReferencesPart 2uGeneral statementuFigure 3uExampleuLocal differenceuLocal variationsuProofuAcknowledgment
Part1uGeneral StatementuFigures 1 & 2uExampleuConclusionuCommentuAcknowledgmentuReferencesPart 2uGeneral statementuFigure 3uExampleuLocal differenceuLocal variationsuProofuAcknowledgment
Part1uGeneral StatementuFigures 1 & 2uExampleuConclusionuCommentuAcknowledgmentuReferencesPart 2uGeneral statementuFigure 3uExampleuLocal differenceuLocal variationsuProofuAcknowledgment
Part1uGeneral StatementuFigures 1 & 2uExampleuConclusionuCommentuAcknowledgmentuReferencesPart 2uGeneral statementuFigure 3uExampleuLocal differenceuLocal variationsuProofuAcknowledgment
The prospect considered here involves two
fractured carbonate intervals at a depth of a little more than 1800
meters (6000 feet). A small 5.75-km2 (2.25-mi2)
three-component 3-D seismic survey (3C3D) was acquired to determine
whether PP (compressional) and PS (converted-S) data could be used to
determine Figure 1 shows a
PP and PS azimuth-dependent data analysis done in a superbin near the
center of this survey. At this superbin location, common-azimuth gathers
of PP and PS data extending from 0 to 2000-meter offsets were made in
narrow, overlapping, 20-degree azimuth corridors. In each of these
azimuth corridors, the far-offset traces were excellent quality and were
summed to make a single trace showing arrival times and amplitudes of
the reflection waveforms from two
Inspection of these azimuth-dependent data shows two important facts: · PS waves arrive earliest in the azimuth corridor centered 50° east of north (the fast-S mode, S1) and latest in an azimuth direction 140° east of north (the slow-S mode, S2). · PS waves exhibit a greater variation in arrival times and amplitudes than do their companion PP waves. For example, PP reflectivity from interval A is practically constant in all azimuth directions, whereas PS reflectivity varies significantly with azimuth. Likewise, PP arrival time of event A changes by only 4 ms between azimuth directions 50° and 140°, but PS arrival times change by almost 50 ms, an order of magnitude greater than the variation in PP arrival times.
Azimuth-dependent trace gathers like these
were created at many locations across the seismic image space, and the
azimuths in which PS reflection amplitudes from On the basis of this close correspondence
between FMI and S-wave estimates of
We conclude that application of S-wave
seismic technology across
This particular horizontal well was not
placed in production – even though the well bore intersected a high
population of fractures trending perpendicular to the well axis –
because too many of the fractures were plugged with cement. That problem
sets the stage for a subsequent article, in which we will describe
S-wave attributes that can be used to indicate
This research was funded by sponsors of the Exploration Geophysics Laboratory at the Bureau of Economic Geology.
Gaiser, James E., 2004, PS-Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy: Benefits for Fractured Reservoir Management: Search and Discovery Article #40120 (2004).
Gaiser, James E., and Richard R. Van Dok, 2005, Converted
Shear-Wave Seismic
S-Waves and Fractured ReservoirsGeneral StatementIn Part 1, we show that In Part 2, we return to the same 3C3D seismic
data used in Part 1 and show how attributes determined from fast-S and
slow-S data volumes allow patterns of relative In Figure 1 we show that in a fractured medium, a converted-S wavefield segregates into a fast-S mode and a slow-S mode, and that the azimuth directions in which these fast-S and slow-S modes orient their polarized displacement vectors differ by 90 degrees. Knowing the polarization directions of these two S-wave modes across this particular study area, we processed the 3C3D data to create a fast-S image volume and a slow-S image volume. (The procedures used to segregate S-wave data into fast-S and slow-S images are exciting topics to geophysicists but are not appropriate to describe in this article.)
We show here in Figure 3 a vertical slice from the fast-S volume and the corresponding vertical slice from the slow-S volume. The two fractured carbonate intervals A and B are labeled on each display, as well as several horizons interpreted near these two reservoir intervals.
Differences between these fast-S and slow-S images include:
Some of these relative time-thickness changes are difficult to see by visual inspection of Figure 3, but numerical analyses of the isochron intervals between interpreted horizons show numerous examples of such behavior. Two locations where the time thickness of a reflection wavelet expands more in slow-S image space than in fast-S image space are labeled T1 and T2.
Local Difference: ReflectivityThe units bounding Fast-S and slow-S reflectivities across
targets A and B are controlled by the magnitude of the differences in
impedances across the top and bottom boundaries of A and B. When
To define locations where relative Local Variations: Interval-Time ThicknessWhen the slow-S interval-time between
horizons aa and cc increases (Figure 3b).),
two possible explanations are that (1) the thickness of reservoir A has
increased or (2) reservoir A has a constant thickness, but slow-S
velocity has lowered because of an increase in
Other arguments may be proposed in different geological settings, but in this case, these two explanations were the most plausible. · Option 1 can be verified by measuring fast-S interval time between horizons aa and cc (Figure 3a). If the reservoir interval thickens, fast-S interval time should increase.
If fast-S interval time changes little, or not at all,
then option 2 (increased
Two image coordinates where slow-S time
thickness increases more than does fast-S time thickness are labeled T1
and T2. Increased Prove It!What we have demonstrated is that comparisons
of fast-S and slow-S reflectivities and time thicknesses across
fractured intervals allow locations of relative increases in Proving the validity of predictions of
This research was funded by sponsors of the Exploration Geophysics Laboratory at the Bureau of Economic Geology. |