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Implementing a Framework to Make a Step Change in Data and Information Management

Stuart Byford1, Christopher A. Cade1, Glenn Mansfield2, and Previous HitDavidTop Camden2
1 BP, Sunbury on Thames, England
2 Flare Solutions

The E&P business, like many others, is under constant pressure to change its business practises as technology and the business landscape evolves. Reserves recovery and replacement, and the industry regulatory environment, are becoming more and more challenging. New oilfield technology is leading to increases in both pace and volume of subsurface data and information assets, and the need for information exchange and integration is increasing.

BP's experience in the Azerbaijan Strategic Performance Unit suggests that a strong data and information management vision, delivered to the user community through a well-structured framework creates a step change in the quality of data and information management and the ability to make better and faster decisions.

BP's Azerbaijan business is in a period of rapid growth. Its scale and complexity are increasing as production ramps up towards 1 million bopd by 2008. In 2004, foreseeing this complexity, BP, in consultation with Flare Solutions Limited undertook a major data and information management project; DMAC (Data Management Assurance and Connectivity). The resultant DMAC framework comprises four main elements:

  1. Quality assured data
  2. Domain specific procedures and standards
  3. Clear definition of data ownership
  4. Practical mechanism for making corporate-assured data accessible.

This paper examines the purpose of the framework; it's intent, how it was implemented, how it is being sustained, what lessons were learned along the way, and its power as a lever to deliver improved business efficiency and performance.