--> Depth Registration of P-Wave and S-Wave Images, by Bob A. Hardage and I.J. Aluka, #40186 (2006).
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GCDepth Registration of P-Wave and S-Wave Images*
Bob A. Hardage and I.J. Aluka
Search and Discovery Article #40186
Posted February 7, 2006

*Adapted from the Geophysical Corner column, prepared by the authors and entitled, “Depth Registration Has Pitfalls,” in AAPG Explorer, February, 2006. Editor of Geophysical Corner is Bob A. Hardage. Managing Editor of AAPG Explorer is Vern Stefanic; Larry Nation is Communications Director.


1Senior research scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas ([email protected] )

2Professor of physical science, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas



Hardage and Aluka (2006) introduced the concept of elastic wavefield Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphy, a Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit technology that expands traditional P-wave Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphy into the emerging world of multicomponent Previous HitseismicNext Hit technology.


Two assumptions are involved in elastic wavefield Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphy:

  • Across some stratigraphic intervals, one mode of an elastic wavefield will exhibit different Previous HitseismicNext Hit sequences and/or Previous HitseismicNext Hit facies than will its companion wave modes.

  • S-wave Previous HitseismicNext Hit sequences and facies are just as important in geologic Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit as are traditional P-wave Previous HitseismicNext Hit sequences and facies.


Once these two assumptions are accepted, a serious interpretational challenge is immediately encountered: Depth registration of P and S images. An interpreter must be confident a targeted Previous HitdataNext Hit window in P-wave image space is depth equivalent to a Previous HitdataNext Hit window selected from S-wave image space before the Previous HitseismicNext Hit sequences and facies in these respective windows can be used in an elastic wavefield Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphy analysis. Until depth-equivalent P and S Previous HitdataNext Hit windows are defined, no meaningful geological Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit of P and S Previous HitseismicNext Hit sequences or facies can be done.


Techniques Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphers use to define depth-equivalent coordinates in P-wave and S-wave image spaces include:

  • P-wave and S-wave synthetic seismograms.

  • Multicomponent VSP Previous HitdataNext Hit.

  • Map and section views of P and S images of structure and stratigraphy.


Only the latter two options are discussed here.


uFigure captions
uMulticomponent VSP Previous HitdataNext Hit
uMap & section views






















uFigure captions
uMulticomponent VSP Previous HitdataNext Hit
uMap & section views























uFigure captions
uMulticomponent VSP Previous HitdataNext Hit
uMap & section views






Figure Captions

Figure 1. Depth-based P, SV, and SH images constructed from nine-component VSP Previous HitdataNext Hit acquired in three wells penetrating Morrow-channel environments. One wave mode often reveals a key stratal surface within a target interval that its companion wave modes do not. Examples of such surfaces are labeled A, B, and C.

Figure 2. Map views of thin stratigraphy (a) and (b), used to depth register P-P and P-SV images. In map view, equivalence of thin P-P and P-SV channel features results in P-SV time 1,964 ms (b) being defined to be depth equivalent to P-P time 796 ms (a). It is more difficult to determine depth-equivalent image coordinates using 2-D section views (c) and (d) of this same stratigraphy. Horizontal yellow lines across the section views define the positions of the time slices. The vertical sections are positioned along inline coordinate 2100. Channel features A through F on the map views are the same features labeled A through F on the vertical sections.

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Multicomponent VSP Previous HitDataNext Hit 

Multicomponent vertical Previous HitseismicNext Hit profile (VSP) Previous HitdataNext Hit allow rigorous and accurate depth registration of P and S images -- if the VSP Previous HitdataNext Hit are acquired with receiver stations distributed over a large vertical interval. 

The depth origin of a Previous HitseismicNext Hit reflection can be determined precisely only if closely spaced receivers span the interface that produces that reflection. The longer the vertical array of receiver stations used in VSP Previous HitdataNext Hit acquisition, the larger the number of reflecting interfaces spanned and the more depth-equivalent P and S reflections identified. 

Examples of nine-component (9-C) VSP Previous HitdataNext Hit used to define depth origins of P, SH, and SV reflections across an interval of Morrow channel deposition are shown in Figure 1. These Previous HitdataNext Hit are examples of depth-based VSP imaging. 

The three VSP wells shown in Figure 1 are in three different states: Texas, Kansas, and Colorado. The images show that at each well, each elastic wave mode produces a reflection sequence and a Previous HitseismicNext Hit facies character across the targeted Morrow interval that are different than what its companion wave modes produce. The different stratal surfaces imaged by each wave mode form the basic architectural elements of elastic wavefield Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphy.


Map Views and Section Views of P and S Stratigraphy 

An example of horizontal time slices through P and S coherency volumes used to define depth-equivalent stratigraphy is illustrated as panels (a) and (b) of Figure 2. The P-P image shows a system of several intertwined channels. The P-SV image shows only one channel, but that channel tracks one of the P-P channels, leading to the conclusion that the P-P and P-SV Previous HitdataNext Hit are imaging the same stratigraphy. The channel architecture shown on these two images persists for a narrow vertical range of only two to three time samples in each image space.


Two important conclusions can be made:

  • P-P image time 796 ms (a) is depth equivalent to P-SV image time 1,964 ms (b).

  • P-P and P-SV modes often show significantly different sequence and facies pictures of the same stratigraphic interval.


This latter conclusion is a fundamental premise of elastic wavefield Previous HitseismicNext Hit stratigraphy. There is much yet to understand about rock and pore-fluid properties that cause P-P and P-SV images to differ as much as these examples.  

Shown in panels (c) and (d) of Figure 2 are vertical slices through these P and S Previous HitdataNext Hit volumes along highlighted profile 2100. The horizontal yellow line across each vertical slice shows where the horizontal slice from the corresponding Previous HitdataNext Hit volume was taken. 

Using only vertical displays of P-P and P-SV Previous HitdataNext Hit, an interpreter would have to have great courage to claim the two yellow lines are depth equivalent. In contrast, few interpreters seem to object to the statement that the two map views in panels (a) and (b) are depth equivalent.



These examples lead us to the conclusion that map views of thin stratigraphy can be a rather precise option for depth registering two elastic mode images, whereas depth registration is usually more difficult using vertical section views.



Hardage, Bob A., and I.J. Aluka, 2006, Elastic wavefield Previous HitseismicTop stratigraphy: Search and Discovery Article #40184 (2006).

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