--> ABSTRACTS, AAPG Southwest Section, May 22-24, Midland, Texas, #90054 (2006).
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AAPG Southwest Section
May 22-24, Midland, Texas

Search and Discovery Article #90054 (2006)
Posted July 25, 2006

*Special appreciation is expressed to Mike Party, Wagner & Brown Ltd ([email protected]), for providing the abstracts for posting on Search and Discovery.

Select letter corresponding to first letter of last name of author(s).



U.S. Energy Minerals: Unconventional Resources for the Future

by William A. Ambrose


CO2 EOR Plays and Geologic Controls on CO2 Sequestration in the Gulf Coast and Permian Basin

by William A. Ambrose, Mark H. Holtz, and Vanessa Núñez López


Log Analysis of an Oil – Bearing Water Productive Vuggy Dolostone: Permian Glorieta Dolostone SE New Mexico

by G.B. Asquith, Department of Geosciences Texas Tech University


Exploiting the Devonian Reservoir in Oates SW Area, Western Delaware Basin, Texas

by Lee T. Billingsley


Geonavigation of Horizontal Wells in the Barnett Shale: How to be Successful

by Ken Bowdon


New Wireline Sonic Technology Drives Completion Design

by Tom Bratton


Underdeveloped Oil Fields in Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Carbonate Reservoirs of Southeastern New Mexico: Initial Development Missed Major Reserves

by Ronald F. Broadhead


Vitrinite reflectance: introduction and sources of error

by Brian J. Cardott


Exploration and Production in an Urban Area

by Donald D. Clarke


Subsurface Stress Recognition from Wireline Logs

by Bob Cornell


Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Abo Formation in the Kingdom Field Area, Terry and Hockley Counties, West Texas

by Anthony E. D’Agostino and J. Michael Party


Case Study of Selected Technologies to Remediate Soil and Groundwater at Natural Gas Compression Facilities, West Panhandle Field, Texas

by Michael A. Jacobs, J. Previous HitDavidNext Hit Mohrbacher, Brent Miller , and Kyle Hughes


Resource Play Exploration and Exploitation:  Geochemical techniques for identifying gas and oil resource plays and prospects

by Daniel M. Jarvie


History of Methane Seepage in the Delaware Basin and its Relationship to Bacterial Diagenesis

by Brian E. Lock


Depositional Setting, Lithofacies, and Pore Networks of the Mississippian Deepwater Barnett Shale Facies in the Fort Worth Basin

by Robert G Loucks and Stephen C. Ruppel


Why Do You Think Wireline Logs Will Recognize Your Carbonate Facies; Here Is How It Works

by F. Jerry Lucia


Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation of a Western Delaware Basin 3D VSP

by Jay S. May, Brian Fuller, and James Caputo


Paleocollapse megastructures (suprastratal deformation) related to Lower Ordovician Ellenburger coalesced, collapsed-paleocave systems in the northern Fort Worth Basin, Texas.

by Angela McDonnell, Bob Loucks, and Tim Dooley


Case Study for Implementation of a Dual Phase Extraction System to Remediate Soil, LNAPL, and Groundwater Impacted with Gas Pipeline Condensate, West Panhandle Field, Texas

by Brent Miller, Jennifer Barrett, ERM and Mike Jacobs


Middle to Upper Cambrian Rocks of the Llano Region, Texas

by Emilio Mutis-Duplat


Precambrian Rocks of the Llano Region, Texas

by Emilio Mutis-Duplat


Cross-well Imaging in the SACROC Unit

by Michael A. Raines and Brad Bryans


Preliminary Assessment of Potential Water Supply Sources for the Proposed West Texas FutureGen Site, Ector and Midland Counties, Texas

by A. Joseph Reed, Hugh B. Robotham, and Steven P. Tischer


Hardware and Software Issues for the Consultant

by Deborah K. Sacrey


Hydrogeology and Stratigraphy of Michigan Flat, Culberson County, Texas

by Previous HitDavidTop T. Sites, III


Identifying, Quantifying and Completing Shale Gas Plays:Data Integration for Reservoir Optimization

by George Waters


Advances in Logging While Drilling (LWD) Technology

by Samir Zarrad