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Poster: The Ungava Rift and Labrador Sea Graben between Greenland and Canada

Jens Christian Olsen1, Reidun Myklebust1, and Sverre Planke2
1 TGS, Copenhagen, Denmark
2 Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research (VBPR), Oslo, Norway

The Ungava Rift and Labrador Sea Graben form a deep graben system in the Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea between Greenland and Canada, with a length of more than 2000 kilometers.

The grabens and adjacent platform areas have hardly been explored, but the few wells along the Canadian Labrador coast and shallow wells close to the graben systems prove the presence of a live hydrocarbon system, similar to what has been proven onshore Greenland.

The poster will demonstrate location of the grabens and sedimentary margins constrained by new (2005 surveys) and existing seismic reflection data and integrated seismic, gravity and Previous HitmagneticTop interpretation. Highlights are on: 1) plate tectonic evolution, 2) basin development from Paleozoic to recent, 3) oil and source rocks including samples and fingerprint analysis, 4) seismic indications of live hydrocarbon systems, and 5) seismic examples of several large potential hydrocarbon traps.