Figures 1-1 – 1-5
Soft sediment structures
Figures 2-1 – 2-3
Structural trends
Figures 2-4 - 2-5
Evolution of MT C
Figures 3-1 – 3-3
Future research
Figures 1-1 - 1-5
Figure 1-1. Western escarpment of the
Guadalupe Mountains showing gap between Cutoff mass transport
complex (MTC) and undeformed Cutoff turbidites (after Slope and
Basin Consortium (2004). |
Figure 1-2. Regional stratigraphic
cross section of Cutoff and Brushy Canyon formations oblique to
depositional dip (after Gardner, 2002). |
Figure 1-3. Paleogeographic map of
the Permian Basin (modified from Harris, et al. (2000). |
Figure 1-4. Geologic map of Cutoff
and Lower Brushy Canyon formations. Red line: Location of
study area cross section. Orange box: Guadalupe Mountains study
area. Fault locations from Kullman
(1999). Lithologic contacts from Slope and Basin Consortium
(2003). |
Figure 1-5. Cutoff Formation
nomenclature and 2nd–4th order cyclicity. Units 6–10:
Focus of study in the Delaware Mountains |
Soft-Sediment Structures
Figures 2-1 –
Figure 2-1. Contractional overprint of
extensional microstructures.
Figure 2-2. Two
views of a complex deformation zone (CDZ) that contains a ZAM block,
looking north (left) and south (right) from canyon cut: Location:
Rolling Rock Canyon.
Figure 2-3. CDZs
and other structural features within MTE bodies: Location: Side canyon
on south side of Rock Art Canyon, facing west.
Microscale (mms-cms)
Zones of Abundant
Microstructures (ZAMs) (Figure 2-1)
A zone of abundant microstructures (ZAM) is
a body of rock that contains up to four types of soft-sediment
deformation features: 1) normal microfaults (NMF), 2) microboudins (MB),
3) reverse microfaults (RMF), and 4) microfolds (MF). Faults die out
vertically within beds or sole into a hemipelagic layer. NMFs are
generally listric. Fault length is limited by bed thickness (generally <
10 cm). Fold amplitudes are generally less than 1 cm.
NMF and MB are usually overprinted by MF
and/or RMF. This suggests that the slump was overprinted by
contractional features when the downslope end of the body came to rest
before the upslope end (Farrell, 1984).
ZAMs are bounded on the top and bottom by
truncation surfaces (TS) and may contain internal truncation surfaces as
well. The vertical distance between bounding TS is no more than a few
meters (the thickest ZAM observed is 6.5 m in height).
ZAMs appear locally within Unit 7 and
comprise most of the observed portion of Unit 9 in the Delaware
Mountains. Bounding TS in Unit 9 are generally planar and have a shallow
dip or are horizontal. Bounding TS within Unit 7 are often deformed
themselves and may be part of larger mesoscopic folds or complex
deformation zones (CDZ) that contain rocks without ZAMs. These
relationships, and the relative thinness of Unit 9 and other ZAMs,
suggest that: 1) ZAMs in Unit 7 were later transported piggyback style
within larger slump bodies, and 2) Unit 9 represents a slump (or package
of slumps) that was not later transported.
Return to top.
Mesoscale (ms)
Complex Deformation Zones (CDZs) (Figures 2-2 and 2-3)
deformation zones are local 3D regions within a slump body that are 1)
characterized by a set of fold segments that have axial surfaces with
similar strikes and differing dips, and 2) roughly cylindrical in shape
with the long axis generally horizontal. They occur within Units 7 and
Field evidence
suggests that CDZs are concentrated within locally thicker zones within
an MTE body and may indicate a soft-sediment "pile-up."
Structural Trends
(Figures 2-4 and 2-5)
Figures 2-4 and 2-5
2-4. Paleo-transport directions (PTD), Williams Ranch Member (excluding
Correlation Unit 6) as suggested by fold axis and lineation trends. Dark
blue arrows: Average PTD based on fold axes; Violet arrows: Average PTD
based on contractional lineations; Light blue arrows: Average PTD based
on extensional lineations.
Figure 2-5. Correlation units, Williams
Ranch Member, Delaware Mountains study area. Left. Generalized
stratigraphic column based on thicknesses at head of Rock Art Canyon.
Yellow lines represent drapes (undeformed turbidites). Center.
Lithologic and structural comparison of units. Right: Representative
photographs of units.
The orientation of fold axes in an MTE body
may be an indicator of transport direction (roughly perpendicular to the
fold axis), although there may be local variation within the body, and
fold axes may rotate from the transport direction at body margins
(Hansen, 1971). Lineations resulting from the intersection of normal
microfaults and microfolds with bedding planes may also indicate
transport direction at the times that extension and contraction were
taking place, respectively.
Fold axis orientations in the Cutoff
Formation show variation by location and by correlation unit.
The primary trend is N-S with a secondary
trend of ENE-WSW. These two trends may represent: 1) differences in
transport vectors among separate MTE bodies, or 2) deflection by
underlying topography.
Fold asymmetry may indicate the transport
direction; however, relatively few measurable asymmetric folds were
observed. The primary inferred direction from these folds is north to
south, although some folds indicate the reverse.
Unit 6 is excluded from this analysis as
its nature in the Delaware Mountains is unclear.
Vertical Evolution
of MTC
The vertical
succession of MTE bodies in the Williams Ranch Member underwent an
evolution over time. This evolution, from oldest to youngest, is as
Large, semi-rigid slump
bodies with a high degree of internal mesoscopic deformation (Units
7 and 8).
Small, semi-rigid slump
bodies with a higher degree of mesoscopic deformation (top of Unit
8, Unit 9).
A return to sediment
gravity flows as the primary form of deposition with localized
slumping on local topography (Unit 10).
This pattern of
waning size and/or deformation of MTE bodies occurs as the basin lowers
its gradient through time (unit 6 is not considered as its nature in the
Delaware Mountains is unclear).
Figures 3-1 –
Figure 3-1.
Isopach maps of correlation units, Williams Ranch Member, Delaware
Mountains study area. Note: Units 7 and 8 have been mapped as a combined
unit due to uncertain unit boundaries in Rock Art and Vertigo Canyons
Figure 3-2. Geologic map, Delaware
Mountains study area. Blue line: Location of study area cross section.
Red line: Location of cross section projection
Figure 3-3. Cross section X-X' from
Panorama North Canyon to Colleen Canyon.
Brushy Canyon Formation section after Slope
and Basin Consortium (2004). Cross section assumptions:
change is constant within all correlation units between measured
structure is a control on MTE body geometries with possible basement
at the surface of the Cutoff Formation is a control on Brushy Canyon
Formation deposition.
changes within the five correlation units may be a result of folding
or of thrust sheet stacking within those units.
Isopach maps of
the five correlation units suggest that:
Unit 6 may be a drape
or a rigid slide body.
Units 7 and 8 had the
largest amount of mesoscale deformation and had the greatest effect
on overall thickness.
Unit 9 is a local
(less far-traveled) MTE body that may have slumped from a locally
steep gradient immediately to the north.
Unit 10 is a drape
(with local slumping at its top).
CDZs are concentrated
in thicks.
Cutoff topography
affects Brushy Canyon geometry, but units underlying the Williams
Ranch Member must also be a control. Basement control remains a
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1) Deformed basinward Cutoff units were
correlated with previously published undeformed shelfward units. Five
basinward-stepping units were identified atop correlation unit 5 as part
of the Williams Ranch Member (WRM).
2) A tentative second- and third-order
sequence stratigraphic framework was established for the Cutoff that
correlates to previous work on shelfal equivalents.
3) In the Delaware Mountains, at least 8
MTEs are represented in the WRM, not including earlier phases of
multi-phase events. In the Guadalupe Mountains, MTEs were likely
numerous, but their number is less well constrained.
4) Transport direction was primarily NNW to
SSE with a secondary NE to SW component.
5) The three uppermost MTE bodies appear to
be locally derived; the remainder may have been margin- or-
slope-sourced, based on calculations using a power law relating runout
and volume developed by Legros (2002).
6) MTE bodies within the WRM exhibit a
pattern of waning volume and degree of deformation through time.
7) The dominant structural style is
contractional, except north of Italy Canyon in the Guadalupe Mountains,
where extensional evacuation scars coexist with scattered contractional
features north of Italy Canyon.
8) CDZs and drape intervals are
concentrated in areas of increased MTC thickness. ZAMs appear to result
from local extension with later contractional overprinting. Some ZAMs
appear to have been subjected to more than one phase of transport.
9) The WRM generally thickens basinward
across the study areas through progradation and mass transport, with
local variance resulting from preexisting topography and contractional
10) The WRM influenced development of paleo-bathymetry
below the Brushy Canyon Formation (BCF) by filling preexisting
larger-scale lows and creating smaller highs above them. Progradation
and small-scale mass transport of the Cutoff shifted the toe of slope
basinward from the inherited Victorio Peak toe of slope. The pinchout of
the lower BCF coincides with the basinward limit of significant WRM mass
transport deposits.
11) Internal Cutoff structure could
potentially be used to predict paleo-bathymetry below the BCF. The
highest percentage of CDZs and drape intervals is found within WRM
thicks, filling preexisting lows and creating smaller local highs. The
lowest percentage
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in D.W. Love, J.W. Hawley, B.S. Kues, J.W. Adams, G.S. Austin, and
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Ongoing Research
Immediate research goals include:
Completion of mapping and
measured sections in southernmost Guadalupe Mountains.
Correlation with six
fourth-order stratigraphic cycles of Kerans and Fitchen (1995).
Creation of synthetic
dipmeter log from data collected along five measured sections in the
Delaware Mountains study area to determine if the identified outcrop
relationships can be predicted from subsurface data.
Field research of mass
transport deposits (Eocene Hecho Group, Spain; Cretaceous Gosau
Group, Austria) in other contractional basins with comparison to
Cutoff Formation.
access issues have prevented continuing work in the Delaware Mountains,
but planned future research there includes completion of mapping and
collection of additional structural and thickness data, as well as
extension of the study to include outcrops to the north and south and
the Cutoff units below the Williams Ranch.
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