--> Latest Wolfcampian Tectonism as a Control on Early Leonardian Carbonate Slope Channel Complexes, by Ted E. Playton and Charles Kerans, #50032 (2006).
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Latest Wolfcampian Tectonism as a Control on Early Leonardian Carbonate Slope Channel Complexes *


Ted E. Playton1 and Previous HitCharlesNext Hit Kerans2


Search and Discovery Article #50032 (2006)

Posted July 15, 2006


*Oral presentation at AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, April 9-12, 2006


Click to view presentation in PDF format (8.4 mb).


1The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX ([email protected])

2Department of Geological Sciences and Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX ([email protected] )



Outcrops in the Victorio Flexure area of the Sierra Diablo Mountains, West Texas, provide evidence that suggest 1.) Ouachita-related tectonism remained active throughout early Permian time in the Delaware Basin, and 2.) margin-to-slope topography generated from these tectonic events can focus sediment downslope resulting in channelized carbonate debris accumulations. In the Late Wolfcampian, a distally-steepened carbonate ramp (Hueco ‘C' Formation) developed in proximity to the Victorio Flexure monocline along the western margin of the Delaware Basin. In latest Wolfcampian time, significant rotation of the Victorio Flexure monocline increased slope height by over 170 m and slope gradient by more than 60. Pre-existing ramp sediments were slump deformed, and significant reentrant topography formed along the upthrown hinge of the monocline. These reentrants and slump topography acted as downslope funneling mechanisms for early Leonardian (lower Abo Formation) carbonate debris. This debris bypassed the upper slope and deposited at the lower slope and basin positions in the form of amalgamated channel complexes that display proximal-to-distal and axial-to-flank relationships.  

Knowledge of Late Wolfcampian tectonic activity provides additional information to constrain the waning of Ouachita-related tectonism in the Delaware Basin, and perhaps throughout the Permian Basin system. Shelf margin and upper slope topography as sediment focusing controls are critical components for carbonate slope channelization, and enhance the efficiency of sediment delivery into the basin. Basinal, grainy carbonate accumulations can survive diagenetic deterioration of reservoir quality, and channelization linked to previous topography may help to explain their distribution.


Selected Figures 

Location map of Sierra Diablo, with Lower Permian carbonate slope channel complexes, and locations of comparable reservoirs in the subsurface.

Second-order stratigraphic context during late Wolfcampian to mid Leonardian, Victorio Canyon profile.

Latest Wolfcampian deformation model.

Toe-of-slope channel complex, as part of channel complex proximal-to-distal trends.

Subsurface expression of slope channel complexes (locations on location map).

Take home message.


Selected References 

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Kenter, J.A.M., 1990, Carbonate platform flanks: slope angle and sediment fabric: Sedimentology, v. 72, p. 777-794.

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Leary, D.A., and Feeley, M.H., 1991, Seismic expression and sedimentologic characteristics of a Wofcampian (Permian) carbonate lowstand fan, eastern Midland basin, in Weimer, P., and Link, M.A., (eds.), Seismic facies and sedimentary processes of submarine fans and turbidite systems: Springer-Verlag, New York

Montgomery, Scott L. 1996, Permian "Wolfcamp" Limestone Reservoirs: Powell Ranch Field, Eastern Midland Basin: AAPG Bulletin, v. 80, p. 1349-365.

Playton, Ted E., and Kearns, Previous HitCharlesTop, 2002, Slope and toe-of-slope deposits shed from a late Wolfcampian tectonically active carbonate ramp margin: GCAGS Transactions, p. 811-820.

Yang, K., and Dorobek, S.L., 1995, The Permian Basin of west Texas and New Mexico: tectonic history of a "composite" foreland basin and its effects on stratigraphic development, in Dorobek, S.L., and G.M. Ross, eds., Stratigraphic evolution of fore-land basins: Society for Sedimentary Geology Special Publication 52, p. 149-174