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SedDB and PaleoStrat: Crossing the Water Line

Walter S. Snyder1 and Kerstin Lehnert2
1 Boise State University, Boise, ID
2 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY

SedDB (www.seddb.org) and PaleoStrat (www.paleostrat.org) are joining forces to provide a master database for marine and terrestrial sedimentary geologic Previous HitdataNext Hit. Working with CHRONOS, GEON, Janus, and others, our initial focus is on sedimentary geochemistry. SedDB, a newly funded NSF project, will provide a global Previous HitdataNext Hit set for marine sediment geochemistry. Desktop access maximizes the use of these Previous HitdataNext Hit for a wide range of research topics and facilitates integration of geochemical with other Previous HitdataNext Hit types, promoting cross-disciplinary research. PaleoStrat, an emerging NSF-sponsored Previous HitdataNext Hit system, facilitates integrative research by capturing the complete sedimentary geologic context of research projects in a suite of sedimentary, Previous HitpaleontologicNext Hit, stratigraphic, geochemical, geochronologic, and related Previous HitdataNext Hit modules. Both systems are loading legacy Previous HitdataNext Hit, but also are working with the community to provide the type and level of support necessary for user Previous HitdataNext Hit input.

This partnership underscores the fact that without Previous HitdataNext Hit, geoinformatics cannot exist. We certainly need better approaches to Previous HitdataNext Hit mining, easier and more extensive analytical tools, etc., but without Previous HitdataNext Hit there is nothing to mine. Although much attention is being paid to the upcoming deluge of Previous HitdataNext Hit from sensors and sensor arrays, one of the less emphasized challenges is capturing Previous HitdataNext Hit that reflects the backbone of the Earth sciences - the fundamental geological Previous HitdataNext Hit of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary geology, paleontology/paleobiology, geochemistry and geochronology. No one effort can provide for this breadth of Previous HitdataTop needs, but SedDB and PaleoStrat, along with our partners, are addressing part of this issue.