--> The Carbonate Analogs Through Time (CATT) Hypothesis – A Systematic and Predictive Look at Phanerozoic Carbonate Reservoirs: Extended Abstract, by James R. Markello, Richard B. Koepnick, and Lowell E. Waite, #40221 (2006).
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The Carbonate Analogs Through Previous HitTimeNext Hit (CATT) Hypothesis – A Systematic and Predictive Look at Phanerozoic Carbonate Reservoirs:

2005-2006 AAPG Distinguished Lecture*


James R. Markello1


Search and Discovery Article #40221 (2006)

Posted November 6, 2006


*Editorial Note: 2005-2006 AAPG Distinguished Lecture. Modification of the extended abstract for presentation, with the same title, by the above Distinguished Lecturer, with co-authors Richard B. Koepnick and Lowell E. Waite, at AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, is posted on Search and Discovery as Article #40185 (2006).  

Click to view presentation in PDF format (~ 3.4 mb).


1ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Houston, TX  ([email protected])



Hypothesis (Figure 1)

The Carbonate Analogs Through Previous HitTimeNext Hit (CATT) Hypothesis defines an approach for developing systematic evaluations and predictive models of Phanerozoic carbonate systems and reservoirs for use in exploration, development, and production businesses. The CATT hypothesis simply stated is:

·        "insightful, high-confidence, age-specific predictive models for carbonate systems and reservoir occurrence, composition, stratal attributes, and reservoir properties can be developed by summing the ambient conditions of the carbonate processes and Earth processes at any geologic age."

Figure 1. The carbonate analogs through Previous HittimeNext Hit (CATT) hypothesis. 


CATT Elements (Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7)

We term these models age-sensitive patterns. The hypothesis is built upon the knowledge that demonstrates carbonate and Earth processes have differentially varied throughout Phanerozoic Previous HittimeNext Hit. These processes include: 1) ecologic, oceanographic, sedimentologic process-based controls on carbonate factory development; 2) stratigraphic and accommodation process-based controls on carbonate stratal architecture; 3) secular trends of evolution, grain mineralogy, tectonics, climate, eustasy, ocean circulation, and ocean chemistry. Two key research products are a poster of secular varying geologic controls synchronized to the Previous HittimeNext Hit-scale, and a global atlas containing 29 paleogeographic maps with details of known Phanerozoic carbonate systems/reservoirs and age-sensitive patterns. 

Figure 2. Key CATT Element 1: Previous HitTimeNext Hit-slice definition using stratigraphy hierarchy (modified from Sarg, Markello, and Weber, 1999). 

Figure 3. Key CATT Element 2: Previous HitTimeNext Hit-Previous HitslicesNext Hit fixed to specific geologic ages.

Figure 4. Key CATT Element 3: Previous HitTimeNext Hit-slice paleogeographic base maps. Example: Paleogene. 

Figure 5. Key CATT Element 4: Global carbonate fields database: Summary composite map. Geologic age of carbonate fields.

Figure 6. Key CATT Element 5: Previous HitTimeNext Hit-slide field distribution maps. Examples: Late Devonian Previous HittimeNext Hit slice and Mid Cretaceous Previous HittimeNext Hit slice. 

Figure 7. Key CATT Element 6: Phanerozoic carbonate trends chart (compiled by Joel Collins, 1996-1998).


CATT Applications (Figures 8-13)

Figure 8. CATT Application 1: Previous HitTimeNext Hit-slice theme/age sensitive pattern. Example:Cambro-Ordovician (Sauk III): Expectations of typical reservoir characteristics. Ambient states of carbonate and earth processes + Global paleogeography. 

Figure 9. CATT Application 2: Comparative analysis within a Previous HittimeNext Hit slice. Example: Late Jurassic-- Empiically interpreted tests, interpreted water temperature, and interpreted winds and storms. 

Figure 10. CATT Application 3: Appropriate reservoir analog selection. Example: Tengiz field—Is best analog Miocene?, represented by paleogeographic map and chart, or Pennsylvanian?, represented by paleogeographic map and chart. 

Figure 11. CATT Application 3: Appropriate reservoir analog selection: Chart of analog characteristics of Tengiz compared to other selected fields.   

Figure 12. CATT Application 4: Predictive concepts: Stratal architecture style from global climate. High-frequency sea level fluctuations. 

Figure 13. CATT Application 4: Predictive concepts: Stratal architecture style from global climate. Icehouse platforms: reef vs. non-reef. Greenhouse platforms: reef vs. non-reef. 


1.      Developing an “age-sensitive pattern” is when the paleogeographic map-view configuration and spatial relationships of carbonate systems are convolved with the ambient states of the carbonate and earth processes for that Previous HittimeNext Hit period. The Ellenberger formation and reservoirs of west Texas are representative carbonate systems/reservoirs basis for the Cambro-Ordovician Previous HittimeNext Hit-based theme (Figure 8). Expectations for typical Cambro-Ordovician carbonate reservoirs are 1) meter-scale peritidal mud-dominated cycles, 2) thin bedded, heterogeneous layering, 3) thrombolitic/ microbial buildups only, 4) moderate reservoir quality from dolomitization, 5) karst porosity beneath the top-Sauk unconformity, and 6) locally fracturing.  

2.      Sometimes there are significant differences between carbonate systems and reservoirs within a geologic Previous HittimeNext Hit period or age. The CATT Hypothesis and Atlas provide an approach and tools for comparative analysis between coeval systems that gives insight for causes of differences. An example is contrasting Late Jurassic systems/reservoirs of the Arabian Basin (Arab Formation fields) with those of the northern Gulf of Mexico (Smackover Formation Fields) (Figure 9).  

3.      The utility of these tools for analog selection is illustrated by explaining the heritage-Mobil example of farming-into Tengiz field in the mid-1990's. Buying equity in a field under development requires knowledge of field value (working-interest EUR) and measure of investment return. Typically, these numbers are derived by simulation. Mobil engineers asked for the best field/reservoir analog on which to base a Tengiz simulation (Figures 10 and 11). Would Arun field (Miocene) in Indonesia be okay? We answered absolutely not! Based on our CATT approach, the best analogs would be Devonian/Carboniferous fields in the Volga-Ural trend or North America.  

4.      The CATT Hypothesis coupled with basic concepts of carbonate geology, sedimentology, and stratigraphy can be used to construct many different types of predictive concepts (Figures 12 and 13). These can range from very simple to quite complex. A simple CATT-based predictive concept is Late Permian ramps will lack major frame-built boundstones, be peloid/ooid-dominated, and be mostly dolomitized with associated evaporites. A more complex predictive concept is for platforms formed during icehouse times (Late Carboniferous to Early Permian; Late Tertiary), 4rd-order high-amplitude, high-frequency sea level changes result in vertically discontinuous sequences with internal lateral facies heterogeneities; marginal boundstones will be vertically separated.


Conclusions (Figure 14)

Figure 14. Conclusions: Two key products from CATT Project--Phanerozoic carbonate trends chart and global atlas of carbonate fields.


Two key products

            Phanerozoic carbonate trends chart

            Global atlas of carbonate fields

Provide Previous HittimeNext Hit-based, spatial, global framework for:





of data and interpretations of carbonate systems derived from personal experience or literature. Example: Late Permian Previous HittimeTop slice.


8-year, internal Mobil rsearch program (1991-1999)

Participation of Mobil Global Themes Project (1992) and MEPTEC Research Teams

Many professional and technician contributors to final products

Put forward the CATT hypothesis for research/testing and development


Geologic           +          Carbonate        +          Earth                =          Earth-Sensitive

    Age                           Processes                  Processes                       Patterns and

Predictive Concepts


Alternative approach for systematic analysis of Phanerozoic carbonate systems and for developing insightful understanding of carbonate systems and reservoir analog selection. 

Challenge: Go forth and test this idea; use it and see if it breaks!!!



Sarg, J.F., Markello, J.R., and Weber, L.J., 1999, The second-order cycle, carbonate platform growth, and reservoir, source, and trap prediction, in Advances in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Applications to Reservoirs, Outcrops, and Models, SEPM Spec. Pub. no. 63, p. 11-34.