--> Core-and-Log Signature of High-Resolution Sequence-and-Cycle Stratigraphy of Permian Khuff Reservoir: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Development, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia, by Raed K. Al Dukhayyil, Ghazi A. Al Eid, and Aus A. Al Tawil; #
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Core-and-Log Signature of High-Resolution Sequence-and-Cycle Stratigraphy of Permian Khuff Previous HitReservoirNext Hit: Implications for Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Previous HitCharacterizationNext Hit and Development, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia

Raed K. Al Dukhayyil, Ghazi A. Al Eid, and Aus A. Al Tawil
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

The Permo-Triassic Khuff Previous HitcarbonatesTop were deposited during a major marine transgression on the Arabian Plate at the terminal Paleozoic to form a huge, east-facing, arid ramp. The Khuff is made up of four subsurface members, stratigraphically D and C of Permian age, and B and A of Triassic age. Three high-frequency sequences make up the Permian 270 foot Khuff C carbonate interval. The lower sequence, Khuff C1 (KC1), consists of up to seven mappable upward shallowing cycles, where the flood of each cycle is made up of storm influenced fore-shoal and shoal facies commonly shallowing up into restricted carbonate mudstone and capped by lower-intertidal facies.

Khuff C Sequence 2 (KC2) is marked by a flooding surface at the top of KC1 with storm influenced fore-shoal grainstone/packstone facies capped by dolo-mudstone restricted facies. The middle cycle of KC2 is a thicker (38 foot) symmetric cycle with intensely burrowed shallow sub-tidal pellet packstone deepening to dominantly open marine lime-mudstone shallowing up to sand-flat low angle cross-bedded to burrowed peloid packstone. The upper cycle of KC2 is made up of shallow sub-tidal embayment lime-mudstone shallowing up to a breccciated Paleosol easily recognized in cores and on wireline logs.

Khuff C Sequence 3 (KC3) is made up of two transgressive peri-tidal cycles of lagoonal dolomudstone capped by crinkly laminated to mud-cracked dolomudstone tidal flat facies. This is overlain by a back-stepping cycle-set of grainstone with their distal bryzoan lime-mudstone equivalent. The High Stand Systems Tract (HST) of KC3 is marked by shallow sub-tidal sand flat facies prograding over distal open marine lime-mudstone. KC3 is marked at the top by a Ghawar-wide paleosol.